What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars?

If you have a lot of money, what will you do? Essay on this topic is commonly assigned to students. This “what would you do with a million dollars” essay will inspire a great paper.

If I Had a Million Dollars: Essay Introduction

People around the world have all sorts of ideas and dreams. However, there is always a limitation to making such dreams or ideas a reality. Most of the time, the limitation is always financial, and whatever one thinks, or dreams of accomplishing it never comes to fruition. Therefore, I asked myself two questions. What would I do if I had a million dollars to spend? What if a million dollars were given to me, or I won them?

To be honest, having money is one thing, but having a lot of it is different. There are many things anyone could think about if they were given a million dollars to spend. Some will become crazy and spontaneous. Others will become extremely flashy and show off in all sorts of ways. However, a few may think of the future and invest some money before spending it all on material things.

What Would You Do if You Won a Million Dollars: Essay Body

I would do the following if I had a million dollars. I would first buy myself a good car, which I know sounds unreasonable, but I think of this as a way of showing I am worth a million bucks. Becoming a millionaire is a strategic process that needs a concrete plan regarding investments and risks that one would have to take. Nothing is as bad as having a lot of money and then having none in the future. Therefore, having that car might not be a good investment decision, but it will always remind me that I should work hard to maintain that status.

Secondly, I would put some money to take me through college. I will ensure that I have the best resources that will make me excel in college because that is the most critical step in becoming a rational thinker. I will need to make sound investment decisions in the future, and a college education will help me do that. Therefore, even if I use the whole amount of study, it would be worth it. However, a million dollars are too much for college. I will have more than enough for my college education.

Thirdly, I would buy a house. It will save me a lot in terms of mortgage payments in the future, and therefore, I would put that money to use better. Most people wish to own a house but cannot afford it. Therefore, having a million dollars will provide various opportunities like getting a house and fulfilling other wants. I will furnish that house with the best quality of furniture. This is important to me because my home would be where I would be heading after long work hours.

After all, the primary reason people work so hard in life is to own a good home, take care of their family, and live a better life. Thus, having a million dollars would enable me to get all that, and the exciting thing is that I would not have worked hard for it. That is not to say that I am lazy. It just means no one would grab the opportunity if it presented itself.

Lastly, I will put the rest of that money in a fixed deposit account so that I will be able to use it in the future to start a business and make millions of dollars. The good thing is that it will earn interest, which also comes in handy.

If You Have a Lot of Money, What Will You Do: Essay Conclusion

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are numerous ways to spend a million dollars. Personally, I would have invested it in my future education and career. I would have also bought a car and a house. I believe that making bad decisions regarding spending an enormous sum of money is possible. Therefore, I think that wisely investing is crucial.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, March 4). What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars? https://studycorgi.com/what-would-i-do-if-i-had-a-million-dollars/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars'. 4 March.

1. StudyCorgi. "What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars?" March 4, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/what-would-i-do-if-i-had-a-million-dollars/.


StudyCorgi. "What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars?" March 4, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/what-would-i-do-if-i-had-a-million-dollars/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars?" March 4, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/what-would-i-do-if-i-had-a-million-dollars/.

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