Diving Into Jazz: Review of Compozitions

Introduction At the beginning of the twentieth century, a new trend in music emerged in America. Although the word “jazz” did not come into use until 1912, this music, which was loud, bold, and exuberant, had been heard on the streets of New Orleans at least a decade earlier (Gabbard)....

Trauma and Addiction: Complex Treatment

Introduction Addiction is a compound issue that needs to be examined from different aspects. However, there is a lack of emphasis on the evidence that trauma and addiction are similar in terms of effects on neurochemistry. This illustrates that not addressing certain traumatic events may negatively influence people with substance...

Economic Issues Impacting the Health Care Sector

Introduction Healthcare has always been an essential part of national and international development. The healthcare industry is complicated and comprises different sectors that facilitate the treatment of patients globally. The sectors provide medical services, manufacture medical supplies such as equipment and drugs, provide health insurance services or ease the provision...

Philosophy: What Justifies One’s Existence?

The supreme value of human existence is often expressed in the form of an ultimate goal to which all private human interests and needs are subordinated. Among the many approaches to the solution of this complex problem, three main ones can be distinguished. Some people believe that the meaning of...

The Great Schism in History of Christianity

Summary Throughout the history of the existence of religious traditions, there have been conflicts between different churches due to views on spirituality and religious practices. The largest schism, which is called the Great Schism, occurred in 1054 and marked the separation of the Western and Eastern Christian churches. The center...

Discrimination Against Disabled Employees

Introduction Diversity in the workplace is an essential factor that increases creativity and innovation and allows the organization to hire different employees, thus making its workforce inclusive. Different elements create diversity in the workplace, including gender, nationality, age, disability and culture. However, some groups are subject to discrimination and assault,...

The Crusades and European Christianity in the Middle Ages

Introduction The crusades are considered to be one of the major events within the history of Christianity that shaped medieval Europe and set the vector of its development for a long time forward. The original goal behind these armed expeditions that had been taking place in Europe for two centuries...

Food Security: Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine

Every year the issue of food security becomes more and more acute. The number of nitrates and heavy metals in vegetables, unacceptable GMOs, and other harmful substances is increasing daily. A system that guarantees the reliability and harmlessness of food works solely if there is a clear division of responsibilities...

Montefiore Medical Center’s Education for Akan-Speaking Patients

PICOT and Purpose PICOT statement is as follows: Adult hypertensive patients whose language is Akan, an African language. (P) Could providing written treatment education materials in their primary language Akan (I) be more effective than using an interpreter, (C) Leading to improved controlled blood pressure (O) and avoiding possible complications...

Rulership of Early China: Analysis

Introduction The ancient Chinese are accountable for several contributions and inventions to the world. Chinese dynasties were hereditary monarchical governments in their early time, and they comprised both those formed by Han and its predecessor and non-Han people. The ancient Chinese dynasties were the Shang, Zhou, Qin, and Han. The...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Theoretical Approaches to Addictions

Introduction Addictions represent a complex phenomenon characterized by the presence of behavioral, physiological, and psychological changes, the diversity of which makes the establishment of the core cause of addiction disorders and their etiology a challenging task. As opposed to more recent multi-causal approaches to comprehending addictions, single-cause models offer partially...

Lakatos and Kuhn: Science is Progressive

Introduction Science has a history characterized by an incommensurate succession of paradigms. Kuhn asserts that a sole paradigm’s empirical work is of little significance to that of another (Kuhn, 1974). Comparing paradigms on identical grounds, for instance, empirical adequacy, proves inconclusive. Diverse paradigms differ on the meaning of truth or...

The Cold War as a Period in Global History

The Term ‘Cold War’ The Cold War was a significant period in global history and has massively shaped the current state of affairs in the world. Before this class, I had blurry ideas about the conflict and how this period has shaped the balance of power in the world, and...

Family Health Assessment and Diagnosis

Introduction This paper reports the results of a family health assessment done on an African American family of five living in a nucleus setup. The family is headed by a 49-year-old woman since the man, who is in his early fifties, is currently unemployed. Although their three children are over...

American Neutrality and Contribution in the Great War

Introduction The Great War is an important event, which influenced the flow of the history Nonetheless, a combination of the factors such as the development of nationalism, militarism, and imperialism in Europe and establishment of the alliance system could be regarded as the critical drivers for the advancement of the...

Leadership Role in Quality and Innovation

Leadership gives an Organization Direction Every organization has made the past strides because of the leadership that came up with ideas and made them work for the organization. The strategies may be faulty or correct. They can cause an organization to fail or succeed. Once an idea has not worked...

French and Chinese Wine Export Industry in 2015

French Producers’ Dominance in the Global Wine Market In my opinion, while developing the argument of the competitive advantages of the French wine industry, SWOT analysis can be of use. SWOT presupposes the description of a company’s internal and external advantages and disadvantages, which are categorized as “Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,...

Is Social Networking Bad for Society?

How much time does an average contemporary individual spend using various social media? A modern person starts their day checking social networks for news and messages, during the day this person logs in and out multiple times to review various pages, finally in the end of the day the person...

World War II: Why Germans Lost and Allies Won

World War II began with Germany’s attack on Poland in 1939 and ended with the attack on Japan’s Hiroshima in 1945 with the atomic bomb. Several battles were fought during these six years, which led to the Allies’ success and the defeat of the Axis Powers. There are some causes...

Guidance in Krishna’s “Bhagavad-Gita” and Siduri’s The Epic of Gilgamesh

Introduction Most religious teachings go into detail on the multifaceted relationships between gods and humans in which the latter are sometimes able to find solace and peace of mind and sometimes are scorned and neglected. At that, the union of a god and a human is usually not one of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Inadequate Nurse Staffing and Patients’ Health Risks

Understaffing is widely considered a primary nursing issue globally, with many nursing leaders and scholars claiming it to be detrimental to patient outcomes. However, in this context, it is not considered that there are many other professional factors at play that lead to poor results in inpatient care. Low levels...

History of the Bartolome De Las Casas

Introduction The history of America’s discovery is both triumphant and tragic since it allowed the world to move to a new stage of development, but took millions of local people’s lives. De Las Casas was one of the Spanish forwarders who, in the first decades after the discovery of Columbus,...

Endocrine Disruptors: Definition, Effects, and Threat Reduction

Introduction Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with the normal functioning of hormones within the body. They do this by binding onto the same active sites within cells that normal hormones bind onto. Hormones are chemicals secreted into the bloodstream to regulate certain aspects of the body like metabolic levels,...

Documentary Film Life in Renaissance Analysis

The Video collage, Life in Renaissance, depicts musical traditions and cultural norms of the period. The video demonstrates that the city’s expenses for ceremonial and processional music reached their peak in the decades around 1400. During the next century, the stress shifted toward the use of music for the mere...

Modern Japanese History: Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Introduction The Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings of 1945 were the most devastating bomb attacks in history. The bomb attacks marked the end of the Second World War with the final surrender of Japan and eventual occupation of United States (Dower 116). Their effect caused heavy casualties in human lives...

Racial, Cultural and Educational Justice: Educator View

The race is defined as the poor assumption of ideas and actions emanating from the thoughts that one race is quite unique or superior to the other. It always results in mistreatment or discrimination of specific racial groups, while culture is the way different people carry on their daily activities...

Discrimination and Affirmative Action in Wal-Mart

Introduction There is a certain amount of irony in the fact that while the US society, in general, has been clamoring for gender equality, gender discrimination in the form of unequal promotions and pay still haunt the American workplace. The level of discrimination has indeed come down to a large...

Peculiarities of Bipolar Disorder

Introduction The mental health of a person is a significant concern as it affects well-being, position in the society, and socialization. At the same time, it is an extremely complex issue as multiple factors influence the work of the brain, behavior, and personality of individuals. People face the risk of...

The 13th Amendment Influence in Shaping Modern America

Introduction The 13th Amendment was passed by the House of Representatives on January 31, 1865. Twenty- seven out of 36 states ratified and proclaimed the rule by the end of December the same year. This constitution aimed at abolishing the slave trade, and involuntary servitude, except during punishment for breaking...

The Patriot Act of 2001 Review

Introduction Just before the year 2001, the USA faced a lot of insecurity including the infamous terrorist attack of September 11, 2001: this was a turning point for the government of the United States of America (Friedman, 2009). It was immediately after this terrorist attack that the federal government decided...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Alberta Health Services: Organizational Structure

Introduction For any institution to operate effectively there must be some sense of leadership. Leadership is normally hierarchical in the sense that all managers, supervisors and any other form of authority in place cannot be operating on the same level. There has to be a sequential flow of authority from...

Addison’s Disease: Symptoms and Effects

Introduction Addison’s disease is a condition which develops in the human body most frequently as a result of autoimmune adrenalitis and damages adrenal tissue, which ultimately hinders the production of cortisol (Rumsby and Woodward 168). The adrenal cortex, which is unable to produce enough glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids, may potentially cause...

The Problem of Childhood Obesity in the United States

Disparities Childhood obesity is one of the reasons for the development of chronic diseases (Barker & DeNisco, 2012). In the USA, this problem is quite burning as the percentage of obese children increased significantly. The percentage of such children aged 6-11 was 18% in 2012 (compared to 7% in 1980)...

What Makes an Ideal Society? Revolutionary Ideas for Gender Equality

Anthony, C. (2017). The Idea of a Realistic Utopia (Publication No. 2168) [Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania]. Scholarly Commons. According to this dissertation, an ideal society is the one whose occupants identify themselves with because it has specific conditions that they view as the most appropriate for them. Such a...

Public-Private Partnerships and Private Sector Organizations

Abstract Cybersecurity is increasingly growing as a strategic problem of the state, comprehensively affecting the country’s economy. This, of course, includes the interaction between national developers of software and control systems, and manufacturers of equipment and components for the provision of IT infrastructure. For the national cybersecurity to match the...

The Role of Choices in People’s Lives: A Discussion

Introduction The everyday life of any person is impacted by a variety of choices that have both small- and large-scale implications for the future. A conventional idea that all actions lead to certain consequences is relevant to any life situation. However, behind any action, there is a choice that predetermines...

Analysis of “The Ark of Bones” Story

“The Ark of Bones” is a short story written by African American author Henry Dumas. The setting of the story is in the 1900s at the shores of the Mississippi River, a place with myths and misconceptions among the African Americans and the whites as well. The story involves two...

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Landscape and Frameworks for Reconciliation

Introduction In the present world, the term indigenous people is used to refer to those communities that have stuck to the ancient traditional customs. Each of these community practices unique traditions, and over time, they have continued to carry out their cultural activities. In determining their physical and cultural survival...

Feminism in Literary Works of Murray, Franklin, and Fuller

Introduction Gender equality has been a revolutionary topic in the past centuries. As a teenager, Benjamin Franklin used the pseudonym “Silence Dogood” to speak on behalf of a widowed mother and offer some observations regarding women’s rights (Arch 222). In 1722, he published a series of anonymous satirical essays, expressing...

Technology to Enhance Education in Jamaica

Introduction Technology development leads to profound changes in many spheres of human activity, including education. Adopting digital platforms for classroom purposes can significantly affect teaching and learning outcomes by expanding access to information and providing new training tools (García-Martínez et al., 2019). Moreover, the increased interactive possibilities that modern computers,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Bioethical Dilemma: Bone Marrow Donor for Sibling

Introduction Bioethics is a discipline concerned with the morality and immorality of medical developments and technological advancements intended to enhance the life quality of human beings. Thus, bioethics examines the incorporation of the right to human values, dignity, and good health in the application of biomedical solutions in health. Unfortunately,...

Shinto Religion and History of Japanese Art

Introduction Shinto is the native Japanese religion, very popular in modern Japan, which aims to worship specific gods and spirits, called kami, and follow the life philosophy connected with this religion. It is a pantheistic belief: while there is a sun goddess Amaterasu, a primary deity, there are many kami...

Impact of UK Smoking Ban on Pub Closures

Introduction According to most stereotypes and cultural patterns, traditionally a smoker, society in Britain grew weary of smoking, mainly passive smoking, by the late 2000s. Community, big business, despite the risks, and health institutions rallied around the goal of building new anti-smoking trends. As part of a massive campaign to...

Characteristic of World History in 1500 CE

Introduction The cultures, politics, cults, and commercial development of corporations and civilizations all across the world are discussed in this review of world history from 1500 CE. According to Bulliet et al., “the earliest complex societies arose in the great river valleys of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Pakistan, and northern China” (3)....

Renewable Energy Technology in Egypt

Introduction Climate change has made renewable energy a global priority to replace fossil fuel that continues to impact the environment negatively. Egypt is one of the leading producers of oil in Africa. The country has been generating significant income from exporting oil, which has contributed immensely to the growth of...

Leadership Versus Management: Healthcare Leadership

Organization heads play a major role in determining the success of an entity. Such heads include business leaders and managers serving at different levels of the organization. The world often confuses the two positions; a business leader and a manager. Often, people with the role of leading businesses adopt the...

“Hamlet” Play and “The Mad Gardener’s Song”: Comparison

Introduction Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” and Lewis Carroll’s The Mad Gardener’s Song are two works that have had a significant literary impact. Although “Hamlet” is seen as a meaningful literary piece that focuses on problems of all time, the latter work is more controversial among readers. “Hamlet” and The Mad Gardener’s Song...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Marketing Campaigns

Introduction The chosen company for this project will be Coca-Cola Company. John S. Pemberton, a pharmacist from Atlanta, brought this soda drink to the public for the first time in 1886. Bookkeeper of the Pemberton Chemical Company and inventor of the phrase Coca-Cola, Frank Robinson, published the first iteration of...

Scientific Inquiry Using WildCam Gorongosa

Making Observations and Asking Questions I visited WildCam Lab’s Data page, and the color-coding of the map according to plant type and natural features is described in a legend in the lower left corner of the screen. The orange dots show the locations of the cameras on the map. Any...

The Industrial Revolution and New Mode of Life

Introduction In the late 19th century, many changes happened within America. This was an era of rapid growth leading to industrialization, immigration, and urbanization. However, before the transformation, most Americans lived a simple life in which they made their necessities and grew their food. The essay examines the relationships between...

Grace Hopper Murray: Biographical Data

Biographical data: Hopper was born in 1906. Grace Hopper is a programmer. Grace enlisted in the military. Grace Hopper died in 1992. Grace Hopper Murray is an American computer scientist and military leader. She was born in New York City on December 9, 1906 (Sanvitale, 2021). As a child, Grace...

Nursing Leadership and Management

Nursing leadership and management essay examples like this one will help you write your own excellent leadership in nursing essay. We recommend it to student nurses and other healthcare workers. Leadership in Nursing Essay Introduction In the past, nursing was an amorphous and unrecognized engagement that was often left at...

External Auditing Process and Its Stages

Introduction There is no use denying the fact that money has always been the main remedy which guaranteed existence of society and relations between different manufacturers. Being taken as the criterion according to which the value of a certain product can be determined, it helped people to from their system...

Remember the Titans: Leadership Examples

List two characters that are given leadership roles that they did not want or did not believe they were ready for. Explain why you chose these two characters. (Do not use Coach Yoast or Gary Bertier as examples for this question.) Boone did not want to accept the leadership because...

Communicable Diseases in Miami-Dade County

Introduction The fight against communicable diseases and the search for a reliable way to protect the population against them are among the most crucial issues in contemporary health care. Frequent contacts with the diseased people, low immunity status, and body’s resistance to infectious diseases as a consequence of poor nutrition...

Adult Stem Cell Research, Its Present and Future

Introduction The controversy on stem cell research provides an ideal research ground to understand the views of the society on scientific developments that adopt holistic approaches. The selection of this topic was informed by the need to understand the society in terms of beliefs, norms, and views on scientific development....

Diabetes and Its Economic Cost in the United States

Introduction Diabetes mellitus exists in two main forms, type I and type II. If the patient does not receive timely and effective treatment, the disease may lead to numerous complications (Alva, Gray, Mihaylova, Leal, & Holman, 2015). In the US alone, the economic cost of diabetes is around 240 billion...

Chi-Square Test and Titanic Accident

Introduction The current paper will use the chi-square test in order to check whether there was an association between the class that female passengers traveled in on Titanic, and their chances of being saved from that ship when it sank. After a brief data file description, the assumptions of the...

Fitbit Company: the Business about Wrist

Introduction One of the most attention-grabbing and commercially successful products introduced in the last decade, following the popular second fitness boom, are wearable trackers, used to collect, store, and share data about a person’s daily activities (Millington, 2016). One of the leaders in the wearable devices market is Fitbit. As...

Popular Research Paper Topics

American Confederation and Constitution History

There was always intense debate between various parties, as they have dissimilar views regarding the same issues. A primary goal of this paper is to discover differences in opinions concerning the ratification of the Constitution. Firstly, the articles of Confederation and new a Constitution of 1748 are compared, and weaknesses...

Billy Collin’s “The First Dream”: The Use of Self Expression in Poetry

Billy Collin’s poem The First Dream is clearly an expression of the feeling one has when one tries to explain an abstract experience. In Collin’s case, the abstract experience is a dream. Arguably, people tend to distance themselves from mystery as human beings tend to prefer real-world occurrences that can...

Premature Ejaculation Disorder: Treatment and Prevention

Introduction Premature ejaculation can be listed among the most common sexual problems experienced by men. When it comes to the key definition of the disorder, it needs to be noted that having a “premature” ejaculation involves the release of semen a few minutes after the start of sexual activity, which...

Hospital Mortality and Optimal Nursing Workload

Introduction The problem of understaffing is one of the most recognized issues in the contemporary public sector, which demands a solution (Silva-Santos et al., 2018). The application of the analytical approach to theoretical and evidence-based academic works in this context appears to be a beneficial approach (Burns & Grove, 2011)....

American Civil War History and Review

Introduction Between 1861 and 1865 the north and South America states engaged in battle against each other. According to many Americans, the American civil war remains the deadliest in history of America. Eleven southern slave states had distanced themselves from the federal government and formed the confederate of American states....

Family Members in “Without My Cloak” by Kate O’Brien

Introduction In different epochs and changeable cultural values, different restrictions are put by the society on its members. In that sense, absolute freedom of choice was not a term that was known for any ordinary person in any chosen time or space. The main issue of contradiction is to what...

Real Estate and Affordable Housing

Introduction The recent financial crisis in the world has had negative impact on real estate development. Many people have suffered the consequences of the crisis financially. This crisis calls for a measure that provides shelter at a reasonable rent or price. This situation requires developers of real estate to come...

Agri Beef Co as a Reputable Company in the Niche Market of Non-Raw Beef

Nowadays business is highly developed all over the world and it is very important to find a niche that will be profitable and will provide opportunities for business growth. Since it is impossible for a human being to live without food consumption, the food industry is one of the most...

Distance Learning vs. The Traditional Classroom

Introduction Many courses are now available as distance courses that are offered as online programs; while many people have enrolled into these programs either as first time students or as continuing scholars, questions still linger over whether an academic qualification acquired through distance learning carries the same weight as the...

Cloning Moral and Ethical Issues

Introduction Cloning is the creation of an embryo by the method of human somatic cell nuclear transfer. This procedure involves implanting DNA cells from an organism into an egg whose DNA nucleus has been removed then chemically treated so that the egg begins to behave as though fertilization has occurred....

Customer Service in Rogers Wireless International

Abstract Rogers is a communication service provider that produces phones as well as other data devices. In my study of the services provided by Rogers wireless international, I looked at three of its customer care services and their impacts on the operations of the company. Three articles were studied which...

Princeton University: Sustainability Plan

Introduction Princeton University is an effervescent community of learning and education aimed at state’s service, particularly in the services of entire nations. And also it is a nondenominational, self-governing, co-educational organization that offers various lessons for both graduates and undergraduates in various areas. The impacts of human actions cause a...

Design of Goods and Services in Hard Rock Cafe

Introduction Hard Rock Cafe is a chain of restaurants founded 39 years ago and gets its name from the cafe’s tradition to cover its walls with rock and rock memorabilia (Hard Rock Cafe, 2010). Currently, the cafe has a global presence in 53 countries and is headquartered in Florida. Recently,...

John F. Kennedy as the First Modern President

Introduction John F. Kennedy is perceived by many as the first modern president in the history of United States of America and the whole world. Most renowned authors unanimously agree that his natural charisma and leadership qualities were overwhelming. His brave and courageous outlook made him to be admired by...

America: A Culture Around Slavery

The United States of America is one of the oldest hubs that were involved in the practice of the slave trade in the world. Due to this, it has over time developed a Culture that does revolve around slavery. The presence of the majority of blacks in the United States...

Canoes of North American Indigenous People

Introduction Canoes have always been an integral part of the life of ancient tribes. Ancient people all over the world started to build canoes as early as 8200 BC (“Native American canoes,” n.d.). North American Indigenous tribes were making dugout and birch-bark canoes long before the first European settlers came...

Public Policy and Administration: The Theories of Departmentalization and Division of Labor

Theories and Theorists Theories are essential in scholarly studies. It is one reason scholars review the literature to help them understand relevant theories in their field of study. Generally, a theory refers to a group of harmonized constructs aimed at developing a hypothesis and defining relationships between variables. It comes...

Monitoring and Observation of a Preschool Pupil

Mentoring program aims to improve the quality of learning and to meet the expectations of the pupils, administrators, and parents in an education program. First, the mentor must understand the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats which the mentee has when establishing the objectives of the coaching. According to the Child...

Analysis of “Letter Beginning With Two Lines by Czeslaw Milosz” by Matthew Olzmann

The formal analysis of a literary work allows the reader to better understand the author’s message. The connection between form and content produces a desirable effect and generates meaning. In the poem, “Letter Beginning with Two Lines by Czeslaw Milosz,” Mathew Olzmann raises the issue of killing children and expresses...

An Aspect of Team Working in the Clinical Environment

Introduction In every environment or place, the need to work together as a team is essential. Whether one is working in an organization or even in a healthcare system, there is a need for teamwork, because this enables one to be able to apply what he or she knows best...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Prisons in the United States Analysis

Introduction The whole aspect of medical facilities in prisons is a very complex issue that needs to be evaluated and looked at critically for sustainability. This therefore brings us to the issue of whether prisons in the US should continue to have their own medical facilities or be charged fees...

Egoism, Altruism, and Social Contract

Egoism in conventional understanding is usually viewed as the act of selfishness, absence of altruism, or the concept of caring too little about others. In this essay, I intend to examine in detail the connection between ethics and social contract. I plan to focus on the argument by psychological and...

Problem Scenario: Workplace Bullying in Teaching

When the word “bullying” is used in the context of education, one often presumes the situation in which one student systematically mistreats another. Unfortunately, harassment, offense, and social exclusion can happen in professional relationships between teachers. For example, teachers can force their peers to utilize educational approaches which they find...

Domestic Violence During COVID-19 Pandemic

Kofman, Y. B., and D. R. Garfin. “Home is not always a haven: The domestic violence crisis amid the COVID-19 pandemic.” Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, vol. 12, no. S1, 2020, pp. S199-S201. Web. The article written by Kofman and Garfin describes how the social disruption caused by...

Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs: Slave Narratives’ Authors

Introduction Slave narrative developed as a distinct form of written literature, characteristic of North America. The period from the early 1830s to 1865 was marked by a wave of abolitionism, which was embodied in the writings and speeches of several former slaves. They spoke eloquently and convincingly about the need...

History of Lynching and Racial Violence

Introduction The United States is plagued by a dark history of lynchings and racial violence. History can never be unlived or forgotten; however, learning about it can make humans conscious of their future decisions. White Americans terrorized and controlled Black people through vigilante justice in the 20th and 19th centuries....

The Impact of Offshoring on the Economy

Although an old-age sensation, offshoring has lately gained a new dynamic due to the decrease in communication costs and transport, not forgetting the dramatic advancements in technology. The offshoring trend has dramatically influenced the relocation of “conventional” production stages, also known as material offshoring. In addition, it has enabled the...

A Rhetorical Analysis of “Daddy Issues” by Sandra Tsing Loh

Introduction In her essay Daddy Issues, Sandra Tsing Loh, a Chinese American, talks about the plight of people who are faced with caring for their elderly parents. Lest her words sound unfounded, she reinforces her essay with a philosophical (and psychoanalytic) example of Franz Kafka’s The Judgment. In addition, the...

The National Response Framework Training Critique

The National Response Framework (NRF) is a set of guidelines outlining how the government should react to an emergency. It is based on scalable, adaptable, and adaptive concepts from the National Incident Management System and aims to align roles and responsibilities. NRF includes Emergency Support Functions to characterize the government...

The Role of Nurses in Budget Planning

Introduction Modern health systems present health professionals as equal participants in the public health system. Nurses can overcome inequalities in access to health care and the provision of knowledge about health and medical education, using professional knowledge and competencies in the largest group of medical professionals. It is the professional...

Telehealth in Personal Practice

Introduction The landmark of patient protection and affordable health care act has heralded the advent of technology into our telehealthcare and has been proving to provide effective and adaptable solutions to the mental health population. It has gradually innovated from a historical fee-for-procedure orientation prospect embarking on the quality of...

Protests Theatre Role in Apartheid South Africa

Introduction It has often been argued that theatre is political in nature because it is a part of all human activities, which are political in nature (Schumann, 2008). Apart from entertaining the society, theatres perform significant roles in any society. For instance, they contribute to the processes of educating, informing,...

Adoption of New Technology Systems: Rogers’ Theory

The present report outlines the use of Rogers’ (2003) theory during an upcoming meeting with a group of nurses that is aimed at facilitating the implementation of a new electronic health records system (EHR) in their hospital. The nurses are reported to be rather reluctant to adopt the new EHR,...

Discharge Planning in Nursing Practice

Introduction The problem of the lack of effective discharge planning, as practice shows, negatively affects patient outcomes and adversely influences recovery rates. As a solution to the issue, a special plan will be analyzed where the intervention model will be presented with its full justification and a description of all...

Brigham and Women’s Hospital Department of Nursing

Introduction The present paper will consider the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Department of Nursing [BWHDN] (2016) and its individual nursing units from the perspective of the open systems theory as explained by Meyer and O’Brien-Pallas (2010). This approach can be employed for organizational analysis to describe a hospital unit as...

Rethinking the Texas Constitution of 1876

Introduction An evaluation of the article reveals that the Texas Constitution is assumed to be a representation of the ideals of the Grangers or farmers. In effect, agrarian voters are seen as the chief influencers of the constitution’s grudging and explicit nature on issues like official salaries, tax rates, and...

“The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao” by Junot Diaz

The central character of Junot Diaz’s novel, The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, does not seem like a traditional hero, and his foolish choices can cause the reader to gasp or shake their head over how ill-advised they are. However, Diaz has subtly endowed Oscar’s tale with some...

Personal Genomics, Its Biological Basis and Implications

Biological Basis The concept of personal genomics can be defined as the area of genomics which addresses the issues of gene sequencing, creating a personal eTQL genomic profile, and other aspects of obtaining essential information from one’s genome (Martinez-Jimenez et al., 2015). Particularly, the concept implies that the order of...

Hospital Readmission Reduction: Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction Nowadays the sphere of healthcare is facing one of the most debated issues – how to develop a way for the patient’s transition after being discharged from the hospital efficient and cost-effective (Aguirre, 2012, p. 5). The proposed plan is targeted at finding ways of reduction of instances of...

The Problem of Drug Use and Heroin Addiction in US

Abstract By the end of my speech, the audience will be better informed about the drug use problem in the United States as well as about health and life risks associated with the use of heroin. Drug use is a globally important social problem that needs detailed discussion because increased...

History: The Gilded Age of American Society

Along the Railroad to the New American Society Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner wrote the book The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today. This book depicted an “American Society that despite its appearance of promise and prosperity, is riddled with corruption and scandal.” Today in American history this is...

Value Philosophy of Education

Education is an important part of any society. It contributes to the development of culture and its achievements. There are different views on educational methods and strategies. However, one of the most popular concepts promotes approachable style. The main goals of this paper are to discuss main educational issues and...

Substance Abuse and Its Promotion in Advertisement

Introduction Substance abuse is, to a great degree, very common in the world, and lately, the general populace has perceived substance abuse mentally as one of the vital questions raised for consideration or solution facing almost all countries. Specifically, the public solicitudes that illicit substances are the cause of aggressive...

Alcohol Drinking and Ethical Decision-Making

Introduction Human beings face various challenges in life that confront them with great dilemmas. In most cases, these situations have more than one alternative, and each choice has consequences for the victims and other members of society. Therefore, it becomes difficult for a person to make a decision when it...

“Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling” by Mark McMinn

According to McMinn, the book is intended for Christian counselors with interest in investigating the link between theology and religion. In this regard, he defines the basic perspectives of integrating religion and psychology in counseling. Moreover, he outlines the fundamental concepts of integrating counseling in religion. He epitomizes the belief...

The Concept of Death and Dying in Religions

Religions teach people to perceive the world around them by certain canons and laws prescribed by higher powers. In different faiths, approaches to the interpretation of human existence during life on earth and after it may differ. The case of George who learns about the terrible diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral...

Veteran Health Administration Policy Analysis

Introduction The United States has engaged in military conflict in many war zones throughout the last several decades. In addition to surviving the combat, a veteran must also deal with some unique health complications and hazards that exist in the armed forces. To that end, the Veterans Health Administration was...

Integrating Process Work Into Psychoeducational Groups

Introduction Corey (2015) identifies the working stage of group development as a later phase that is characterized by its productivity; in Pessagno’s (2013) classification, a similar term is the performing stage. While this phase may be less challenging than the previous ones, it is also the most important one since...

Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice” Performance

Introduction The play Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, as all the masterpieces of the prominent writer, raised the themes of love, hatred, betrayal, and honor; the performance transfers the reader into the atmosphere of religious oppression and human portrayal of the central character, villainous Shylock. The play remains relevant,...

Archetype of the Ancient Etruscans Compared to Modern Day Archetype

Introduction The archetypes of ancient world are versatile due to the fantasy and personal beliefs of ancient people. In Etruscan reality the role of deities and polytheism itself was of great significance owing to the religious and philosophical background of Etruscans and its development. Moreover, the similarities of Etruscan mythology...

Causes of the Break Down of Intelligence Before the Terrorist Attack of 9-11

Lack of preparedness of the intelligence agencies United States has several standbys antiaircraft military jets that could have been summoned to forestall the attacks. Despite this, the terrorists managed to fly the hijacked planes close to the white house which has an antiaircraft jet and later crashed it at the...

Researching Children’s Advertising: Impact on Children’s Growth and Development

Abstract Children’s advertising is a type of communication aimed at persuading children into loving and purchasing some types of goods. Currently, they are extensively used to meet the increasing market in society. This paper provides detailed information on what children’s advertising entails. It also provides detailed information on the negative...

Immigrants in Canada: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Immigration is the process by which people move from their native land to another land and some become citizens of that land. However, people migrate to Canada from various countries in the world. Canada immigrants can be classified into three groups. For example, there are those who migrated to...

Global Health Law: International Law and Public Health Policy

The authors’ research problem is major health problems in today’s world. The authors’ research questions are what the international health organizations such as WHO do to improve public health, and how they tackle the emerging diseases. The main point of the research is that the creation of a unified international...

Total Quality Management and Business Ethics

Introduction Total quality management and business excellence “is the culture of an organization committed to customer satisfaction through continuous improvement” (Taylor & Francis Group, 2011). As explained further “this culture varies both from one country to another and between different industries, but has certain essential principles which can be implemented...

Racial Injustice Problem in the Modern Society

Introduction Racial injustice is a topical controversial issue, and today it is almost impossible to not be involved in the discourse regarding its influences in modern society. The problem is not limited to individual cases and recognized as systemic, concerning all societal spheres from the legal system to the sports...

Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease: Conditions

Drexler, Y.R. & Bomback, A.S. (2013). Definition, identification and treatment of resistant hypertension in chronic kidney disease patients. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 0, 1-9. Drexler and Bomback aims at discussing the conditions of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and the impact of resistant hypertension in order to offer an appropriate...

Nestlé Company’s Global Business Environment

Nestlé Food Company Nestlé was established during economic hardship, and due to its largest scale size or operation, the company survived by acquiring government contracts. By the time the war came to an end in 1918, the business had about 40 factories worldwide (Chung et al. 2020). Henri Nestlé developed...

Aphrodite of Knidos vs. Venus of the Rags

Art has always been one of the tools used for different purposes. Creating various artworks, individuals acquired an opportunity to show things that were important to them and make other persons think about the ideas vital for them. A masterpiece belonging to a particular era can highlight the moods, attitudes,...

Introduction to Sociology

Introduction All people live within societies, belong to different groups, and have various kinds of relationships with other individuals. Sociology is the science that is interested in how people function in society and how they relate to each other. This paper aims to provide a definition of sociology and outline...

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