Wangari Maathai and Norman Ernest Borlaug: Works Analysis

Thesis Statement: The works of Wangari Maathai and Norman Ernest Borlaug deal with distinctive topics, but they are united by the idea of improving life in view of the modern difficulties associated with interacting with the environment.


The issues of the environment and the interaction of humans with nature are the topics of different humanitarians’ works. The assessment of natural resources available to humans takes place in conditions complicated by high anthropogenic activities. The works of Wangari Maathai and Norman Ernest Borlaug are considered, in particular, their speeches at large-scale global meetings. Wangari Maathai draws attention to environmental problems in Africa and mainly focuses on the challenges caused by high anthropogenic activities. Norman Ernest Borlaug studies the characteristics of modern agriculture and selection as industries that can potentially help people overcome the issue of hunger and establish sustainable agriculture. The works of Wangari Maathai and Norman Ernest Borlaug deal with distinctive topics, but they are united by the idea of improving life in view of the modern difficulties associated with interacting with the environment.


Maathai’s work is a speech to the members of the United Nations and includes a discourse on the African environment and the difficulties that people in certain regions face (Maathai, 2011). Wars over natural resources are a frequent phenomenon on the continent. Individual ecosystems are destroyed due to deforestation and poor vegetation. Ruling elites dispose of natural resources at their own discretion, which creates scarcity for ordinary citizens.

Borlaug’s work is less critical and more focused on innovation rather than calling attention to pressing issues (Borlaug, 2002). Borlaug addresses his speech to the members of the Nobel Committee and provides an overview of the agricultural complex from a global perspective. The history of the formation of agriculture is described, and the main difficulties and achievements in this area are listed. The consumption of natural resources is analyzed in the context of the impact on the productivity of land and human well-being.

The similarity of the two works under consideration lies in the involvement of the topic of natural resources and their role in people’s lives. People’s poverty is the result of poor environmental control and the misallocation of available resources (Maathai, 2011). Governments’ efforts to help provide all those in need with the necessary food resources are complicated by poor selection and crop management practices (Borlaug, 2002). Both humanitarians emphasize the importance of effective resource management and the implementation of appropriate control practices.

The main differences lie in the discussion of the prospects and the subsequent development of the situation regarding natural resources. Maathai (2011) expresses concern about the fate of Africa and notes the negative aspects of human development due to ineffective leadership. Borlaug (2002) draws attention to positive developments in resource control and mentions innovations in the agricultural sector. The humanitarians’ approaches differ in the degree of optimism about the future.


The works of the humanitarians discussed differ in the direction of their research and the degree of optimism, but they both focus on the problems of natural resource scarcity. Maathai’s (2011) work proposes to assess the current challenges in Africa and draws attention to the issue of the inequitable distribution of natural resources. Borlaug (2002) reviews advances in the agricultural industry and offers unique methods to increase yields and optimize selection practices.


Borlaug, N. E. (2002). The green revolution revisited and the road ahead. Web.

Maathai, W. (2011). Challenge for Africa. Sustainability Science, 6(1), 1-2. 

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