What Are the Causes of World Hunger?

Hunger is not a problem for people who can afford to buy food. For as long as there is money to buy some sort of food, the hunger pangs that one feels can easily be alleviated. There always seems to be more than enough food around for most of the world population to have. Every day, we share meals with millions of people around the world. Oblivious to the fact that not everybody in the world can afford to buy even a simple meal of rice porridge. The reality of the situation is that for every meal we have in our daily lives, its cost can afford to feed a moderately sized 3rd world family for at least a month.

But these 3rd world families have to go without any sustenance for most of their lives because their families are simply too destitute to be able to afford to buy a decent meal for themselves. For most of these families, the dollar a day that it takes for them to purchase their food requirements can be used on other more pressing needs such as medication and clothing. The little money that they have dos not always go to buying life sustenance. That is why a massive number of people, myself included, believe that poverty is the main cause of world hunger. This unequal wealth distribution amongst the 3rd world nations is what I believe, to be the cause of hunger in the world these days. These nations in particular find themselves caught in an economic web of monopoly and deceit as only a handful of the powerful people in their respective countries control the access of the public to the food supply.

In my honest opinion, this unequal wealth distribution and the misappropriation of land for farming fed the food access and monopoly of various countries. Everything is a business these days and the most important thing is to turn in a profit. In chasing after this profit, land that could have been used to grow corn and vegetables was sacrificed to grow the more profitable products like tobacco, tea leaves, and coffee beans.

To make matters even worse, some countries are caught in one version of a civil war or another. As everybody knows, war and discord causes food producers to hoard and raise the prices of their products. Thus ensuring that they still turn in a profit by catering only to those who can afford to pay the prices they dictate. The farmers who till the land in the hopes of earning enough to feed their family often end up with the short end of the stick because their landlords do not share the fruits of the land and the product of their labor with them. Why? For the profit, always the profit. Without their proper share of the produce, the farmers will be unable to buy sustenance for their families. Then hunger will prevail over that land and cause some sort of civil strife to take place.

Everybody realizes that the reasons why hunger exists in the world can easily be resolved provided that all the parties concerned actually want to solve the problem. But because nobody will be willing to sacrifice certain things for the good of many, they try to solve the problem of world hunger by giving “food aid” to nations that need it. However, that is not a solution to the problem. You don’t give a fisherman fish, you give him a fishing rod and then teach him how to use it. The same thing applies to solving the issue of world hunger.

World hunger will only near a solution when somebody figures out how to eradicate world poverty before anything else. For it is only when wealth is equally distributed across the globe, that people will be able to feel the benefits of economic equality. That is to say, everyone will actually be able to afford to buy food and finally put an end to world hunger.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, November 23). What Are the Causes of World Hunger? https://studycorgi.com/what-are-the-causes-of-world-hunger/

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1. StudyCorgi. "What Are the Causes of World Hunger?" November 23, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/what-are-the-causes-of-world-hunger/.


StudyCorgi. "What Are the Causes of World Hunger?" November 23, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/what-are-the-causes-of-world-hunger/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "What Are the Causes of World Hunger?" November 23, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/what-are-the-causes-of-world-hunger/.

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