Hypertension Prevention, Treatment, and Education

Topic Identification and Rationale There is hardly a person who has never heard of someone complaining about high blood pressure. A periodic or continuous high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is detected in 29 percent of the US adult population, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

The Self-Care Deficit Theory by Dorothea Orem

Introduction The modern healthcare sector is focused on the provision of outstanding care to all patients and the improvement of the quality of their lives. It means that health workers should incorporate knowledge from different areas to attain enhanced results and assist individuals in their recovery. Under these conditions, nursing...

Electronic Medical Records: A Wide Range of Options

Nowadays, technologies develop extremely fast, providing a wide range of opportunities for different spheres, including healthcare. Among one of the most commonly discussed innovations are electronic health records (EHRs). They are believed to be extremely advantageous for medical workers because they allow sharing significant patient information with no complications. Professionals...

The Ottoman Empire in the World’s History

Introduction Before the current state boundaries, most of the legislative regions were kingdoms and empires. Unlike the current boundaries that are limited in terms of their geographical extension, the empires and kingdoms stretched far and wide. One of the empires that have had an impact in history is the Ottoman...

“Alien” Short Story by Riley Brett

Introduction Alien presents a short science fiction regarding a strange individual being returned to Earth after supposed abduction by a UFO. Told from the perspective of a blogger that encounters and connects with the man by accident, the short story offers a lighthearted but also tragic narrative of someone being...

Social Media and Networking in Organizations

Introduction According to Hansen et al. (2010), social media is affecting corporations from multiple dimensions. Services such as Facebook and Twitter are highly focused on encouraging collaboration among employees, customers, and partners as well as acquiring new customers. It is increasingly becoming a way of life for employees, customers, partners,...

The Critical Analysis of the Trial of Socrates and Daodejing

The speed of modern life rarely allows us to think about major philosophical questions and moral rules that control our lives. Not surprisingly, we close ourselves to the outer world, trying to follow a habitual set of circumstances and refrain from indulging in new ideas. After reading Trial of Socrates...

Discussion of LGBT Discrimination in Modern Society

Introduction All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. All rights and freedoms are universal, interdependent, indivisible and interrelated. Sexual orientation and gender identity are inherent in the dignity and identity of each person and must not be a ground for discrimination or violation. Despite the...

The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States

Abrego, Leisy, et al. “Making Immigrants into Criminals: Legal Processes of Criminalization in the Post-IIRIRA Era.” Journal on Migration and Human Security, vol. 5, no. 3, 2017, pp. 694–715., Web. Abrego et al.’s article shows that much evidence states that immigration is not associated with increased crime rates and that...

The World of George Orwell’s “Nineteen Eighty-Four” and the Current World

Introduction The novel 1984 by George Orwell describes a society where the authorities regularly check citizens. This essay compares the world of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four to the present world. As Orwell quotes, “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past,” people should recognize...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Poverty and Homelessness in Jackson, Mississippi

Introduction Poverty and homelessness are two substantial factors that have an impact on the person’s life and ability to care for themselves and their families. In some cases, poverty is a result of historical events and a lack of policies and support systems that would allow a person to have...

Autism Spectrum Disorder Communication

Introduction It is important to note that autism spectrum disorder is a condition that is the result of abnormal brain development. The key impacts of the disease are manifested in a person’s ability to socialize with other individuals and one’s perception of his or her surrounding social environment. Patterns of...

The Protestant Reformation in the History of Global Christianity

Introduction Christianity has different branches, the main ones being Protestantism and Catholicism. The tenets of the roman catholic church guide the doctrines, beliefs, and practices of Catholics. On the other hand, the results and principles of the Protestant Reformation govern the religious philosophies, creeds, and perception of Protestantism. Therefore, to...

A Federal-Backed Equity in Home Ownership

Introduction Homelessness is one of the major socio-economic challenges in the United States. According to Shinn and Khadduri (2020), the United States has almost 600,000 homeless individuals living in different parts of the country. The reports indicate that the number could be over one million people if those who are...

The Dutch Culture and Its Unique Features

Culture is the values, ideas, beliefs, customs, and social behaviors of a group of people. It is the determinant of the character and behaviors of a people based on the values and traditions that individuals adopt throughout their lives (Lin, 2020). Culture is influential because it determines an individual’s identity,...

Healthcare Disparities Among the LGBTQ+ (Queer) Veterans

Introduction The LGBTQ+ community faces unique challenges concerning access to resources such as education, jobs, and health services. However, LGBTQ+ veterans are a particularly vulnerable demographic due to several reasons. On the one hand, the previously employed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy prevented publicly non-heterosexual military staff from exercising their...

Asian Studies: The Vietnam War’s Key Points

Vietnam War is amongst other grim reminders about people’s cruelty, fears, and disrespect towards fellow human beings. All recent wars have the same thing in common, those who are being colonized and the colonizers. The excuses are also the same, as those with more power and weapons believe themselves superior...

Representative Democracy and Its Crisis in Europe

Introduction In the contemporary world, representative democracy is believed to be an elementary principal. In fact, the ideal of democracy in Europe, for instance, is based on the representative democracy. The model of democracy is designed in line with reverence to human civil liberties and the tenets of a bylaw....

Apple Computer Inc.: Maintaining the Music Business

Apple Computer Company is an organization that deals with electronic goods (Apple,, Inc., 2012). While promoting its products, Apple Computer, Inc. has expanded its market globally (Apple, Inc., 2012). Recently, because of its popularity and success in the market, Apple Computer was rated the largest publicly traded firm in the...

US Economy and Its Impact on Transportation and Logistics

Introduction The US economy and transportation and logistics management are intertwined. A strong economy makes the management of transportation and logistics more effective. Quality transportation and logistics management results in a strong financial system. After years of recession, the US economy is gradually recovering. Indeed, the fluctuation in the economy...

Popular Research Paper Topics

American Federal Budgeting, Actors and Strategies

Federal Budget The recent years have shown several instances of the federal government failing to approve the budget on time, which on one occasion resulted in the shutdown of government operations (Brass, 2011). The reason for that is the somewhat imperfect structure of the budgeting procedure, which was unsuccessfully addressed...

Medicare Patients’ Readmission Rates Reduction

Introduction This paper is devoted to the possibilities of reducing the readmission rate through transitional care among Medicare patients with heart failure. The reduction might allow reducing the financing of the hospitalizations in particular, as well as overall expenses on healthcare. The previous three stages of the project have provided...

The 95 Theses

The 95 Theses by Martin Luther was the work of art based on the Catholic practices referring to baptism and absolutism. The theses raised in The Ninety-Five Theses were against the idea of indulgence as the church had the power to sell salvation to a sinner. Luther was a famous...

Approach to the Care of Cancer

Introduction Cancer is known to have existed for nearly 4000 years or perhaps longer. The oldest piece of evidence indicating the existence of cancer was found in Egyptian mummies dating back to 1600 BCE. Ever since different civilizations throughout history have attempted to cure the disease. According to Elliss-Brookes et...

The Paint Party: Online Business Plan’ Analysis

Executive Summary Paint Party aims to provide painting opportunities, arouse aspirations, and enhance the satisfaction of amateur and intermediate painters. Analysis of the market shows that there are painting enthusiasts in college who need to hone their artistic skills. Moreover, the analysis of the market shows that amateur and intermediate...

Human Papillomavirus: Racial and Ethnic Differences

Introduction The article by Joseph et al. (2014) investigates racial and ethnic disparities in human papillomavirus knowledge, attitudes, and vaccination rates among low-income African-American, Haitian, Latina, and Caucasian young adult women. The research problem of this study is “to examine how the knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs related to HPV disease...

“Assessing the Effects of Voluntary Youth Service” by McAdam and Brandt

Summary of the Article The article under consideration dwells upon the civic commitment of people who had TFA experience. The major question which the researchers try to answer is as follows: “do the subsequent service commitments of participants show significant effects of the TFA experience, net of other explanatory variables?”...

Odysseus and Maximus: Heroes Comparison

Introduction In this paper, I compare two prominent heroes in contemporary literature – Odysseus and Maximus. Based on the portrayal of the latter from the movie Gladiator and the representation of Odysseus in a book with the same title, I argue that both characters had more similarities than differences. In...

Ansel Adams’s Photos’ Aesthetic and Philosophical Influences

Influential Photography Ansel Adams (1902-1984) was one of the most well-known landscape photographers and environmentalists whose works continue to charm art lovers nowadays. An ardent advocate of conservationism, Adams received his first camera in 1916, at the age of fourteen. At the time, photography had not even reached its first...

Arab Societies. Youth Bulges and State Repression in Algeria

I researched youth bulges and state repression in Algeria. Specifically, I sought to establish whether there is a correlation between youth bulges and state repression in the country and provide an analysis of the explanatory factors for this correlation in the context of the Arab world. I chose Algeria as...

Death & Dying Ethics in Christianity and Buddhism

Introduction Suffering from a disease is a challenge for anyone, but knowing that one’s condition is incurable is an entirely different experience. Frequently, people who know that their health will never be restored, decide to perform euthanasia and not be a burden for their caregivers. George, the person from the...

Stem Cell Research. Fetal Rights vs. Science

Introduction The benefits to society by the introduction of new medical technologies have been considerable. For example, the introduction of vaccines and antibiotics has significantly improved the well-being of people all over the globe. The science of stem cell treatments, potentially as or more significant than these other innovations, is...

Punishment vs. Rehabilitation – Pro Punishment

Introduction It is well known that punishment is the mostly practiced method for controlling crime and criminality. According to Black Law Dictionary, “punishment is a sanction such as a fine penalty confinement or loss of property right or privilege assessed against a person who has violated the law” (399). Punishment...

Illegal Immigration and Its Impact on Healthcare in the USA

“Ten million illegal immigrants live in the US, according to estimates by academic and government agencies, although Bear-Stearns investment firm analysts claim that the US illegal immigrant population “may be as high as 20 million people.” (Illegal Immigration, 2 May 2009). Every year millions of people sneak illegally into another...

Teaching English Language Learners

Introduction Language proficiency is basic to learning any other discipline. Research has been carried out in the area of teaching the English language learner (ELL). Some argue that proficiency in a native language increases the chances for learning the English language. Others still argue that children need to be taught...

The Consequences of Darfur Genocide

Introduction Darfur is an unstable region in Southern Sudan with a rich history of armed conflicts. It barely knew any peace until very recently, and its population, namely ethnic Darfuri, kept suffering. The reasons for the region’s constant state of war are complicated, rooted in racism, environmental situation, and overall...

Human Needs Theory in Negotiations

Introduction It seems apparent that negotiations and bargaining are quite intersected and interdependent categories. One who aims to sell a product successfully is to take into account the most prominent findings and ideas from the mentioned areas. However, the number of negotiation theories is relatively high, and at times, it...

Ethical Issues Involved in Software Project Management

Introduction Ethics may be defined as a set of beliefs in relation to what is considered to be right or wrong. Behavior that is regarded as being ethical usually follows rules and guidelines that are acceptable in society (Reynolds, 2007). More often than not, those who act ethically are perceived...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Safety Evaluation Techniques and Accident Data Analysis

Introduction The main aim of this report is to find out the number of accidents that occurred in the year 2010 in the recreational boating services in US. The accidents has been grouped into various categories which includes; collision with recreational vessels, collision with fixed objects, flooding /swamping, capsizing and...

The Role of Cultural Background of Suspect in Unraveling the Modern Crimes

Due to globalization, crime rates have been increasing in many countries. In particular, there has been an increase in organized crimes, especially between various countries. Technology, with which crimes are committed nowadays, has highly changed over time from what it used to be several years back. Besides, criminals have been...

Rhetorical Analysis of the Two Ads

Introduction Advertising campaigns, which gained particular popularity at the stage of development of information society, in fact, have an ancient historical foundation. Almost any advertisement of a product, call to action, or propaganda is reduced to the point that evokes in the consumer feelings and emotions or calls to their...

“Sunflower Sutra” and “Der Gilgul” Analysis

Introduction The historical periods in the development of literature often play an important part in the creation of specific literary pieces. Various movements initiated by famous authors and poets can heavily impact the contemporary literature of that age, conveying prominent ideas and personal thoughts. The evolution of American post-modernist poetry...

“Soil Not Oil” Book by Vandana Shiva

Introduction In her book, Soil Not Oil: Environmental justice in an age of climate crisis, the author, Vandana Shiva, offers a comprehensive nexus between commercial agriculture and climate change. Shiva envisions a world that can thrive without fossil fuel dependency. She highlights industrial agriculture as primarily responsible for economic and...

Abraham Lincoln: The Best President of the 19th Century

Introduction The 19th century is one of the most distinctive and pivotal periods in the political history of the United States. It marks an era during which America addressed the divisive issues that were hindering its political, social, and economic development, thus presenting an opportunity for its rise into a...

Analysis of Shelby’s Idea on Black Solidarity

Structural racism is still a severe problem in the United States and other countries globally. Overcoming it requires recognizing the racial differences, barriers, and challenges posed by stereopsis, discrimination, and bias towards black people. To this end, people must form a common idea that unites them around the goal of...

Nozick vs. Rawls: Distributive Justice or Justice as Fairness

Introduction Philosophers have suggested multiple theories that can be applied legislatively for different purposes depending on the societal aims that one seeks to address. Two seemingly opposing viewpoints that approach an existing problem with contrasting solutions belong to Robert Nozick and John Rawls. While both philosophers chose the notions of...

Lying in “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant

In human life, lies are found in various forms and for many reasons. However, often, if not always, deceiving other people leads to lying to oneself. Guy de Maupassant’s “The Necklace,” tells about the senselessness of the pursuit of pretentiousness and brilliance of high society, which can turn out to...

British vs. European Treatment of Colonies

Introduction The colonial authority has long been linked to the use of excessive violence. Many historians believe that violence was used as a standard procedure for imperial powers to subdue their colonies and prevent further resistance. Colonial powers such as Belgium, Germany, and Britain have been linked to various atrocities...

Experiences of Marion Milner and Frederick Franck

Introduction The quality of drawing depends on various factors, and one of the most crucial aspects is how people understand the purpose of this process. At the same time, it is important to examine available sources, personal experiences, and background knowledge about the object of drawing to achieve the best...

Food Poisoning Caused by Staphylococcus Aureus

Introduction Staphylococcus Aureus is a bacterium that lives in the skins or noses. At least 30% of the world’s population, both human and animals carries it (CDC, 2020). In most cases, the bacterium does not cause harm to healthy people. However, S. aureus can produce toxins that cause food poisoning....

Taylor Swift’s Blank Space Music Video: Analysis Example

Blank Space Video Analysis: Introduction A music video is a short film integrating song and imagery. It is produced for promotional and artistic purposes (Machin 52). Music videos have evolved significantly over the years. Most of the traditional and modest scenes in the videos, which mainly involved bands and artists...

Chronic Kidney Disease Patients: Pain Management

Problem Description The predominant symptom among patients with late-stage kidney disease is recurrent acute pain. Although pain related to chronic kidney disease (CKD) has a complex etiology, it predisposes patients to depressive disorder, poor quality of life, and lower survival rates (Davison, Koncicki, & Brennan, 2014). The latest statistics indicate...

Wal-Mart Company’s Balanced Scorecards

Balanced Scorecard is concept that is used in performance management as a tool to automatically manage performance and keeps track of the appropriateness of the execution of the tasks and activities by the workforce depending on their capacities and also helps in monitoring the consequences that arise from these activities...

Workplace Discrimination: Analysis and Recommendations

Introduction Minorities that most frequently face discrimination and harassment in the workplace are usually determined by their social and gender differences rather than their professional competence. Discriminated populations typically include people of color, female and non-binary employees, as well as personnel, deemed too young or too old to be considered...

Malnutrition and Patient Safety Healthcare Policy

The health care policy issue that presents the greatest interest to me is patient safety. I am convinced that all aspects of this issue should be the primary concern of all the professionals working in the field. Each hospital has to develop quality standards and assessment guidelines to be able...

Debates Within Early 20th-Century Marxist Parties

Introduction Socialism is classified by most modern historians as a system of economic and social policies and political beliefs that focuses on collective control over the means of production as well as democratic ownership and the decision-making process. Ideas of socialism existed well into the 18th and 19th centuries, having...

Reality in “Philosophy: The Power of Ideas” by Moore and Bruder

Heraclitus on the Nature of Reality Heraclitus argues that there is no reality. Nature is constantly changing. Consequently, he equates permanence to illusion. In addition, he argues that change is not random. On the contrary, it is controlled by a cosmic order (Moore & Bruder, 2011). He refers to this...

Domestic Violence in Federal and State Legislation

Despite the fact that much remains to be done to solve the problem of violence in the family, the state, various organizations, and society has contributed to changing the current situation. Previously, domestic violence has often been perceived as a private issue about which people preferred not to go public....

Culturally Competent Nursing for Chinese Americans

The assessment of people’s cultural backgrounds is an essential task not only for nursing but also for the entire healthcare system. Comparing the unique aspects of a particular ethical group makes it possible to find an approach to each case and not violate the ethical principles of interaction between medical...

Data Storage Management Solutions: Losses of Personal Data

Introduction The term data refers to a collection of facts about anything. As it is often said, processed data results to information and he who has information has power. In the modern world, companies are in dire need of faster data processing in order to meet the challenges brought about...

Overcoming the Asperser’s Syndrome Stigma in Adolescents

Overview of Asperser’s Syndrome Asperser’s syndrome is a neurological and biological disorder that affects the brain of an individual. Asperser’s or Asperger’s syndrome as it is popularly known is named after Hans Asperger, a Vienna scientist who did the initial research on the syndrome and published his findings in 1944...

Researching Ebola and Marburg Viruses

Introduction Ebola and Marburg viruses are considered among the deadliest viruses that can attack humans. These viruses are associated with the rapid deterioration of health and high mortality rates. The current treatment options for the viruses are ineffective and preventing the spread of these viruses during an outbreak remains to...

Elections in Australia: Public Information Campaign

In 2004 the AEC conducted a comprehensive, large-scale public information campaign devoted to the issues of elections in Australia. This campaign aimed to facilitate the voters’ understanding of the process of elections and all the relevant problems connected with them. AEC also sought to emphasize its role in the electoral...

Leadership Styles Definition and Analysis

An organization’s leadership is primarily focused on inspiring employees to achieve organizational tasks. It is also preoccupied with formulating a broader vision for an organization and developing stakeholder buy-in to support its achievements. There are various types of leadership styles used by managers to motivate their workers. Some of the...

Nationalism and Sectionalism in American History

People in the newly emerged American Republic experienced a surge of nationalistic feelings that impacted the US policy in several ways. First of all, the state’s economic growth led to an increased need for a national currency to facilitate trade between different regions. As a result, President Madison and Congress...

Barrister’s Ethical Issue of Defending a Guilty

Case Summary Charlie, a barrister is called to court to represent Lucy who has been charged with murder. Lucy shot her friend Sally after discovering that she was having an affair with her boyfriend, Franklin. The crime was heinous and Lucy is known for being involved in organized crime. Charlie...

How Poe’s Life Correlates With Writing Themes

Edgar Allen Poe is one of the renowned poets whose works have been used by several generations. Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America, when most Americans were beginning to embrace literature. He mainly focused on poems and short stories, especially tales. He is among the earliest...

Drug Prescription Issues and Abuse

Introduction Drug misuse and abuse are increasingly widespread problems that lead to higher levels of morbidity and mortality in all groups of the population in the US. It is fascinating, how the same active ingredients contained in medicines that help treat severe illnesses can become dangerous if taken in the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Astra Taylor’s “What Is Democracy?” Documentary Review

Astra Taylor’s Documentary, What is Democracy? takes an in-depth look at the concept of democracy and its history, from its ancient Greek roots to its modern-day iterations worldwide. Taylor travels to countries such as Greece, the United States, India, and Brazil to interview people from all walks of life, comprehensively...

The “Pleasantville” Film by Gary Ross

Gary Ross is responsible for writing, co-producing, and directing the American teen fantasy comedy-drama film Pleasantville, released in 1998. The plot revolves around two siblings trapped in a television show from the 1950s that takes place in a fictional Midwestern town populated by seemingly ideal citizens (Chitwood, 2022). Although they...

Teenage Parenting: Problems of Children and Parent

Thesis statement Teenage parenting can be a daunting task for parents even though the realities presented by this phase of development are manageable when a deep and cordial relationship between parents and children is cultivated at an early stage. Realities of teenage parenting The teen years mark an important period...

Comparison: Through the Tunnel by Doris Lessing and Araby by James Joyce

Summary James Joyce’s story in Araby was written in 1914. The story sketches the glamor of new love and the end of innocence throughout the story. The story is narrated in first person. The boy, the narrator, is mocked by mere narcissism. Thus, he comes to the realization that what...

Drones and Robotic Technology

Introduction Two things were required in transforming pre-historic man into modern man. The first requirement calls for a healthy dose of curiosity. The second requirement calls for innovative thinking. It is a good thing to know that human beings were imbued with the right amount of curiosity, because it becomes...

Pablo Picasso’s Biography

Introduction Pablo Picasso is a well-renowned artist from the early 1900s. He was born on October 25 1881, in Malaga, Spain, where he learned and went to college. Through his father, Don Jose Ruiz Blasco, Pablo Picasso learned new skills and got exposure since his father would take on the...

Biological, Biosocial and Classical Theories of Crime

Anthropological research data has shown the violence is inherent conduct among the primate species (Walker, 2001). In society, criminal violence is a common occurrence and legislators have suggested that the behavior of criminals be analyzed in order to identify any psychological patterns that are consistent among these particular types of...

Spirituality and Holistic Care

Introduction “Holistic nursing practice is about healing the whole person, explicitly recognizing and addressing the interconnectedness of body, mind, emotion, spirit, society/culture, relationships, context, and environment” (American Holistic Nurses Association 2008).This type of practice does assist people to find the much needed well being. It looks at an individual as...

The Use of Animals in Biomedical Research

Introduction Biomedical research is a wide range of discipline that looks for ways to stop and cure diseases that produces sickness and death in individuals and animals. This broad area of research embraces various fields of both the life and physical sciences (Creed, et al, 2005). With the techniques of...

The Doodler. Criminal Analysis

The Doodler, who is also known as Black Doodler, was a serial killer of the 1970s. He killed his victims near the Ocean Beach area by stabbing them multiple times, both from the back and front. His targets were exclusively gay men, whom he met at the local bars and...

Domestic Violence in “Othello” by W. Shakespeare

Introduction Arguably, William Shakespeare’s works are a critical way of thinking about the different contemporary subjects existing today. In Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello, various issues affecting society during the 16th century are discussed. Writers, historians, sociologists, linguists, and the public, in general, use Shakespeare’s works as a vital reference point and...

A Variable Speed Pump Compared to a Centrifugal Pump

Abstract Pumps and their functions are a necessity in industries and homes nowadays. Buildings and lands with distinct topographical characteristics need pumps to provide water to users. The basic function of a pump is to transfer liquid from a low-pressure area to a higher one. Without the application of a...

Relation Between the COVID-19 Pandemic and Depression

The global COVID-9 pandemic disrupted normal life on the planet; nations worldwide had to close their borders while millions of citizens were forced to stay home and maintain social distancing. Today, the harshest measures are already in the past in the majority of countries, and now the main agenda is...

Direct Foreign Investment, Long-Term Debt, and International Equity Markets

Direct foreign investment (DFI) occurs when a business or a person claims at least a ten percent ownership of a foreign corporation. Although this percentage does not give a controlling interest to the investor, it permits the influence over the firm’s operations, policies, and management (Erdilek 17). Subsequently, unlike a...

A 15-Month Well-Child Visit and Care Plan

Relevant Demographic Data C.N. is a 15-month healthy-looking African-American female brought to the clinic for a routine 15-month well-child visit. She has been visiting this clinic for her well-child checkups and other medical appointments since birth. The patient resides with both parents, who are present in this session. C.N has...

Organizational Culture Effects on Social Culture and Diversity

Introduction Organizational culture shapes all aspects of a business – from functionality, contract terms to employee benefits. Leaders aremore concerned with ensuring employees’ beliefs and attitudes align with the culture of the organization. This, as explicated in Dewiand Wibow’s (2020) study, makes sure they feel valued, supported, and respected. It...

Intersectionality Theory and Life Path Predetermination

People are born with particular social and biological constructs that reinforce their identity over time: race, age, gender and socio-economic background can become predictors (Vossler et al., 2017). When analysing the psychological support that an individual may need, it is essential not only to focus on individual socio-demographic characteristics but...

Human Rights in Contemporary World

Introduction to Human Rights According to Pereira (2007), human rights are universally inalienable. All human beings are entitled to these rights at birth. Also, they are said to be egalitarian and wide-ranging. In this paper, the author analyses an example of human rights abuse in the contemporary world. The human...

Transcendentalism and the Feminist Movement

Introduction Transcendentalism was a concept that led to a movement that had the same name in the 1920s and 1930s. This interest group has roots in various parts of the world, including the United States. The assembly arose from the desire of the general population to protest the existing conditions...

Wristop Technologies Company’s Innovations

Introduction In this paper, Wristop Technologies will be analyzed. The Finland-based company produces wrist computers for customers in the medical device manufacturing industry. The first part of the analysis will focus on the company’s innovation and its source. The benefits of the innovation to the customers will also be analyzed....

Obesity Treatment: Surgery vs. Diet and Exercises

Introduction The modern health care sector faces numerous problems that result from the significant alterations of peoples lifestyle. These are conditioned by the rise of technologies and their implementation in different spheres of human activity. The exploration of new devices has an overwhelming impact on people and their traditional tasks....

Interdisciplinary and Transitional Care Models

Introduction There are a lot of different models of care delivery in nursing, which is explained by the fact that healthcare units have their specific needs and must adapt their practices to be able to satisfy all of them. Therefore, deciding which model to select largely depends on its ability...

The Oman Aluminum Processing Company: Quality Assurance

Organizational Background The Oman Aluminum Processing Industries LLC (OAPIL) is currently the market leader in manufacturing aluminum conductors and rod in Oman. Founded in the year 2008, the company has experienced steadfast growth as a major player in Oman’s industrialization. Despite having been in the market for less than ten...

The US in the International Arena

One of the main features of the current geopolitical realities in the world is that the very concept of international law has been utterly discredited. In its turn, this appears to be a direct result of the recent actions of the U.S. in the international arena, which are being aimed...

Democratization in El Salvador

Having improved its political and economic situation by becoming a popular tourist destination, El Salvador might seem like a fascinating place to a random visitor, yet its internal political and social processes have been very challenging for its residents. The state has also been affected by two civil wars to...

Breastfeeding and Formula Feeding

New mothers have to make critical decisions regarding whether to breastfeed their babies or not. This personal choice will present the cons and pros to both the child and the mother. While many people support the benefits associated with breastfeeding, some might be against it due to various reasons. The...

“Nurse Burnout in China“ the Article by Lu, M., Ruan, H., Xing, W., & Hu, Y.

Introduction Nurse burnout is one of the most present problems to exist in hospitals across the world. Due to the very labor-intensive as well as mentally and emotionally exhausting nature of medical work, burnout levels among nurses and physicians are very high. This results in high turnover rates, which, in...

Harassment Types in Business

Introduction There has been the existence of laws related to business harassment that was enacted a long period ago. Employers and managers recognize that it is of paramount importance to reduce risks related to harassment litigation. Despite this, harassment in business still exists and employers are continuously paying huge sums...

McDonald Corporation: Company Marketing Strategy

Terms of reference McDonald’s has started its journey in 1940 and they formed the McDonald Corporation in 1955 in California, USA with tremendous customers and worldwide goodwill (McDonald Corporation, 3). This paper has focused on Strategic Marketing Plan for McDonald Corporation’s brand the Burger King Corporation. Amongst scores of product...

Edith Piaf: Biography Review

Introduction Edith Piaf was born on 19th December 1915 and died at the age of 47 in 1963. He was regarded as France most famous musician of all time. Though she was a female artist, her music attracted attention from all genders and generation. She specialized in playing ballad music...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Political History. Crisis of Belief in Different Works

The last century was typically characterized by widespread regional and international aggressions coupled with both fundamental beliefs and practices as well as mixed revolutions. As a stimulus towards these emerging trends, a more confusing cluster of multi-cultural beliefs came into being and attempted to counteract any form of persuasion. Wide...

Film “Split” Psychotherapy Analysis

Introduction For the topic of the final assignment, the movie Split was chosen, upon which an in-depth analysis of a character’s disorder will be conducted. The film is centered around the main character Kevin, who struggles with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) also known as multiple personality disorder. There are twenty-three...

Tbe Origin of Unions and Corporations and Consumer Protection

The Origin and Nature of Unions The history of labor unionism dates back to the 18th century when craft unions were formed in the United States (US). According to Shaw, during this time, “groups of skilled artisans – carpenters, shoemakers, tailors, and the like – formed secret societies for two...

Mitch Albom’s Inspirational Memoir: ‘Tuesdays with Morrie’

Introduction The story Tuesdays with Morrie written by Mitch Albom is considered to be a biographical story disclosing the real-life of sociologists. The novel was written in 1997 and gained recognition as one of the most significant works of the literature world. The work is devoted to the disclosure of...

Football Watching as Entertaining Action

Introduction Sports are an important aspect of recreational activity as well as cultural affairs. With the technological advancements, there are many different sports activities that are in the world today. However, an exceptional sporting exercise that is enthralling to a lot of people currently is soccer. As an individual, I...

The Restoration: Afra Benh’s Poem Orunoko

Introduction Afra Benh poem Orunoko has become one of the most important narratives about slavery. The main line examines the story of an African prince who falls in love with a simple girl and is then sent into slavery. In the future, he is freed from it and becomes the...

Cultural Values and Perspectives in a Family

Family Members and Their Roles Felipe Reyes and Emily Reyes are a married couple with two children, Sam and Cass. Sam is the eldest at 15 years, and Cass is 12 years old. Emily is a divorcee and had Sam and Cass with her first husband, Ken Wolter. Felipe and...

Motivating Police Officers to Serve and Protect

Summary The current proposal focuses on the idea that Heritage PD could significantly benefit from the use of motivating factors when approaching police officer productivity and the quality of interactions with the public. Based on the research from the Metropolitan Police, it was found that various promotions and achievement recognition...

The Starbucks Firm’s Consumer Behavior Research Methods

Introduction At first, Starbucks serves as one of the wide-reaching coffee chains globally. It is estimated to have a revenue of $24 billion and more than 350000 (Snell & Lemley, 2017). The case study encapsulates Starbucks’ crucial steps it implemented to design a financial product anticipated to create an added...

Experimentation to Understand Memory

Together with surveys and text-based qualitative methodologies, experimentation forms a trinity of popular research approaches in psychology. The mechanism of experimentation is relatively simple for understanding and application. Firstly, a researcher predicts the relationship between two or more important factors that may affect a real-life situation. Once the prediction stage...

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Abstract Based on an interview with M., her leadership style and the change process she represents align with transformational leaders who inspire their followers to strive for moral excellence. M. has created a blended platform to better serve the highly varied student and employee body. When asked if she felt...

Emergency Divert Status: Case Study

Case Study Robert and Roy, emergency medical technician paramedics (EMT-P) were back on the streets after a slow afternoon of handling administrative tasks in the office. Neither paramedic had checked the divert status board before heading out, so they were unaware that numerous hospitals in the city were on Emergency...