It is important to note that Rose in Fences is a vital character who represents maternal care and practical love. One needs to be aware that she is the only female figure in the story who brings balance between Cory and Troy. In addition, when it comes to her functional role, Rose is a source of the necessary support and honesty needed for the entire family.
The first major and noteworthy action of Rose takes place when she provides encouragement to Cory’s ambitions of becoming a football player. She responds to Troy’s convictions about racism in sports by revealing the fact that some of these forces are no longer present. The second key action is the reason offered by Rose to her husband about his story of the Grim Reaper, where she carefully decodes the fantasy.
The stated actions illustrate Rose’s honest, reasonable, and supportive nature. Among the three main characters, her actions are the most coherent and non-contradictory because she is consistent and adherent to her family-centered perspective. Since there are no notable contradictions, Rose can be described as an individual of integrity, commitment, and sincerity regardless of Troy’s betrayal. In other words, despite being a fragile and feminine character, she shows a resilient mental capacity to face hardships.
In conclusion, Rose’s background demonstrates her true dedication to the family. Her actions are directed towards her deliberate focus on the familial bonds, even if a child might not be her own. Even if she is hurt, she adheres to her principles and continues to provide the support her family needs but demands the same level of reciprocity, which is why she does not accept Troy.