The Role of Nurses in Budget Planning

Introduction Modern health systems present health professionals as equal participants in the public health system. Nurses can overcome inequalities in access to health care and the provision of knowledge about health and medical education, using professional knowledge and competencies in the largest group of medical professionals. It is the professional...

Telehealth in Personal Practice

Introduction The landmark of patient protection and affordable health care act has heralded the advent of technology into our telehealthcare and has been proving to provide effective and adaptable solutions to the mental health population. It has gradually innovated from a historical fee-for-procedure orientation prospect embarking on the quality of...

Protests Theatre Role in Apartheid South Africa

Introduction It has often been argued that theatre is political in nature because it is a part of all human activities, which are political in nature (Schumann, 2008). Apart from entertaining the society, theatres perform significant roles in any society. For instance, they contribute to the processes of educating, informing,...

Rogers’ Adoption Theory: Understanding New Technology Integration

The present report outlines the use of Rogers’ (2003) theory during an upcoming meeting with a group of nurses that is aimed at facilitating the implementation of a new electronic health records system (EHR) in their hospital. The nurses are reported to be rather reluctant to adopt the new EHR,...

Discharge Planning in Nursing Practice

Introduction The problem of the lack of effective discharge planning, as practice shows, negatively affects patient outcomes and adversely influences recovery rates. As a solution to the issue, a special plan will be analyzed where the intervention model will be presented with its full justification and a description of all...

Brigham and Women’s Hospital: Systems Theory & Nursing Feedback

Introduction The present paper will consider the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Department of Nursing [BWHDN] (2016) and its individual nursing units from the perspective of the open systems theory as explained by Meyer and O’Brien-Pallas (2010). This approach can be employed for organizational analysis to describe a hospital unit as...

Challenging Myths: The Role of Grangers in the Texas Constitution

Introduction An evaluation of the article reveals that the Texas Constitution is assumed to be a representation of the ideals of the Grangers or farmers. In effect, agrarian voters are seen as the chief influencers of the constitution’s grudging and explicit nature on issues like official salaries, tax rates, and...

“The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao” by Junot Diaz

The central character of Junot Diaz’s novel, The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, does not seem like a traditional hero, and his foolish choices can cause the reader to gasp or shake their head over how ill-advised they are. However, Diaz has subtly endowed Oscar’s tale with some...

Personal Genomics, Its Biological Basis and Implications

Biological Basis The concept of personal genomics can be defined as the area of genomics which addresses the issues of gene sequencing, creating a personal eTQL genomic profile, and other aspects of obtaining essential information from one’s genome (Martinez-Jimenez et al., 2015). Particularly, the concept implies that the order of...

Hospital Readmission Reduction: Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction Nowadays the sphere of healthcare is facing one of the most debated issues – how to develop a way for the patient’s transition after being discharged from the hospital efficient and cost-effective (Aguirre, 2012, p. 5). The proposed plan is targeted at finding ways of reduction of instances of...

Addressing Drug Use and Heroin Addiction in the US: Health Risks and Solutions

Abstract By the end of my speech, the audience will be better informed about the drug use problem in the United States as well as about health and life risks associated with the use of heroin. Drug use is a globally important social problem that needs detailed discussion because increased...

The Gilded Age of American Society: Historical Overview and Key Developments

Along the Railroad to the New American Society Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner wrote the book The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today. This book depicted an “American Society that despite its appearance of promise and prosperity, is riddled with corruption and scandal.” Today in American history this is...

Value Philosophy of Education

Education is an important part of any society. It contributes to the development of culture and its achievements. There are different views on educational methods and strategies. However, one of the most popular concepts promotes approachable style. The main goals of this paper are to discuss main educational issues and...

Alcohol Drinking and Ethical Decision-Making

Introduction Human beings face various challenges in life that confront them with great dilemmas. In most cases, these situations have more than one alternative, and each choice has consequences for the victims and other members of society. Therefore, it becomes difficult for a person to make a decision when it...

“Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling” by Mark McMinn

According to McMinn, the book is intended for Christian counselors with interest in investigating the link between theology and religion. In this regard, he defines the basic perspectives of integrating religion and psychology in counseling. Moreover, he outlines the fundamental concepts of integrating counseling in religion. He epitomizes the belief...

The Concept of Death and Dying in Religions

Religions teach people to perceive the world around them by certain canons and laws prescribed by higher powers. In different faiths, approaches to the interpretation of human existence during life on earth and after it may differ. The case of George who learns about the terrible diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral...

Veteran Health Administration Policy Analysis

Introduction The United States has engaged in military conflict in many war zones throughout the last several decades. In addition to surviving the combat, a veteran must also deal with some unique health complications and hazards that exist in the armed forces. To that end, the Veterans Health Administration was...

Integrating Process Work Into Psychoeducational Groups

Introduction Corey (2015) identifies the working stage of group development as a later phase that is characterized by its productivity; in Pessagno’s (2013) classification, a similar term is the performing stage. While this phase may be less challenging than the previous ones, it is also the most important one since...

Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice” Performance

Introduction The play Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, as all the masterpieces of the prominent writer, raised the themes of love, hatred, betrayal, and honor; the performance transfers the reader into the atmosphere of religious oppression and human portrayal of the central character, villainous Shylock. The play remains relevant,...

Archetype of the Ancient Etruscans Compared to Modern Day Archetype

Introduction The archetypes of ancient world are versatile due to the fantasy and personal beliefs of ancient people. In Etruscan reality the role of deities and polytheism itself was of great significance owing to the religious and philosophical background of Etruscans and its development. Moreover, the similarities of Etruscan mythology...

Researching Children’s Advertising: Impact on Children’s Growth and Development

Abstract Children’s advertising is a type of communication aimed at persuading children into loving and purchasing some types of goods. Currently, they are extensively used to meet the increasing market in society. This paper provides detailed information on what children’s advertising entails. It also provides detailed information on the negative...

Immigrants in Canada: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Immigration is the process by which people move from their native land to another land and some become citizens of that land. However, people migrate to Canada from various countries in the world. Canada immigrants can be classified into three groups. For example, there are those who migrated to...

Global Health Law: International Law and Public Health Policy

The authors’ research problem is major health problems in today’s world. The authors’ research questions are what the international health organizations such as WHO do to improve public health, and how they tackle the emerging diseases. The main point of the research is that the creation of a unified international...

Racial Injustice Problem in the Modern Society

Introduction Racial injustice is a topical controversial issue, and today it is almost impossible to not be involved in the discourse regarding its influences in modern society. The problem is not limited to individual cases and recognized as systemic, concerning all societal spheres from the legal system to the sports...

Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease: Conditions

Drexler, Y.R. & Bomback, A.S. (2013). Definition, identification and treatment of resistant hypertension in chronic kidney disease patients. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 0, 1-9. Drexler and Bomback aims at discussing the conditions of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and the impact of resistant hypertension in order to offer an appropriate...

Nestlé Company’s Global Business Environment

Nestlé Food Company Nestlé was established during economic hardship, and due to its largest scale size or operation, the company survived by acquiring government contracts. By the time the war came to an end in 1918, the business had about 40 factories worldwide (Chung et al. 2020). Henri Nestlé developed...

Aphrodite of Knidos vs. Venus of the Rags

Art has always been one of the tools used for different purposes. Creating various artworks, individuals acquired an opportunity to show things that were important to them and make other persons think about the ideas vital for them. A masterpiece belonging to a particular era can highlight the moods, attitudes,...

Introduction to Sociology

Introduction All people live within societies, belong to different groups, and have various kinds of relationships with other individuals. Sociology is the science that is interested in how people function in society and how they relate to each other. This paper aims to provide a definition of sociology and outline...

Personal Brand Management and Social Media

Introduction Personal branding has existed for decades, but it is more prominent than ever with social media. It can be defined as the process of using one’s information to provide a comprehensive narrative to entice others for various purposes (Jacobson, 2020). For instance, traditional celebrities may use social media to...

Ethical Issues in Liebeck vs. McDonald’s Case

Introduction Different people and institutions perceive ethics differently depending on the circumstances. Legally, ethics could be a set of rules and regulations that society must follow, while societal norms can be what people perceive as right or wrong according to particular communities. Some legal cases may seem frivolous until discussions...

Issues of Sex and Gender in Society Today

All issues related to gender have been rather acute and debated since early times. Indeed, using such questions, one can deftly manipulate people for the sake of one’s benefit. Sometimes, it is done to raise a rating of some political party or politician. Nevertheless, the state of Arkansas recently has...

The Unusual Biography of Shorter and Parker

Introduction For this task, I have chosen to analyze the famous American musician, composer, and jazz saxophonist, Wayne Shorter, and the legendary American alto saxophonist, and composer, Charlie Parker. These two performers have numerous similarities concerning their music to their own lives and characteristics. The two performers had comparable cravings...

Terrorist Attack in San Bernardino

After the September 11 attacks, the San Bernardino shootings in 2015 killed 14 innocent people and injured 24 more. It was also the bloodiest mass shooting in the US since 2012 (Tariq, 2020). The news shocked Americans, especially Californians. As the incident showed, terrorist attacks in the US are not...

Recommendations Improving Bitcoin’s Capabilities

Introduction In the digital economy of the new age, there is a noticeable trend toward the use of cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies should be understood as virtual alternatives to currencies distributed using blockchain technology; one of the most popular and early cryptocurrencies is Bitcoin. Bitcoin has unique characteristics that give the currency...

Interpersonal Communication in the Military

Introduction Interpersonal communication refers to the process and methods through which individuals share information, thoughts, and feelings with one another. Interpersonal communication is based on a set of indicators, including utterances, body language, eye contact, and gestures. Strong bonds in the military are built on an open and honest dialogue...

Health Inequities in Virginia’s Counties

Introduction Health inequities constitute an urgent social issue in the modern United States. Unequal access to healthcare has always been prominent, yet today the socioeconomic status of a person is the most definitive factor behind their ability to provide themselves with qualitative healthcare. Subsequently, minority groups that earn less lack...

Decoding Leadership: Navigating the 21st Century Workplace

Introduction Leadership is a very important human trait in today’s world. True leaders know how to involve different people and are much more likely to succeed in their projects and endeavors by realizing their goals. Is it possible to become a leader without understanding yourself? Beatrice Chestnut believes that person...

Southwest Airlines: Customer Service

Customer experience determines whether a business succeeds or fails. This essay examines a customer service case study with Southwest Airlines. It connects this occurrence to a 2019 article by Sara Staffaroni, which clarifies many facets of customer experience, as well as the Hotel Taj case study about client retention and...

When Modernism in Built Environments Began

Introduction The roots of modern architecture have long been disputed in academic and professional circles due to the ambiguity of the precise definition of the concept. On the one hand, experts claim that modernist architectural features started to evolve as a theory in the nineteenth century. On the other hand,...