Benefits and Implementation of Wellness Programs for Elderly Well-Being


Older adults constitute a part of the American population that is rapidly growing. The provision of well-being for older adults is a challenge for nurses due to may chronic and age-related diseases accompanied with other co-morbid conditions. Thus, there is a need for a wellness model that will focus not on the diseases of older adult patients, but their future well-being. To resolve this issue, a holistic approach can become basic for a wellness program. It is grounded on the philosophy of holistic medicine that “considers the whole person – body, mind, spirit, and emotions – in the quest for optimal health and wellness” (“What is holistic medicine?”, n.d., para. 1). This philosophy is focused on achieving the proper balance in life and is likely to be efficient with older adults since it comprises different aspects of wellness.

Wellness Program with a Holistic Approach

The patient who needs a wellness program is a 76-year-old man. He is a widower and his children live abroad. After he retired four years ago, his health condition worsened. He has type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and is overweight. He does not drink alcohol but smokes a minimum of five cigarettes a day. He often feels lonely because his relatives live far away and this fact makes him depressed. Recently, he discovered problems with walking long distances. Thus, he needs a wellness program to preserve his well-being and improve health conditions.

A wellness program for this patient will apply a holistic approach. It means that the program’s goal will be to change his approach to life. A holistic lifestyle includes “a personal commitment to be moving toward the right end of the wellness continuum” (Walter, n.d.). The following six aspects of a wellness program are designed to improve the patient’s health and change his lifestyles to provide a healthy and active living.

Thus, physical wellness demands regular physical activity and shift to healthy lifestyles. In conditions of a rural community where the patient lives, he can participate in a local health group. It unites older adult citizens who organize walks in the country and support a healthy lifestyle program.

Emotional wellness can be accomplished at the meetings of a psychological club. It is helpful for older adults whose relatives live separately. It meets every second Friday and gathers community members who need to share their emotions. Spiritual wellness demands the realization of meaning and purpose in a person’s existence. The patient worked as a teacher of arts and he can find his purpose in becoming a decorator of community events.

Intellectual wellness can be realized during traditional Saturday readings. Every month the reading club selects the topic to be discussed. Occupational wellness for the patient can be achieved by creating a painting club in the community. As a teacher of arts, he can guide the club. Social wellness will be reached through the active participation of the patient in the community activities.

Conclusions: Assessment of a Holistic Approach

A holistic health approach is likely to help the patient achieve higher wellness levels and even prevent illness. The positive changes in the patient’s life encourage him to follow this wellness program, be more active, and do not concentrate on illnesses or other problems. After the implementation, this program is likely to result in an optimum level of well-being. Well-being is achieved due to the satisfaction of the primary needs of person inactivity, communication, emotionally, and spiritually full life.


Walter, S. (n.d.). Holistic health. Web.

What is holistic medicine? (n.d.). Web.

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