Hiring Criteria for a Restaurant Server

A waiter is an increasingly popular job among people of all ages. Some people consider serving tables to be an easy task; however, being a waiter demands considerable skills, qualities, and abilities. First, they must perform clear and concise verbal and written communication both with the administration, team, and guests...

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Birthmark” Review

The story’s beginning is devoted to the central themes, portraying a scene of pervasive attempts of scientists to control nature via scientific discoveries. Aylmer is the protagonist who cannot decide whether to immerse himself in the scientific world or keep being slightly aloof. He is obsessed with science, but he...

Quality Management and Performance Improvement in Healthcare

There are a number of healthcare quality issues affecting the performance of various caregiving centers. The improvement in medical insurance coverage has enabled individuals to embrace and access primary care services in modern societies. Concurrently, patient experience is a paramount concern that often shapes the operational culture in many of...

The American War for Independence

The American War for Independence marks one of the most important points in the history of the modern world. In addition to originating the American independence from Britain, the war significantly impacted the revolutionary movement across different countries and positively influenced the country’s economic development. In order to summarize thoughts...

Negative Customer Experience in Cosmetics Store

Customer experience is essential for consumers and owners of businesses. It is assumed that if people come to the place to receive service or buy a product, they will get high-quality treatment from personnel. In this case, it is not necessary whether the business is small or large; as customers,...

Expansionary Monetary Policy Action

The article “The Fed and the Great Recession” describes the role of the Federal Reserve during the 2008 crisis. It focuses on the implemented monetary policy, which was expansionary in nature, and criticizes its consequences, which were ambiguous (Summer, 2016). The author believes that banks being conservative contributed to the...

Effective Management: Basic Rules and Skills Required

Management, like many other career paths, is constantly evolving with practices in the industry and technological improvements. However, there are a number of rules of management and skills a manager should possess in order to observe efficient operations at their workplace. These include consistency, which can be observed as a...

Balance Sheet and Income Statement for Investors

The main reason why an investor would pay attention to the balance sheet is the presence of detailed information on liabilities and assets. The significance of all the resources that an organization either owns or owes could become decisive in the long run, protecting the team from unexpected losses or...

Crime Statistics Sources: Strengths and Weaknesses

In the justice system, there are a number of ways to discuss and evaluate crime, based on the different metrics of documenting it. In particular, the two major methods to collected crime statistics are official crime data and self-reported statistics from particular areas of a city (Mosher et al., 2011)....

Otto Von Bismarck’s Germany Unification

Otto von Bismarck and Benso de Cavour are two prominent political figures who have successfully pursued a policy of uniting their countries (Germany and Italy). Although politicians followed similar goals, their methods differed, the common goal was to conquer neighboring states: the territory could be beaten or acquired voluntarily. While...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hate Groups in the USA: Motivation and Prevalence

Hate groups are made up of people who share radical and authoritarian views. I was able to visit websites and find information about groups such as Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Anti-LGBT groups, and different Neo-Nazi organizations. I had a mixed reaction to the web pages of such communities....

Are Social Media Ruining Our Culture?

In less than the past four decades, the world has been characterized by transformative technological advancements. Technology has come along with an array of new ways of doing things, including communication. In 1983 the world was officially introduced to a new way of communicating titled “The Internet” (Furedi). Social media...

Telehealth: The Uses and Benefits

Telehealth is the provision of healthcare services through telecommunication technologies. An example of telehealth present in the healthcare system is people employing smartphones to manage health. Since most Americans own smartphones, they use them for health-related purposes, such as setting appointment reminders. They also install mHealth applications, such as smoking...

“Why Mountains Matter in Canada” by McDowell

The article “Why Mountains Matter in Canada” by Graham McDowell sheds light on the essence of mountains in Canada and why it is vital to advance initiatives that protect mountain ranges and the biodiversity that survives on these landscapes. According to the author, mountains form spectacular scenery, providing a prelude...

Readings on the Social Factors Around the Utilization of Land

The three readings focus on the social factors around the utilization of land. The first reading by Håkansson N.T. and Widgren M. (9-30) focuses on reviewing the concept — Of landesque Capital. It is the introductory section of the book edited by two authors, and it provides a scholarly definition...

Strategic Environmental Analysis and Decision-Making

The success of strategic decision-making critically depends on the analysis of the current situation, meaning that tools such as SWOT acquire the top priority. One of the central advantages of this analysis method is that it helps a business to determine its strong areas and employ them to attain success...

Analysis of Lomé Convention & Cotonou Agreement

Definition of the Key Term Lomé Convention & Cotonou Agreement are free trade agreements that allow regional economic integration by reducing international barriers to trade. Lomé Convention agreement was developed to provide aid to ACP nations and allow preferential access to exports from ACP nations. Cotonou Agreement was founded to...

Women Losing Their Periods Because of Diets and Exercise

The selected article for the given discussion is about the recently emerged trend in regard to women whose physical health is being impacted by online trends. The article states that “an increasing number of women are losing their monthly periods because they are following a social media trend for restrictive...

Creativity and Its Importance for Art

Creativity is generally the ability to generate alternative ideas and possibilities crucial for solving problems, entertaining ourselves, and communicating with others. In architecture, creativity means putting effort into creating the physical framework that enables us to live the way we do instead of falling into the lifestyles passed through generations...

Limited African Population Growth and Its Reasons

There are two main factors behind the limited population growth in Africa in the past: unfavorable environment and the spread of deadly diseases. As for the former, the challenge for reproduction is predominantly explained by soil conditions and the frequency and quantity of rainfalls. Except for some regions such as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Klean Kanteen’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

With the current threat of Global warming, companies need to participate more in CSR activities. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to a company’s self-regulated initiatives to help society in caring for the environment (Robbins & Judge, 2018). This paper aims at examining the CSR activities of Klean Kanteen company, and...

Descriptions by Ray Bradbury and Dagoberto Gilb

The bottom-to-the-top direction in Bradbury’s description of Tyrannosaurus Rex is not accidental. This technique allowed Bradbury to convey the sheer awe and terror experienced by Eckels. The terrifying dinosaur towers over thirty feet above the trees (Bradbury, 1952). The time traveler cowers in fear as he sees the mighty legs...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Healthy Marketing Strategy

The Coca-Cola Company is an American food company, the world’s largest manufacturer and supplier of concentrates and syrups. The Coca-Cola company is also a global leader in the production of soft drinks. The company’s most famous product is the Coca-Cola drink, which has expanded into an international market. At the...

Analysis of Hamdi v. Rumsfeld Case Study

The result in Hamdi v. Rumsfeld was the decision that enemy combatants had the right to appeal their detention. The court referred to the fact that despite confirming the authorized arrest from Congress, the defendant has the right to challenge this. The Fifth Amendment guarantees a person detained in the...

Albert and Whetten Revisited Article by Whetten

Being relatively close to CI definitionally, organizational identity (OI) relies on the actual understandings and claims of employees pertaining to the organization’s unique character rather than being built upon the organization’s expressions of its desired identity. As a theoretical concept, OI is carefully addressed in an article by Whetten (2006)...

Homelessness as a Social Issue in California

Introduction The issue of homelessness has brought several issues in California, owing to the large population of financially unstable citizens. One can think the people of California are well-off, resulting from the high wages in the Golden state. However, the houses are equally expensive, making them unaffordable, which is the...

An Issue With Cloud Computing

One of the main issues with cloud computing, which businesses should assess before deciding to use this technology, is data security. According to Kumar et al. (2018), this issue has four dimensions, each of which is related to different aspects of data security. The first type of data security issue...

Application of Technology in Early Childhood Education Systems

I will be incorporating technology in teaching grade 1 children in our institution. The adoption is set to help instructors and learners gain the most from technology while observing the social code of conduct. Modern technology has penetrated every domain of our lives at an early age, except in the...

Growing Up Colored Article by Gates

In this article, the author tells about growing as a person of color in the middle of the 20th century. He addresses the way things changed in terms of attitude towards people of color over the course of the whole text, yet it becomes apparent in the end that there...

The Main Features of the Medicaid Plan

Medicaid is a joint program between the federal and the state program in which the former provides requirements and the latter implements the services. It provides healthcare coverage to American citizens, including low-income adults, pregnant women, seniors, and children (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2022). Key characteristics of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Capital Disappearance in America

The reading revolves around the relevance of the main idea of Ithiel de Sola Polo’s piece, Technologies Without Borders. The discussed repercussions of a strong connection between society and technology are thoroughly analyzed to conclude their existence in the modern world (Putnam, 1995). In other words, the writing focuses on...

The Essay “Don’t Just Stand There” by Diane Cole

In the essay “Don’t Just Stand There,” Diane Cole talks about ways to combat prejudice and inappropriate comments based on a person’s belonging to a certain group. She claims that it is important to speak out and convey to the other side emotions, feelings, and a clear position about the...

The Korean Pop Industry, Culture, and Music

Deep-lying cultural differences set human beings apart, which is more evident when we study the Korean pop industry. The music industry is invariably sensitive to the culture of places it operates. Music is a business meant to generate profit and to do that; it has to align with the target...

The Art of Narrative in WALL-E

WALL-E is Pixar’s longest-running and arguably most successful experiment in using new storytelling that is radically simple. During the first twenty minutes of the cartoon, the viewer sees only an abandoned, in a sense devastated, but full of garbage Earth. There are no conversations on the screen, only background noise...

Data Insights and Competitor Analysis

Sentiments Talkwalker was used to collect information on the brand mentions in media for Virgin and Qantas airline companies. This quick search engine is a reliable tool for analyzing online data on trending content regarding a topic or brand. The data was collected from the online content posted in the...

Alzheimer’s Disease: Mitochondrial Dysfunction

The discovery of mitochondrial DNA supports the endosymbiotic theory, which explains that an endosymbiont is a single organism that lives inside another organism. The chloroplast and the mitochondrion both represent organelles that used to be free-living cells, which ended up in host cells. Through rigorous study, scientists found that both...

The Anti-Black Race Riot as a Civil Rights Issue

In the given scenario about the anti-black race riot, I selected the role of a member of the NAACP. My further discussion will be from that person’s point of view. I am a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). I attended a local meeting...

Importance of Studying Philosophy

Philosophy is one of the subjects, the study of which is fundamental for further education. It helps to track the development of science and learn more about various intellectual ideas. In addition, by following the train of thought of philosophers, you can learn a lot about the science of the...

American Social Activism During the Mid-1960s

Social activism and various movements play an essential role in shaping regional and global policies, moral values, and culture. For example, the Black Lives Matter movement united people of color worldwide, showing that the issues of racism and ethnic discrimination are not resolved yet. If I were to go back...

Aspects of Nursing Practice

The nursing profession is characterized by various expectations and norms. For instance, the National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services Standards (CLAS) overlap with some criteria that are distinct to nursing practice. In particular, CLAS’s core principle mandates that care should be responsive to all cultural backgrounds (U.S. Department of Health...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sustainable Development Goals’ Intersectionality

Quality education and zero hunger intersect since the former is responsible for countering the latter’s effects. The youths have a critical role in how quality education can end hunger. Despite being vulnerable, they are responsible for changing how different problems are faced, among them hunger. Quality education is responsible for...

Muscles of Mastication: Origin, Insertion, Action

Research The key purposes of the muscles of mastication are to assist in food grinding, teeth approximation, and the eating process. Interestingly, these muscles may be divided into the primary and the secondary ones, and while the latter group consists of about eight muscles, the former includes only four. According...

A Leader’s Roles of Designer, Teacher, and Steward

Those organizational leaders who act as designers perhaps have more responsibilities than those who prefer teacher and steward styles. They simultaneously have to perform as restorers and builders of organizational structure and culture and philosophers and creators of guiding ideas and vision (Senge, 2006). During my work experience, there have...

Locomotor Skills and Load Monitoring

Locomotor skills consist of physical activities such as running, jumping, walking, climbing, and others; therefore, they need to be visually confirmed. Thus, video recording is a primary way of observing and documenting locomotor skills in the specific areas of the classroom during the whole day or at a particular time....

Target Corporation as an Investment Opportunity

Investment decisions should be made after a thorough analysis of the company’s previous and current financial experiences to be successful and have a high chance of generating profits. Therefore, as a potential investor, I would avoid investing in the company I have investigated for only one term, even if this...

The Malignant vs. Benign Tumors Differences

A tumor is a mass of tissue that originates with different causes, such as trauma. The tumors made of well-differentiated cells grouped together in a single structure are called benign (Norris, 2019). As a general rule, benign tumors do not cause death. The only exception is if their location hurts...

Moral Panics and How It Influences Public Policy

A moral panic is an important social issue because it affects the public’s perception of potential threats. Generally, this term is defined as a widespread sense of fear that may not be directly linked to a real-life threat (Mallicoat, 2017). In a moral panic, the public is afraid of something...

Business Ethics: Honesty and Engineering

The discussion of extrinsic and intrinsic motivators is essential when speaking about businesses and their successes. I agree that motivation is one of the key factors of the necessary work ethics. Motivation for me can be defined as a cause or set of reasons that encourage someone to continue striving...

Autonomy as a Motivator for Employees

I agree with the post on the fact that autonomy is not always an applicable motivator for the employees, but it is not solely due to variations among people. I would like to add that the speaker’s statements about autonomy and mastery being better motivators for positions with some cognitive...

Job’s Story: Demonstration of Suffering and Faith

It is important to note that the story of Job in the Book of Job is a prime biblical reflection on the concept of suffering and the test of faith. One of the key elements of the story revolves around God allowing Satan to act as an agent of assessing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Prisoners of the Wired World” Article by Lightman

In his article, Alan Lightman discusses how the evolution of modern technology affects man and his ability to think and experience the world through his eyes. He supports this thesis with examples from his own life, focusing on how his thoughts, attitudes toward privacy, and attention to the world around...

Chinese Cultural Dimensions and Managerial Practice

Introduction China is one of the most developed countries with a rapidly improving economy. Apart from rapid technological evolution, China is a beautiful place to visit. Many people strive to come to China and learn better about local traditions and customs. Moreover, Chinese culture attracts people worldwide, and studying cultural...

Deregulation Effect on Airline Labor Relations

The airline industry is very influential, as it includes many services and unites various areas of activity, for example, cargo transportation and tourism. It also requires significant coordination between different processes and destinations. As a result, the industry gives jobs to many people. Any shocks and changes in the airline...

The Role of Media in Modern Society

Media is one of the most powerful forces in modern society. With the development of the Internet and the new ways of sharing information, it has become omnipresent. Nowadays, communication by image is more important than communication by the word because of the ability to share these images immediately and...

The Solution-Based Approach to Rehabilitation

Professional rehabilitation centers provide patients with services to reduce the influence of illnesses. They usually focus on the current problems experienced by the clients, neglecting their relationship to the solutions. However, the modern alternative to this approach, solution-focused therapy, targets more future-oriented goals in a relatively short time. Vocational rehabilitation...

Cognitive Therapy for a Client with a Physical Disability

A main goal of cognitive therapy is to modify an individual’s cognitive processing to change how that person evaluates and interacts with the world, and constitute a method of personality change. Therapy is time sensitive and based on a unique cognitive conceptualization of each patient. The therapy requires an active...

Christianity in Europe

Christianity has had a rather complicated history of development in Europe. It has experienced a rather complicated path from being ostracized due to paganist beliefs to being widely acknowledged by many people. The following text will reference 6 historical documents: Eusebius, The Edict of Toleration, The Edict of Milan and...

Morality of Stealing and Funding Life-Saving Research

The act of stealing is generally recognized as immoral since it violates the owner’s rights and autonomy. However, I incline toward the utilitarian perspective on theft which states that stealing might be morally acceptable in some cases (Abumere, 2019). Utilitarianism evaluates actions based on their positive and negative value to...

Escalation of Commitment: Facebook

Facebook can be considered as one of the examples of companies that have demonstrated escalation of commitment in recent years. The numerous privacy issues can evidence this and scandals the network has been involved in starting from 2006 (Newcomb, 2018). However, arguably the most infamous scandal associated with Facebook’s privacy...

Gross Domestic Product as Economic Well-Being Measure

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) calculates the monetary value of all final services and products, including those bought by consumers and those manufactured in a nation over a specific period. It gauges every product created within a nation’s borders (Dynan & Sheiner, 2018). As a result, some activities—such as non-market activities,...

The Problem of Elder Abuse

Introduction Researchers in the field of elderly abuse are yet to achieve consensus and consistency on the issue. This has contributed to challenges in defining elder abuse and measuring it within the population. The lack of consistent research findings has made it difficult to diagnose elder people experiencing abuse and...

Stages of Moral Development in Kohlberg’s Theory

Introduction Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development is an important framework for understanding the personality of an individual. It assumes that people move through the three levels of moral development during their life. At the same time, the moral understanding of every person is associated with cognitive development (Gibbs, 2019). Discussion...

Effective and Ineffective Ads by Dove and Colgate-Palmolive

Advertising campaigns are different depending on the channels of their promotion. In addition, the world’s largest companies in marketing activities need always to consider the different cultural characteristics of these regions and the current agenda of social responsibility. At first glance, the original approach to displaying advertising on Dove TV...

Declaration of Independence

It is important to note that the theory and its key assumption behind The Declaration of Independence of the United States from England were based on the Laws of Nature and God. The purpose of the writing of the document was to declare the colonial states of America independent. The...

Advanced Practice Nurse: Healthcare Policy

Introduction Advanced practice nurse (APN) could be a powerful asset to a medical organization and enhance the quality of provided healthcare. As an advanced practice nurse, I envision my role at the organization positively, as my skillset and education may change the implementation of provided healthcare. Discussion Modern medical organizations...

Ethical Issues in Organizations

Ethical Methods to Address Financial Shortcoming According to the case study, the most appropriate and ethical technique to understand the financial situation is the evaluation of losses and positive relationships with workers. Hillside County Medical Center is a healthcare organization that provides high-quality medical services and aims to satisfy patients’...

French Communication Pattern and Listening Habit

Effective communication is extremely important to ensure successful business relation. Multiple factors need to be taken into consideration when approaching business partners from other companies and particularly from other countries. I believe that to approach a businessperson from another country, it is essential to try to predict the challenges that...

Emotional Intelligence in Action

Introduction Emotional intelligence allows people to interact with others in meaningful ways since it helps to understand and utilize human emotions. There are five aspects of emotional intelligence that contribute to the person’s ability to empathize with people and communicate with them effectively. Three of these aspects are personal (motivation,...

Calculating Nursing Staffing for Hospital Units

According to Paulsen (2018), each patient needs extra care. The manager must consider the number of staff and the patient acuity and be aware of the staffing mix, which refers to the percentages of licensed or registered nurses (RN), licensed vocational nurses (LVN), and unlicensed assistive personnel or certified nursing...

Digitalization: Impact on Companies

The technological revolution has changed the way businesses operate, causing them as well as customers and the general public to be more reliant on electronics, digital platforms, and software. The research topic of interest for this work is the impact of digitalization on companies. The reason behind choosing this issue...

Marketing: The Absolut Vodka Ad Campaign

The selected brand and product, Absolut Vodka, is selected for this report in relation to an ad campaign that lasted for over twenty-five years. The series of advertisements employed by the firm depicts the iconic bottle shape of the brand within locations. A metro entryway in Paris gives the illusion...

The Costa Coffee Production Process

The transformed resources at Costa Coffee are the finished products that are sold to customers, such as coffee, sandwiches, and pastries. These products are created through the transformation of raw materials, which are the transforming resources. The raw materials used at Costa Coffee include coffee beans, milk, flour, and various...

Promotion Decision in Law Enforcement

Promotional endorsements in law enforcement are based on important decisions that correlate with major changes. There are multiple elements that are to be considered when deciding on changing one’s position within the police department. Namely, information on one’s experience, education, professional actions, community work, and character is required to make...

Speech Therapy for Children With Down Syndrome

Introduction The video presented by Helen Hayes, a speech therapist working for Downs Syndrome Scotland, highlights the importance of speech therapy for children with down syndrome. The speaker emphasizes the significance of communication and how it plays a crucial role in the development of children. Discussion Through exercises and techniques...

William Paley’s “Watch Analogy” Discussion

William Paley’s watch analogy is a well-known debate about the existence of God. Paley contends that if a person were to find a watch on the ground, they would infer that it had a designer because its intricate structure and function imply purpose. Similarly, Paley argues, the intricate structure and...

Kalser’s More Employers Addressing Pay Equity Article Review

The article “More Employers Addressing Pay Equity” examines the expanding pattern of companies addressing pay equity and closing wage discrepancies between employees. According to the article, some businesses are currently adopting proactive measures to guarantee that all their employees receive equitable compensation, regardless of their gender, color, or other characteristics...

Vegetable Group Nutrient: Folate

Vegetables provide a wide selection of various nutrients essential for a healthy diet. In particular, dark green vegetables, beans, peas, and lentils serve as a valuable source of folate (U.S. Department of Agriculture [USDA], 2020). Folate, also known as folic acid, is the natural form of vitamin B9 (Harvard T.H....

Rhetorical Devices in “The Monkey’s Paw” by Jacobs

“The Monkey’s Paw” is a short and famous horror story written by William Wymark Jacobs. Thus, foreshadowing is one of the stylistic devices the author employs to create a unique atmosphere in the text. For instance, Sergeant-Major Morris says the paw’s first owner wished for death (Jacobs, 1902). This fact...

Starbucks: Consumers’ Attraction to Bright Colors

Based on the data collected, Starbucks should provide a special fall drink with bright colors. A few reasons for this recommendation were reached upon descriptive statistics and Multivariate analysis. Structural equation modeling use methods like route analysis and confirmatory factor analysis to evaluate assumptions regarding relationships between variables (Hair et...

The Janus-Faced Nature of Comparative Psychology

The article I have chosen for the discussion is “The Janus-Faced Nature of Comparative Psychology – Strength or Weakness?” written by Gordon M. Burghardt. The author examines comparative psychology by using its history as the basis of his investigation and examination. His aim is to show how comparative psychology has...

Miami Catholic Hospice’s Clinical Site Analysis

Goals of the Clinical Practicum The purpose of my work at the clinical site of Catholic Hospice in Miami is to find out the necessary information about the conditions in which patients with oncology are kept, as well as the measures that medical personnel take to improve the quality of...

The Process of Finding Funding

Introduction The issue of investment is a primary concern for both an experienced entrepreneur and a beginner. The choice of funding opportunities predetermines the development of a company and its place on the market. It can influence stake distribution and stimulate the company’s development. Entrepreneurship Peculiarities In the process of...

“Blue Horses” by Marc Franz

Marc Franz was an outstanding representative of German expressionism. He created “Blue Horses” in 1911 (“The large blue,” n.d.). The unique style of this work inspires artists throughout the world. The specific atmosphere of “Blue Horses” motivated me to create a painting “Love of a Companion.” The purpose of this...

The Star Wars Story, Plot and Characters

The Star Wars story takes place in a galaxy that is going to face numerous threats. The viewers are introduced to main characters, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi that have to complete a mission and meet various allies during their long journey. Damaged by the Federation, their ship needs to...

Transgender Patients and Health Care Challenges

Limited Access to Health Care One of the challenges encountered by transgender patients refers to the lack of adequate access to healthcare services. As noted by Cruz (2014), they have to face stigma while assessing the primary care that is expressed in diagnosing and using the medical language. Based on...

“The American Geographies” by Barry Lopez

“Romanticized landscape” by Barry Lopez In his essay, The American Geographies, Lopez deliberates on the essence of nature presented through people’s perception. In particular, the author believes that a romantic vision of the American landscape prevents people from understanding the essence of the real scenery and embraces the overwhelming meaning...

Benner’s Stages of Clinical Competence and Deficit

Benner’s stages of clinical competence can be considered a fairly efficient tool for determining one’s current stage of development. Furthermore, the framework may serve as a means of encouraging one to engage in further professional growth. Out of the five stages, I believe that I am currently at the Proficient...

Prison Life in Nineteenth-Century Massachusetts

In the article “History from the inside out: Prison Life in Nineteenth-Century Massachusetts”, Larry Goldsmith has attempted to provide a detailed history of prison life and prison system during the 19th century. In particular, he takes the case at Charleston, New York, as an example of how American prison system...

Marketing Strategy and System

Introduction A marketing system is brought about by the interaction of people (Kotter, 1980). A marketing system can have adverse effects on people (Armstrong, 1987). Marketing has improved customer satisfaction, quality of life, and the consumption of goods in several countries (Steward, 1973). In order to reduce the adverse effects...

Developmental Disorder Overview: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

One of the developmental disorders often diagnosed in the middle childhood years is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Children suffering from this condition experience three basic difficulties: hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsive behavior (Harris & Westermann, 2014, p. 189). This disorder interferes with the child’s development on a cognitive level of functioning. A...

Social Psychologists and the Environment Studying

How do social psychologists’ study the environment and define new understandings and models for addressing environmental concerns? Social psychologists study the environment by considering the individual-environment relation, for which goal they scrutinize “environmental perceptions, attitudes, evaluations and representations, and accompanying behavior” (Millon, Lerner, & Weiner, 2003, p. 421). They pay...

Identity Development Models by McCarn & Fassinger

Several models have been presented to describe how identity and/or personal development takes place. One of the famous theories is that of McCarn and Fassinger. This model outlines two branches that appear to echo one another. These include “Group Membership Identity” and “Individual Sexual Identity”. This identity development model has...

Random Drug Testing in Schools

School athletes become role models for many young people. They represent the idea of youth, strength, and health (Hart & Ksir, 2015). When it turns out to be that an athlete uses steroids or some other drugs, this beautiful picture is broken into pieces and can hardly be repaired. Therefore,...

The Concept of Internet Memes

This picture illustrates the concept of detournement by rearranging the elements of meaning. What the sign essentially meant was to ban smoking from a gas station because it might cause major damage to self and others around. The updated version of it shifts the meaning from a simple warning to...

Organ Trafficking in a Global Context

Introduction The trafficking of human organs is the illegal practice of selling and buying tissues, organs, and other parts of the body with the aim to transplant them. The problem of organ trafficking is underreported and has not received sufficient attention from researchers (Ambagtsheer, Zaitsch, & Weimar, 2013). However, those...

Academic Integrity in Nursing Education: Is It Declining?

When students see their peers cheating, they need to take immediate action. In the studied scenario, two students saw another student use his phone during an exam. Assuming that they did not misunderstand or misjudge the event, they witnessed a common type of classroom cheating, which consists of obtaining answers...

Nurses’ Shifts and Fatigue: Evidence-Based Practice Change

The PICOT question formulated for the project and the selected qualitative and quantitative articles are related to such a nursing practice problem as impacts of the duration of shifts on nurses’ fatigue and patient outcomes. The problem is that prolonged periods of nurses’ work (12-hour shifts) significantly contribute to their...

Different Types of Business Frameworks and Cost-Benefit Analysis

In healthcare, there is a range of business models (BM) that determine the overall budget, cost-effectiveness, and methods of care. The UK National Health Service (NHS) BM is characterized by the universal access to the necessary services, which makes small eHealth businesses unclaimed. This contradicts the idea of implementing technological...

Science-Based Theories and Advanced Practice Nursing

Advanced practice nurses have to move beyond the essential competencies of their profession and incorporate advanced science-based theories into their work. Zaccagnini and Pechacek (2019) discuss Neumann’s system model, which depicts people and groups as systems that have to remain stable and healthy. The theory analyzes wellness from several perspectives...

Kritios Boy vs. Dying Gaul Sculptures

Comparing and contrasting works of art throughout history is expected to shed light not only on the different approaches of separate artists but also reveal the evolution of society through the ages (Kleiner 78). The current analysis will focus on comparing the sculpture of Kritios Boy, which is dated 480...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Managerial Accounting for Business Decision-Making

Article Summary The use of managerial accounting opens vast opportunities to organizations regarding their decision-making, which includes investment options, and management of financial assets as a whole. In their article, Butler and Ghosh study the factors that define the efficacy of managerial accounting on the business performance of an organization...

Cosmetic Surgery: Modern Trends

Appearance is of great importance in the contemporary world. People see images of beauty and perfection everywhere around them, including television and social media, and often feel pressure to meet these standards. Cosmetic surgery has been on the rise over the past years, and people use it as a way...

Economic Issues: Factors of Production Growth and Unemployment Rates

Introduction When combined with the lack of skilled employees, inflation is likely to have dire consequences for any organization. Therefore, assessing the factors such as the rates of production growth, the selected financial systems, and the rates of unemployment is essential for determining the threat to the state economy. Main...

Person’s Location in Social Structure

Modern society, especially in developed countries, provides numerous opportunities for mobility; still, social location retains influence. Its main markers are race, gender, and socioeconomic status. While the latter is changeable, the first two most often remain unchanged during a person’s life. Therefore, social location is determined from birth and subsequently...

“The Death of Nature” by Carolyn Merchant

Introduction Carolyn Merchant describes the death of nature as a result of scientific inquiry. Nature was initially an unknowable, cosmic entity, that behaved similarly to a living person, and then, as it was dissected to atoms, it lost its soul. When something is viewed as dead, lacking any sort of...

The Safety Hierarchy and Hierarchy of Controls

Understanding the safety of professionals working in hazardous environments is vital for every discipline. The article On the Safety Hierarchy and Hierarchy of Controls has been informative in understanding how safety protocols work in the mechanical industry. The author, Ralph Barnett, has been objective in implementing a methodology approach that...

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Data loss is the center of focus of business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR), as this is the lifeblood of business operations today. Any business threatening IT-related disaster resulting in significant loss of data is risky for companies of any size. As a result, backing up information is essential to...

Generation Differences in the Workspace

Today is the fantastic time when representatives of five different generations meet at work. Such a variety of habits, ways of development, and ways of thinking creates conflict situations at work, which can only be overcome by self-improvement. I belong to the Millennial generation, with one in three employees in...

Female Genitalia Mutilation and Cultural Tolerance

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a condition that may be explained in several ways. From a pathological perspective, FGM is a partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, however, for non-medical reasons (“Female genital mutilation,” 2020). Such a procedure has no benefits for women’s health; vice versa, it...

“The Ministry of Health and Healing” by Ellen White

The Ministry of Health and Healing by Ellen White teaches its readers universal truths and wisdoms which should be born in mind by everyone. According to White, only the purity of soul can help a person get cured with sins which dwell in every person being primary causes of all...

ACLLU vs. Clapper: the Phone Data Privacy

In the ACLU vs. Clapper case, Judge Pauley ruled that it is constitutional to track the phone calls of the people living in the United States. Constitutional issues and principles relevant to this case are the people’s civil liberties and their right to privacy. The program of collecting phone data,...

Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantages in the Industries

In many industries today, companies are shifting downstream, meaning that they make downstream activities the drivers of value creation. At that, upstream activities such as sourcing, production, and transportation are largely outsourced within the domestic countries or overseas, with the latter becoming ever more popular. The reason behind focusing on...

Evolution of Long-Term Care Systems

First, the factor influencing the disintegration of the joint family system is modern education as it inspires strong individualism among people, which contributes to their separation from their families. Second, developed means of communication and transport also affect the disintegration of joint families. In the past, there was significant difficulty...

Terminal Illness Perception Overview

Terminal Illness Terminal illness refers to a human condition that can never be cured and may ultimately lead to death. The most common type of terminal illness is advanced colon cancer. The disease refers to the abnormal growth of the colon cells (Epstein et al., 2016). Presently, the main causes...

French and Indian War and American Revolution

French and Indian War, which is also known as the Seven Years’ War, was the last in the colonial confrontation between England and France. The Seven Years’ War also covers the European theater of military operations, where the English success significantly influenced the victory in the entire war. Despite England’s...

Comparison of Gender Differences in Communication

Considering a number of biological, evolutionary, social, and historical aspects, men and women tend to prove different psychological and behavioral patterns. Therefore, such a distinction reflects in the way men and women communicate and interact with one another led to the emergence of gender stereotypes. To begin with, the primary...

Gratitude, Hope, and Forgiveness: The Wisdom of the Communities of Color

“Salsa, Soul, and Spirit: Leadership for a multicultural age” by Juana Bordas is a vigorous contribution to building a new progressive leadership model based on the principles, which have been generated by the communities of color and have been sustaining them while overcoming pressure and numerous adversities. The author represents...

Cruel Optimism: Karl Marx’s Ideas and the American Dream

Optimism plays an essential role in the overall approaches to interpreting the world around people. The piece explores the concept of cruel optimism in regard to Karl Marx’s ideas and the American Dream. Delusional belief and thinking are the root causes of these underlying issues, which can harm both the...

American Public Company Yelp

Yelp is an American public company with headquarters in San Francisco, California, specializing in connecting customers with businesses in multiple spheres. It was launched in 2004 by two co-founders, Jeremy Stoppelman and Russel Simmons. The relatively short history of the organization’s existence has been marked by rapid growth and an...

The Needle Exchange Program: Aims and Drawbacks

The needle exchange program’s main objective is to reduce the number of bloodborne disease cases by preventing the reuse of needles. According to evidence by Fernandes et al. (2017) and Elkins (2017), needle exchange programs are effective for reducing the number of bloodborne diseases. Mainly, Fernandes et al. (2017) found...

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“Rust Red Hills” by G. O’Keeffe: Inspiration Piece

Inspiration Piece Georgia O’Keeffe painted the work above in 1930, basing it on a New Mexico landscape near Abiquiu. It depicts a series of hills of different colors, though many of them, and the painting as a whole, take on a reddish tone. The hills appear to writhe slightly, giving...

Wireless Local Area Network vs. Ethernet

Given the fact that practically any router has both Wi-Fi antennas and Ethernet plugs, it would make perfect sense to use a complementing connection at a university. For example, libraries could significantly benefit from such a setup, as students would have the opportunity to use high-speed Wi-Fi. In contrast, the...

Child Nutrition and School Health Programs

Healthy eating has already become a significant trend in modern human life. Much attention is paid to children’s dietary habits, so schools and professional organizations are eager to participate in research and discussions. Either kids or adults need a number of healthy nutrients, but the difference is that adults know...

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TANF Policy Problems and the Importance of Social Workers

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Relativism and Its Relationship With Ethics

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Implementation of AI in Law Practice

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Good Night’s Sleep for Brain Function and Waste Disposal

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Phyllis Schlafly as a Conservative Activist

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The Definition of Psychodynamic Perspective

Human life as a complicated process is primarily based on the decisions people make with respect to their feelings and expectations. However, sometimes, it is barely possible to find a reasonable explanation for their actions. To define the possible patterns that contribute to one’s decision-making process, various scholars did their...

Discrimination in the US: Du Bois’ “The Souls of Black Folk” and Present Days

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CEO Longevity in Companies: CEO Replacements

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Police Brutality: The Killing of Daunte Wright

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The Role of Nurse Leaders in Improving the Quality of Patient Care

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Bacterial Shapes Laboratory Manual

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“Main Social Paradigms” Video by Crash Course

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Strategy Options, Contemporary Strategy Analysis

The Business Strategy Options, or COMPETES, is most applicable to the Walmart case. This approach is focused on finding a way to stand out from competitors, to form some uniqueness by fulfilling one or more criteria. First of all, Walmart, created in 1962, is the bearer of the unique image...

Apple Inc.’s Competitive Edge and Value Creation

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Types of Reciprocity. Cooperation Dynamics

Any exchanges between people can be handled in three ways. The first type is generalized reciprocity, which is mostly expressed in closely related societies. The general principle of this type is “help anyone if helped by someone” (Stojkoski et al., 2018). In my case, my parents are willing to help...

New Deal Programs Directed at Intellectuals

As soon as Franklin Roosevelt took office as President of the United States, he received emergency powers to deal with the crisis. The reforms carried out by the Roosevelt administration in the 1930s became the largest milestone in the history of the United States in the 20th century (Pillen, 2020)....

COVID-19-Related Claims Against Health Care Providers

The bill SB 74: COVID-19-related Claims Against Health Care Providers, sponsored by Jeff Brandes, a senator from Florida and the representative of the Republican Party, and accepted as a health policy on February 10, 2021, addresses the legislative procedure for civil actions on the basis of COVID-19-related claims against health...

“Armageddon” Film: American Culture of Patriotism

The movie Armageddon by Michael Bay depicts the American culture of patriotism. In the film, a group of deep core drillers is commissioned by NASA to help stop a humanity-threatening asteroid before it collides with earth. Patriotism can be defined as a feeling of devotion, love, and attachment to a...

“Slight Rebellion Off Madison” by J.D. Salinger

J.D. Salinger’s short story Slight Rebellion Off Madison is a beautiful portrayal of youthful rebellion and nonconforming nature. Holden Caulfield is overpowered with thoughts of leaving everything behind and getting married to Sally in a new city. Hoverer, neither Sally nor the other friends take Holden seriously. The rest of...

Cannabis Supply, Demand, and Consumption

The supply and demand of recreational and medical marijuana were considerably impacted by the pandemic of the coronavirus and related isolation. According to the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, the production of cannabis has increased by 78% since 2019, while the amount of marijuana sold increased by 150% (1). Thus this...

Sampling and Non-Probability Methods

Probability and non-probability sampling are techniques utilized to select part of a target population to conduct a survey. Probability sampling refers to a sampling method that involves the probability theory whereby the likelihood of any unit’s knowledge of being selected is employed (Langer 2018). Therefore, every target population member has...

Oedipus the King: Analysis of Plot

In the play, Oedipus solves the Sphinx’s riddle to save Thebes from destruction. The Sphinx asked him a compound question, and Oedipus was the first man to conquer the Sphinx by answering it and saving the city from the plague; therefore, he got the title of the king. However, this...

Women in Newsrooms: Barriers and Challenges

The history of women in newsrooms and journalism began in the 1890-s during a series of economic and social protests. Although this movement had made a huge improvement in men’s and women’s equal position, in the 1970-s female newscasters were still facing some challenges. For example, the two main barriers...