Digital Security Risks: Wireless Networks & Data Protection

Despite the development of new technological solutions allowing to work with information, the issue of digital security is among the critical problems in today’s business world. Business owners may consider the use of wireless networks as a convenient option since it allows making working practices more flexible, but these benefits significantly increase the risks of security threats. First of all, the decision to set up wireless networks for business purposes is associated with external threats related to the direct influence of malefactors and their software on the network (Ochang, Irving, & Ofem, 2016). Additionally, the personal devices of particular network users can be susceptible to harmful data.

Malicious software on specific devices can also compromise the safety of wireless networks by gaining unauthorized access to business data. In the majority of cases, threats to data safety are associated with loopholes in security protocols used in wireless business networks (Ochang et al., 2016). However, particular users’ careless attitudes to the prevention of security breaches also add to the issue (Ochang et al., 2016). Wireless security attacks are increasingly common today despite a range of data protection techniques. As an example, WeWork, a real estate business based in New York, made a mistake providing different devices with access to some clients’ financial data and contracts (Ng, 2019). The event’s consequences are difficult to analyze since the majority of companies whose documents have been exposed refuse to bring the case to public notice, and not all files contain sensitive information (Ng, 2019). The main thing to do to prevent such incidents is to select secure Wi-Fi passwords and avoid using similar or identical passwords at different locations.

The TJX Companies, a key market player in the retail industry, is another business that had to deal with the outcomes of security attacks. In 2005, the company relied on a wireless network using WEP despite multiple security concerns recognized by experts in the field (Vennamaneni, 2016). After a massive data breach due to hackers’ efforts, personal information of millions of cardholders was stolen, which resulted in months of legal wrangling (Vennamaneni, 2016). As for the measures to prevent such incidents, companies need to find better alternatives to WEP, delete unnecessary data on time, and rely on effective encryption methods.


Ng, A. (2019). WeWork’s weak Wi-Fi security leaves sensitive documents exposed. CNET.

Ochang, A. P., Irving, P., & Ofem, O. P. (2016). Research on wireless network security awareness of average users. International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies, 6(2), 21-29.

Vennamaneni, M. (2016). Security breach at TJX – analysis. Medium.

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