A Story by Flannery O’Connor and Elizabeth Bishop’s Poem

The author of this writing found both texts suggested for discussion interesting and thought-provoking. A story by Flannery O’Connor, in which the grandmother struggles to soften the heart of the escaped convict but fails, is saturated with religious symbols and may be regarded as a parable. Curiously, the story starts...

Halal Food in Other Religions

Various religious affiliations worldwide provide strictly defined food guidelines for their parishioners. As highlighted by Stuckrath (2019), Christianity involves periods of fastening with meat, fish, egg, dairy, and alcohol avoided, while Hinduism generally restricts the consumption of meat and eggs (Patience, 2019). As followed by Stuckrath (2019), Judaists are expected...

Premature Delivery Among Black Women

The socioeconomic gap between American residents has been a topic for a continuous discussion in terms of discrimination, access to the job market, and overall financial opportunities. However, the biggest discrepancy in the US context is the issue of limited healthcare based on ethnic and racial affiliation. Thus, according to...

Swan’s Case as an Example of an Eating Disorder

The presented case can be considered as an example of an eating disorder. Being focused on success in ballet and becoming a recognized dancer, Swan demonstrates anxiety because of the possible weight gain. The high level of stress because of expectations and the need for the perfect shape to remain...

Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory: Discussion

Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory approaches the concept of intelligence more broadly than any other interpretation of intelligence that has ever existed. Instead of emphasizing traditional types of intelligences, such as linguistic and logical-mathematical, the theory takes into account other dimensions of person’s cognitive abilities that do not fit in the...

The Capital Controls in Venezuela

Capital controls are critical for any country, including Venezuela, as they provide an opportunity to have a particular rate of exchange for a long time without a threat for the reserves of both hard and foreign currencies (Schulze, 2000). Unfortunately, such control is rather expensive for the investors, which makes...

Economic Development of Bedford County, Virginia

Introduction Local planning process -> infrastructure development, maintenance of the comprehensive plan, support of public facilities Useful strategic approaches in economic development: targeted industries (specialization); choice of narrowed strategy (“growth-friendly,” “optimum competitor”) making difficult trade-offs and establishing a unique position for the area Challenges facing leaders in Bedford County: preserving...

Qualitative Research Question

Conducting qualitative research requires observing some essential conditions that are the key to successful work and obtaining credible results. One of these principles is methodological coherence which, as Mayan (2009) argues, makes it possible to “ensure congruence between your epistemological and ontological viewpoint” (p. 13). However, this principle is not...

“Why Redskins Is a Bad Word” by John McWhorter

In Why Redskins is a Bad Word, author and an associate professor of English and comparative literature, John McWhorter, writes about the phenomenon of the negative association of a word acquiring. In this essay, the author explains why ordinary words can possess another meaning different from their literal ones and...

Health Care Quality Management: Tools and Applications

Several quality analysis tools can be used to process the collected data. All of them are used in specific cases and help to make data-driven decisions. One of such tools is called a check sheet, which is also called a defect concentration diagram. This tool is used when the same...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Koch’s Postulates and Chemotherapy

Robert Koch developed a set of postulates that are used to establish a relationship between a particular germ and disease. Per Black and Black (2018), they are the presence of the causative agent in each case, the ability to isolate in pure culture, the production of the same disease upon...

Immigrants and Savers: The Irish in 1850s New York

Immigration remains crucial for American society and has always taken part in the nation’s history. It is a significant event because people keep moving from one country to another, and many technological innovations, companies, or industries could not exist without immigrants who left their homes searching for a better life....

Complex Moral Dilemmas

Deontology ethics defines the morality of an action based on whether it is right or wrong, while teleological ethics constitute moral obligation justified by the desirable end or outcome. The two concepts often present myriad challenges among medical practitioners during decision-making scenarios. As such, given a chance, some of the...

Workplace Distractions and Their Elimination Strategies

Distractions At the workplace, employees or customers can be distracted for various reasons. Indeed, within a customer setting, there are several disturbances for instance, chatty co-workers or gossipers are the first forms of distraction (Tiutiunnikov, 2018). These are the colleagues who leave their working section and move to their fellow...

The Framework For a Basic Marketing Plan For the Startup Venture

The framework for a basic marketing plan for the startup venture, a company producing healthy snacks, consists of several stages, which should be implemented in an orderly fashion. First, it is necessary to start with the definition of target customers and their needs (Lindley, 2018). In this case, they will...

Measures of Disease Frequency: Zika Virus

In 2016, the Zika virus caused a widespread epidemic in several countries. The United States also suffered from this disease, as can be seen from the statistics published on the CDC website (“2016 case counts,” n.d.). To see a clear picture of the effects of Zika on the U.S. population,...

Equal Protection Clause: Consequences and Implication

The Equal Protection Clause lived up to its original intent in many cases. For example, the case of Brown v. Board of Education (1954) made segregation of public schools illegal. On the other hand, Lum v. Rice (1927) case demonstrated that the exclusion of children of color from public schools...

Architecture’s Role in the Nazi Regime and Its Programs

Nazi architecture was a part of the era’s ideology, aiming to reinforce the atmosphere of military dominance and concurring strength. The “Nazi-style” was characterized by neoclassicism in stand-alone buildings, and a utilitarian approach for the industrial and military complexes. The architecture and urban planning of the period were characterized by...

Appearance and Nationality: Stereotypes and Myths

An award-winning Puerto-Rican poet, essayist, and novelist Judith Ortiz Cofer starts her piece of writing with the story of how she met a man in a bus. The man started singing Maria from West Side Story once he had spotted Cofer. That way, the author raises the issue of the...

Types of Listening

Listening is fundamental to effective communication, and the way people listen in every situation needs a different approach. One might be trying to develop a relationship, learn something new, make a logical evaluation or discriminate. Therefore, one needs to be able to focus, receive and comprehend to listen. There are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analysis of “Mind Games” of Slaves

The described “mind games” of slaves in the post have a psychological underpinning, whether it is related to the religious aspect of the matter or different cultural practices, such as music or family relationships. Therefore, they can be examined through the lens of the inherent prejudice of this order. First,...

Difficulty of Satire Overview

Satire can be summarised as a literary technique that employs humor, exaggeration, and irony to expose and scrutinize issues within current society. It can be present in texts that criticize components of political, social, philosophical, or even everyday life. Satire is extremely powerful, though not in an obvious way. It...

Discussion of Homelessness in Modern Society

Although each community in different parts of the world is unique, a lot of those communities share some common features. In a TedxTalks video, Martha Stone, an executive director of a shelter, provides some insight into homelessness, one of the common features of various areas. Stone presents some statistics of...

Emotional Intelligence: Why Is It Important?

Emotions are an integral and significant phenomenon of everyday and professional life. That is why people should be able to understand and control their emotions, and Emotional Intelligence (EI) helps individuals cope with this task. EI is an essential ability for every person irrespective of their profession or gender because...

Business Plan Presentation and Its Specifics

A business plan is not successful until it is not presented to an audience. During the presentation of a business plan, demonstration of passion is crucial because audiences need to see your engagement and interest in the business idea. Without affection, it is impossible to attract investments and people to...

Pathos, Ethos, and Logos in Steve Job’s Speech

Ethos Steve Jobs begins his 2005 speech at Stanford University with a rather emotional but short greeting. Jobs, at that time, was already a famous person and began his speech with understandable and straightforward words, thereby establishing the ethos, or in other words, conquering the public. In addition, it is...

The Roles of Competition and Antitrust Laws in the Future of Quality Measurement

Quality measurement refers to the standard set of parameters that help measure the quality of a healthcare provider’s performance. In fact, quality is quite a subjective concept that is difficult to calculate and define reasonably (OECD, 2013). Therefore, the quality is rarely analyzed by competition authorities (OECD, 2013). Another problem...

The Impact of Monopoly on Economy

Market Inefficiencies Caused by Monopolies The simulation game taught me that monopolistic models are detrimental to both market actors and consumers. The dominance of monopoly in the marketplace produces two types of inefficiency, namely consumer exploitation and allocative inefficiency. When only one entity rules the entire market, consumers cannot purchase...

Analysis of “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Gilman

“The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Gilman is not simply a story of a particular unfortunate female but a depiction of what can happen to anyone who lives in isolation and faces oppression. I share Moore’s view that the image of the woman is collective, for which reason she actually remains...

Mental Illness and Madness and Approach to Mental Disorders

Currently, the biological concept is based on the following aspects of natural science: genetics, neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, and neuroendocrinology. Various disorders according to the biological approach are associated with genetic influence, damage to the nervous system, a violation of the exchange of neurotransmitters, and neuroendocrine changes. Therefore, treatment should also be...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Determination of Sartre’s Concept of Freedom

Personally, I find Sartre’s philosophical stance on the freedom of an individual very bold and motivational, as it can lead a person to become more proactive. Vaughn reveals that Sartre’s idea that “existence precedes essence” is a vital source of inspiration for those who are willing to take matters into...

The Possibility of Bankruptcy in Entrepreneurship

In the present-day world, businesses face numerous risks, and their ability to overcome them positively correlates with their chances for survival in the future. The possibility of bankruptcy evokes significant concerns in entrepreneurs regardless of their experience in the field and position on the market (“The primary reasons why businesses...

Nature-Nurture Debate of Gender Identity

What determines the gender of an individual, nature or nurture, was of interest to people long before the advent of gender studies. The myth of Iphis is a prime example of it. According to Moore (2021), the myth is about “a girl, raised as a boy, who loves another girl...

Largest Epidemiological Study of COVID-19

The research that is believed to be the largest epidemiological study of Covid-19 was conducted in two Indian states, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, and has revealed several important findings. Although it did involve a large number of confirmed Covid-19 cases, the study only examined cases and traced contacts in...

Philosophy of the Elenchus

The elenchus is a method of discussing matters presented by Socrates. It consists of several stages, which include asking questions, presenting logical contradictions as per the answers, and insisting on combined efforts in pursuing the truth. In other words, one using this approach starts with claiming doubts regarding the opponent’s...

Attention: Definition and Functions

Attention refers to the process through which the human brain selects specific information for further processing. Human beings have attention to help them focus on specific details and then create a memory. Through attention, one can extract information from the environment and send the required body response (Banich and Compton,...

Marketing, Advertising, and PR: Coca-Cola Example

Although marketing, advertising, and public relations (PR) are all parts of the promotional process for the firms in the modern business environment, they maintain important differences between each other. Marketing is focused on the overall perspective and the big picture of the promotion in general, encapsulating advertising as one of...

Diversity and Equality in Nursing

The issues related to diversity and equality in nursing are still pressing and have diverse effects on the development of the healthcare system. This post highlights some of the most urgent aspects of the problem that are related to the workforce. Medical staff is still prone to discrimination and underrepresentation,...

The Impact of a Regular Sleep Schedule on Responsibility

A sense of responsibility can help people achieve their goals in any area of life. Compliance enables individuals to create their own values and take the reins of life into their own hands. At the same time, responsible persons are more trusted and, as a consequence, they are sooner to...

Act Liability for Price-Fixing of Generic Drugs

The United States Department of Justice reported that Apotex Corporation, among other drug manufacturers, paid over $400 to settle violations of the False Claims Act, characterized by increasing and maintaining high prices for generic drugs (Office of Public Affairs, 2021). Apotex increased the price of its generic drug, pravastatin while...

NCVS Central Tendency Discussion

From the NCVS, it is easiest to derive the means of the various data presented. With that said, this means will not necessarily be particularly meaningful, as most of the numbers shown in the survey are only loosely related to each other. While the report serves well to illustrate the...

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is a program which provides low-income families with the necessary resources to sustain a decent level of life. The policy’s primary concern is promoting welfare among its recipient; yet, the program does not comply with cutting poverty (Policy basics, 2021). The leading solution would be...

The Pre-Raphaelite Movement Representatives

It should be noted that Loreena McKennitt’s music, as well as her personality, embodies a sense of mysticism when it comes to her artistic expression. One of the core elements of her presented values and themes is nature, where the latter acts as a form of unique spirituality. In other...

Nursing Work Environment and Redundant Functions

Introduction In the contemporary world, situations when some workers are forced to fulfill functions, which are not their direct responsibilities, are a widespread issue. In the nursing work environment, there are tasks that many nurses have to do, despite the fact that other, less-paid employees should do them. This paper...

Protein Supplements for Younger Athletes

Protein supplements are often assumed to be necessary for muscle growth and athletic development. While certain populations such as vegan or adult athletes may benefit from additional protein intake, it is largely unnecessary for middle or high school-aged individuals. On average, a teen or young athlete is required to consume...

Vaccine Nationalism: Is It Inappropriate?

Vaccine nationalism refers to countries that are economically developed and which order many vaccine doses from big pharmaceutical companies even before the vaccines are approved for use. Utilitarianism in health dictates that interventions are appropriate only if they improve most people’s health outcomes (Ransom & Olsson, 2017). Therefore, vaccine nationalization...

Case Study for Agnes: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

According to the case scenario, Agnes is most certainly suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). She was traumatized by the previous account of the storm in which her grandfather and her father who were fishing were washed away by the force of nature. Despite the fact that relatives did not...

The Nature of Economics by Heilbroner: Relevance of Economics in Society

In his article, The Nature of Economics, Heilbroner (1995) discusses the purpose and relevance of economics in contemporary society. While acknowledging his views could be contentious to many readers, he underscores that “economics is concerned exclusively with the study of capitalism” (Heilbroner, 1995, p.22). This aspect leaves out 99% of...

The Difference Between New Orleans and Chicago Style Jazz and Swing Style Jazz

Both New Orleans and Chicago styles greatly contributed to the development of jazz music in the 19th and 20th centuries. The common thing that unifies New Orleans and Chicago Style is the significant impact of individual solos, less relaxed music, and 19th-century Black ethnic music motives (Encyclopædia Britannica, n.d.). Discover...

Customer Relationship Management Software Implementation

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is one of the most effective approaches to improve the management of customers in an organization. Implementing CRM without thorough consideration of customer satisfaction and strategy poses a great risk to an organization. Customer strategy should be incorporated when introducing CRM software in an organization....

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Miles of Aisles of Sexism” by Hoffman

The article Miles of Aisles of Sexism by Hoffman demonstrates how toy stores are resistant to change and entrenched within the sex-role stereotypes and the bold adoration of war. As a result, boys are crushing, blasting, striking, and destroying during their playtime, while girls are diapering, clearing, and grooming (Hoffman,...

Autoethnography Project: A Bolivian Student Explores an American College

I have heard that America opens its doors to all people who need help, but I did not realize this hospitality’s quality until recently. Regarding increased globalization, the number of international students in American colleges continues to grow, and now, I am one of them. It is hard to convey...

Online Health Data and Ethical Considerations

Sharing health data online comes with a number of ethical concerns and problems because it exposes an individual or group to various predatory activities. The ethical violation is centered around one’s autonomy because such measures can result in health data being shared without a patients’ consent or knowledge. Another problem...

Objectives, Questions, and Hypotheses in Qualitative and Quantitative Research

The purpose of qualitative research is to evaluate a phenomenon and identify the factors that influence it significantly. It often begins with a limited understanding of the situation and the expected outcomes, discovering them through analysis of information collected over the course of the study. As such, qualitative research objectives...

Honesty and Engineering: Ethics Reference Guide

Engineers are required to uphold the greatest levels of honesty and integrity since they are responsible for the public’s safety, health, and welfare. Engineers are required to follow and comply with a code of professional ethics, which includes upholding the highest ethical standards of conduct. The main engineering code also...

World War II in the Pacific Region

While it is a common belief that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on February 7, 1941, was a massive success for the Axis forces, Imperial Japan failed to achieve all its objectives. As historians mention, Japan wanted to secure victory in the war with one decisive battle and two...

The Tohoku Earthquake: Tsunami Entry

The Tohoku earthquake occurred off the coast of Japan in 2011, near a subduction zone where two tectonic plates clash. One plate moves beneath another into the mantle, the hotter layer beneath the crust, in a subduction zone. The huge plates are rough and adhere to one another, accumulating energy...

Analysis of the French Revolution

The critical event in French history was the revolution of the 18th century. A combination of reasons made people infuriated with the situation in the country, with the local aristocracy playing a pivotal role. As a result, the events of those years caused upheavals not only in France but also...

Telephone Communication From Theoretical Perspectives

Technology: Telephone Relevant Social Group: While many technologies are limited to relevant social groups of producers and users, the telephone involves many subgroups. First, there are telephone providers who lay telecommunication lines and benefit from providing paid services to users. Next, there are phone manufacturers who produce electronic devices for...

Gambling, Financial Problems, and Family Impact

Gambling often contributes to increases in debt problems and psychological distress, both or one who has pre-existed or even influenced gambling. The use of an individual’s resources in the form of gambling often results in severe financial loss, which then contributes to increased borrowing, as it is often a diagnostic...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Essential Financial Concepts

The most important concept I have learned in the course is the PV, FV, and Payback Period. It is the first on the list because it is related to long-term risk-taking since the notions themselves help assess the possible financial benefits in the future. According to researchers, financial forecasting is...

The Evolution of the Roman Empire

Democracy is typically viewed as the superior form of government that allows for the maximum representation of citizens. Therefore, there are sufficient reasons to believe that democracy is preferable to a monarchy or any other type of government. However, the transformation that the Roman Empire experienced after the power had...

Design Process, Metrics and Requirements

It is quite an accepted view that any creative work needs complete freedom, and no limits can be set. Although the design process encompasses creative effort, it is different from the creative process of many artists. Designers create products that serve specific purposes, so they are bound to have certain...

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

The acronym FTC stands for the Federal Trade Commission. The FTC is the federal agency, the main aim of which is to protect consumers and competition, “preventing anticompetitive, deceptive, and unfair business practices through law enforcement, advocacy, and education without unduly burdening legitimate business activity” (Federal Trade Commission, n.d., para....

Analysis of Denver International Airport

Denver International Airport (DIA) is the largest airport in the US that was visited by almost 70 million passengers per year in the pre-pandemic times. DIA is located in the Denver airspace, i.e., class B airspace. In this airspace, “there could be long haul flights en route (e.g. from Los...

Effects of Spiritual and Moral Courage on Life

Effects of Spiritual Courage in Life Spiritual fortitude strengthens us when we inquire about purpose and meaning. While many people develop inner valor through organized religion, there are more ways to cultivate this feature. Thus, divine bravery entails being open to the most fundamental concerns of why we are here,...

The Clinician Administered CAPS-5 Questionnaire

The Physician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) is a standardized diagnostic interview for post-traumatic stress disorder that is well-validated and frequently used. It was created at the National PTSD Center in the early 1990s using DSM-III PTSD criteria and has since been revised (Franklin et al., 2018). For example, behavioral anchors are...

The Book “A Sand County Almanac” by Aldo Leopold

It is hard to question nature’s beauty when a skilled artist expresses it in his book, song, or painting. It is even harder to question it when exposed to the serenity of the countryside. Reading Aldo’s book without any additional preemptive research of its informational background brings precisely that feeling...

Griswold v. Connecticut: The Case Study

Griswold’s penumbras mean the rights assured over implication in a constitution or the suggested powers of a rule. Griswold’s argued that a state’s contraception restriction infringed on the right to married privacy. It implied that marital humans had the right to take advantage of contraceptives. That virtually tiled the way...

Researching of Illuminated Manuscripts

Summary Illuminated manuscripts comprise hand-written books that contain painted decoration that includes precious metals like gold and silver. The monasteries produced the manuscripts between 1100 and 1600 using the pages from animal skin like goats, sheep, and calves. The illuminated book served as the primary art form during the Carolingian...

Free Will (Nurture) vs. Determinism (Nature) in Human Life

It is essential to emphasize that the question of what influences people’s feelings or actions is one of the most archaic not only in philosophy but also in psychology. There are two various points of view on this issue; the first asserts that hereditary and natural factors determine the identity...

Decolonization as a Response to Racism and Discrimination

Decolonization as a term is often connected to the second half of the 20th century when countries of the Global South gained their formal independence from the colonial powers of Europe. However, according to Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund (2020), the notion of decolonization is much bigger than...

Evaluating Financial Statements Before Granting Loans

Bank employees need to evaluate the set of financial statements before granting loans. The income statement, statement of owner’s equity, and balance sheet provide information on whether the borrower can repay the loan and make it possible to assess the likelihood of repayment in the case of bankruptcy (Chron, 2020)....

The Problem of Discrimination in the Workplace

Because the workplace is based on the relationship between employees, many different problems may arise. One of them that I expect to meet in the future may be discrimination. Despite the fact that movements to achieve equality in such aspects as gender and race are of considerable importance in the...

Investing in Ethereum: Advantages and Disadvantages

The rise of technologies provided individuals with new ways to pay for goods and services without using cash. Thus, Ethereum (eth) is one of the cryptocurrencies available to individuals today. It is a specific form of virtual money used in the form of tokens or coins (Bhattacharya, 2021). Today, there...

Biometric Security System: Unimodal and Multimodal Biometrics Techniques

Biometric access control is currently one of the most popular security options at the highly advanced market. This particular method is simultaneously simple in applying and efficient against most common threats. Access control is the administration of an access point, such as a door, turnstile, elevator, or other device, to...

Analysis of Innovation in Healthcare

The innovation of 3D printing in healthcare has influenced enhanced healthcare outcomes by cutting costs and improving access. 3D innovation has led to the development of more advanced surgical equipment such as drill guides and prosthetics that are lighter, stronger, and safer. Moreover, 3D technology facilitates the creation of replica...

The Theory of the Act Utilitarianism

Act utilitarianism is a theory of ethics stating that any act of a person is morally right only if it promotes the best possible results and creates the greatest good for the majority. In such a way, the overall well being should serve as the major factor considered before performing...

Interventions to Cope With Depression

As human beings, we can assume that everyone may feel depressed from time to time, however, from a personal perspective, it is highly important to differentiate between bad mood, especially if it is a particular reason and depression. Every person may have a bad mood and feel devastated due to...

The Optimal Marketing Research Method

The marketing research conducted would be considered quantitative due to the research method involved in the process. Howard Moskowitz organized food tasting sessions for people to try different flavours and rate them on a scale from 0 to 100 (Gladwell, 2004). Then, huge data sets were analyzed to find the...

Varieties of Religious Experience

The argument raised from the lecture is that religious attitudes within the soul are adjustments and beliefs of things people cannot see. However, regardless of whether the unseen or the unrealities are things people believe to exist or objects of their consciousness, they elicit a reaction resulting from things thought...

Healthcare Services for Vulnerable Populations in Georgia

Daily Bread The Daily Bread provides hot meals, a place to shower, clean clothes, modest medical treatment, and social assistance to the homeless and destitute. The center assists those who require mobile phones, identity, and other forms of documents, as well as tax preparation, literacy lessons, and job searches. Donations...

Monte Carlo Simulation Method Discussion

Sometimes business people may face various types of problems in the course of their business. One of these problems may be deciding on the duration of the project and the likelihood that it will be completed and completed. In addition, the Monte Carlo simulation method allows to solve many other...

The Gasoline Demand and Its Economic Impact

For many products, demand is more elastic from the price for a long rather than a short period. One of the reasons is that it takes time for people to change their consumer habits. For example, even if coffee prices rise sharply, the required amount will decrease only gradually since...

Musical Style and Cultural Identity

The concept of collective identity and cultural uniqueness has been core to musical style. In “People’s music comparatively: Style and stereotype, class and hegemony,” Keil (1985) argues that the existence of style signifies a stable society that has taken form over time. He defines style as a statement of submission...

The Company Code Violation and Ethical Issues

Company rules, in a narrower sense, are referred to as a code of ethics, which implies a statement of company policy. It allows employees to become more familiar with the norms that must be followed. In addition, the rules include fundamental principles of moral and professional conduct (Gal et al.,...

Discussion of Ming Dynasty History

The economic growth promoted by the Ming dynasty was accompanied by significant challenges on the way. They were presented by the incompetence of the emperors reflected in financial problems, which led to a greater burden for officials and the failure to address all tasks (History.com Editors, 2018). As a result,...

“Nanook of the North” by Robert J. Flaherty

The sophisticated voyage in Nanook of the North is organized according to the periods of a year, from summer through winter. Instead of using linear chronology, it uses an episodic framework, and it has four action sequences that show my, Nanook’s, skill in obtaining food by fishing and hunting walruses,...

The “Borders” Short Story by Thomas King

Thomas King explores one of the many challenges of living in a world where his race has been marginalized in “Borders.” It is challenging to uphold culture and self-identity in a nation as diverse as America. The dilemma in King’s short story “Borders” is one that concerns the issue of...

FIFO (First-In First-Out) Inventory Control Method

The job of running a company is in itself a challenging task. Therefore, one person should not be allowed to regulate all requests and be responsible for every development aspect. For that, there are specialists who rely on their experience and the application of specific strategies to run the business...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Reconstruction Amendments: Abolishing Slavery

The first step taken by the Reconstruction Amendments to protect rights was to abolish slavery and involuntary servitude. Secondly, all people gained the privilege of casting their votes. In addition, the laws guaranteed equal protection to all citizens of the country. White Southerners attempted to maintain supremacy by suggesting limits...

Critical Retention Issues Related to Social Skills in Ghanaian Universities

The criteria for inclusion include factors such as age and citizenship, where older adults and non-Ghanaian individuals are excluded from the study. The goal is to obtain accurate information about the prevalent majority of seekers of higher education in the country, who are mostly young and live in Ghana as...

The UN Sustainable Development Goals

Selected Goal The selected goal is the Protection of vulnerable communities. Significance of the Goal The goal is important as it addresses key issues that affect the humanity of different communities. Protecting victims of crime from being exploited and re-victimized by society, as well as being murdered through mob justice,...

Pros and Cons of DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)

DSM-5 is a science-based taxonomy and diagnostic tool, published by American Psychiatric Association. It describes around 400 disorders and contains diagnosis criteria, symptoms and treatment recommendations for mental disorders. The document survived several editions and continues to be worked on. The team behind it is constantly improving its methodology and...

The Concept of Connective Tissues

Connective tissue presents a part of human anatomy that supports the body’s structure and other tissues’ functionality by connecting them. Depending on their composition, materials, and functions, connective tissues can be separated into three types: loose, dense, and specialized. Loose connective tissue has the widest distribution in the human body;...

Bruce Western’s Book Homeward: Life in the Year After Prison

The book by Bruce Western Homeward: Life in the year after prison provides different perspectives on the struggles that ex-prisoners face once released from jail. In particular, the author discusses the problems of housing insecurity and homelessness. According to Western (2018), 4-11% of recently released prisoners remained homeless for two...

Differences Between Illness and Disease

Understanding the distinction between illness and disease and the many available treatments makes it easier to comprehend how alternative therapies like EEG biofeedback fit within a comprehensive approach for managing illnesses and diseases. Although the disease can exist without causing sickness, this is uncommon. For instance, it has been dubbed...

Evidence-Based Practice and the Nursing Shortage

Introduction Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the cornerstone of nursing as it facilitates the delivery of care that has been proven to be efficient. As you have mentioned, EBP aims to correct misconceptions and develop new techniques. One example of an evidence-based practice that achieves this is elevating the head of...

Romantic Relationships Built With Dating Apps

Modern technologies are actively developing and improving and helping people in all areas of their lives. The sphere of personal relationships and love is no exception. For people who are in search of their soulmate, developers create various dating apps that are installed on a smartphone or computer, and according...

Legal Inconsistencies in Constitutional Law

It is widely known that a characteristic feature of U.S. constitutional law is its doctrinal inconsistency. To help those interested in constitutional law, Stearns (2020) published his article on conflicting premises in U.S. constitutional law. The author explains that the inconsistency is due to dual prerequisites found in most U.S....

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

Introduction Cloud computing’s increasing popularity over the last few years has provided companies with many new opportunities and obstacles. This approach helps shift the workload and make the system more accessible and flexible for businesses; hence, additional hardware and software are unnecessary. Discussion Among the main advantages of cloud computing...

The Georgia State Capitol: Security Enhancements

To a great extent, the Georgia state capitol had not been fenced and had inadequate police personnel. The attack by President Donald Trump’s supporters on the building on January 6, 2021, resulted in the transformation and improvement of security for the citadel of democracy and members of Congress (Zauner, 2021)....

The McDonald’s Pedestrian Crossing Ad Placement

Though a catchy commercial jingle and an eye-catching logo might seem the quintessence of a successful advertisement, there are several other components that contribute to its impact, ad placement being among the key ones. The placement of the advertisement above reinforces its meaning and core message, making the statement all...

“The Power of Coincidence” by Jill Neimark

The Power of Coincidence, written by J. Neimark, emphasizes how the ambivalent concept of coincidence can influence lives and alter situations. After reading it, I can, without a doubt, concur that coincidences exist and are very important. As we read the narrative, we can see how the author recounts Elisabeth...

Navigating Organizational Theories in Healthcare

Introduction It is important to note that organizational theories are critical in healthcare. The main reason is that they determine the organizational structure and design, which can either enhance or hinder a healthcare facility’s capability and its business needs in a successful manner. A theoretical framework’s applicability is tied to...

Aspects of the Environmental Activism

Introduction The environmental activism subculture is centered around ensuring the best outcomes for the environment. Members advocate for these interests through initiatives like informational campaigns, marches, lobbies, and peaceful protests. Its active expression of biospheric and altruistic values sets this group apart. The former values promote the interests of the...

Comparison between Phenomenological and Ethnographic Research Designs

Phenomenological research design is generally the individualistic study of a person in terms of behavior, customs, and beliefs. On the other hand, ethnographic research design is tied to the universal study of humans’ behaviors within a community or a specific group of people. The two research designs contrast each other...

The Conciliar Model in Acts 15: Development of Christianity

Introduction The conciliar model as described in Acts 15 contributed much to the successful spread and development of Christianity. Before Emperor Constantine declared freedom of religion in the Roman Empire, the number of Christians remained small, with groups often being separated one from the other in order to avoid persecution....

The Key Takeaways From the Book “Buy-In”

Introduction For 30 years, John Kotter has studied how and why new ideas and organizations fail. With his colleague Lorne Whitehead, he identified four reasons why people resist change – 1) proprietary interest, 2) misunderstanding and lack of trust, 3) a different assessment of the situation, and 4) unwillingness to...

Explanation of the Salmonella Disease

Introduction I chose these two articles since they give a detailed explanation and description of the Salmonella disease. The articles give comprehensive details of the signs and symptoms of the disease. They also provide information about whether there was an outbreak of the disease and what was linked to it....

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Aspects of the Drug Use and Media

Introduction Media can influence youth drug and alcohol use by portraying the use of these substances in a positive or glamorous light or by depicting characters using them without experiencing negative consequences. This can lead to the normalization of drug and alcohol use among the youth and can make it...

Behavior in “The Slipover Sweater” by Jesse Stuart

There is no use denying the fact that people are different and they all have their tastes and styles of behavior. This fact makes our life more interesting as one can never know what awaits him/her and how a person will react to certain actions. The story The Slipover Sweater...

Forgoing Treatment in Nurse Robaczynski’s Case

Ms. Robaczynski Killed Mr. Gessner In the case under analysis, the nurse killed the patient through forgoing treatment. Forgoing treatment is the withdrawal from or withholding of treatment (Butts & Rich, 2015). Ms. Robaczynski disconnected the respirator, which led to the patient’s death. If the nurse had failed to provide...

Violence Against Women: Importance of the Problem

Violence against women presents one of the most important problems of modern society and there are a lot of researchers who aim to analyze the present situation in order to develop the best solution. In their article, Netto, Moura, Queiroz, Tyrrell, and Bravo (2014) report the results of their research...

Patient Safety and Nurse Working Conditions

The report by Committee on the Work Environment for Nurses and Patient Safety (2004) that is now called the Health and Medicine Division proposes the importance of nurse working conditions as a premise for patient safety. Based on a series of national surveys, the report identifies specific guidelines for enhancing...

Postgraduate Education in Student Life

There may be a variety of reasons why you are reading this article to comprehend the essence of postgraduate education. It may be your parents who make you believe that a Master’s degree can positively influence your future and your career. It may be your friends who have already decided...

Motivational Theories in Curriculum Development

All of the separate motivational theories focus on deciphering the best methods of motivating individuals, and are most commonly applied to employee motivation. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs states that people are motivated by their needs which can be organized in a hierarchical order, where every next category of needs only...

Crusades and Western Europe-Eurasia Relationship

The first Crusade has various effects on the development of the world. It gave significant stimuli to the development of trade and the interaction of cultures. Of course, it led to the development of prejudice and hostility as well. One of the most important consequences of the crusade was the...

The Upper Class in Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest”

The play portrays the upper class in a highly interesting and realistic fashion, which enables the readers to understand the struggles the wealthy people can possess. The work of Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest, begins its story in the capital of England, in the living space of Algernon...

Ideal Citizen in Soviet Union’s Totalitarian Government

For the majority of the 20th century, the Soviet Union in its various iterations of leadership was considered the epitome of a totalitarian state. The political system consisted of one political Communist party that retained total control of all policy and leadership, led by an authoritarian figure that commonly maintained...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Communications: “Indecent Influence” by Scherer et al.

The summarized article dwells upon the effects of obscenity on the persuasiveness of a pro-attitudinal speech. Scherer and Sagarin note that previous research suggests that swearing leads to the increased intensity and decreased credibility of the speaker (139). The researchers aim to explore the effects of using the word damn...

Financial Institutions of the USA

Introduction The United States financial system consists of three main types of financial institutions, and each of them fulfills an important role. In most cases, depositary institutions are commercial banks or credit unions, which provide their clients with services enabling loans, deposits, and fulfillment of some other financial services, which...

Structure of Theory in Nursing

In nursing, understanding all phenomena is a critical step for all nurses and other participants of a working process. The structure of the theory is how nursing knowledge is developed and learned through programs. First theories were introduced in the middle of the 19th century (e.g., Nightingale’s notes on nursing...

Negotiation in Nursing: Approaches and Advantages

Introduction Negotiations are the quintessence of nursing, the main point of which is to resolve a given problem and achieve a compromise. This process can remind of a game, when partners seat on opposite sides of the table and play with different levels of skills. A qualified nurse is expected...

Different Types of Reviewing Nursing Research Works

Introduction Three types of review are generally distinguished in nursing research: the literature review, the systematic review, and the integrative review. The last two are subtypes of the first, and all three are utilized in practice, and so a significant amount of confusion can surface if one is not familiar...

The Integration of Primary Care and Public Health Nursing

Introduction A community health assessment serves as a cornerstone of proper treatment and disease prevention. Based on the informal observations made during the community visits, advanced practice nurses can better understand the cultural, linguistic, and social peculiarities of the given neighborhood or larger areas they monitor and evaluate (Edmonds, Campbell,...

Crisis Worker’s Intervention Responding to Trauma

There are various types of trauma in the society. One of these types is “early childhood trauma”. This form of trauma, in general terms, refers to traumatic events which happen to children that are six years old and below. This may result from the intentional violence. The violence may involve...

Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man by James Weldon Johnson

The novel of J. W. Johnson is a prime example of literature that highlights important issues related to racial discrimination. The main character is an African American, and on his way, he faces various difficulties. In chapter five, he discovers three types of black people: the desperate, the domestics, and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Determination of Average Height

As part of this assignment, a survey was conducted to assess the height of 10 male students studying in Miami, Florida. The sample included males aged 20-25 who attend the University of Miami. The sampling method used for the study was convenience sampling because participants were approached on campus. A...

High Fidelity and “Lad Lit” Overview

“Lad lit” is a genre of fiction characterized by the depiction of men’s personal lives, and it is usually opposed to the so-called “chick lit.” This trend was started by Nick Hornby, and it allows attributing his works to this genre. One of them is High Fidelity, and this novel...

Not Bold, Centered, Upper and Lower Case

A gifted student can be generally defined as an individual exhibiting outstanding achievements and capabilities in one or several areas, including intellectual, creative, artistic, or physical areas of performance. Since the definitions and criteria for the operationalization of giftedness are multifaceted (and often reductionist), it is difficult to present an...

Bacterial Cells and Chemotherapeutic Drugs

The present-day world faces many problems connected to various bacteria causing human diseases. At the time of pandemics such as COVID-19, these issues are clearly seen both by specialists and citizens. Since the major difficulty is related to the development of new properties by bacteria or, most importantly, their resistance...

Statistical Decision Techniques for Managers

The ethical dilemma in the “Honest Harry” scenario includes receiving a sample from people who may be prejudiced as opposed to finding providers of more objective data. It corresponds with the Personal Integrity and Accountability rule from Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice. According to the American Statistical Association (2018), the...

Political Quiz: Assessment of Quiz Results

The current paper aims to present and discuss the obtained political quiz results in terms of matching with real life. The test reveals how a person’s political beliefs are connected to parties and candidates the individual used to support. The quiz indicates an attitude towards several topics, including the following:...

Ideals of the American Dream

The American Dream includes many ideals: democracy, liberty, rights, equality, and opportunity. Today I will talk about the last one: about the way, I think, one should own their opportunities. I firmly believe that hard work pays off. Ever since my first job at a supermarket in Produce, I began...

Perception of Race and Ethnicity

The topic for this week is race and ethnicity, and how these phenomena affect human relationships. Racial injustice is quite acute in modern society, so this topic is extremely relevant. In particular, it is essential to understand how racial and ethnic stereotypes are formed in childhood. The article I wish...

Eyewitness Testimony Overview

At present, eyewitness memories are often the single critical source of information for investigating what happened during a criminal offense. Nonetheless, it is sometimes inaccurate, not relevant to reality, and a significant contributor to unfair sentences. It is believed that false memories are more challenging to recover than correct reminiscence....

Resolving Conflict & Dealing with Difficult People

Successful communication is an essential part of human life, and it defines one’s overall promotion in all spheres. However, there are conflicts that prevent us from being good at communicating, and I am no exception to the rule. Once I had a friend, who was an aggressive type of person,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Multinational Company Financial Market

A chief financial officer (CFO) of an international company is responsible for analyzing and mitigating financial risks. Castello (2016) suggests that to minimize global risk, a CFO should accurately plan and prepare for the possible risks and have a contingency plan that will be used to address issues if they...

Buddhism in China and Japan

Buddhism is one of the major religions in the world, and it is now practiced in various countries including China and Japan. This religion spread in China during the first centuries B.C.E. and became widely practiced in the sixth century (Heine xii). It entered China through trade relations with people...

Health as Expanding Consciousness and Culture Care Diversity

Margaret Newman’s theory of health as expanding consciousness is directly applicable today because it outlines a nursing paradigm built on the concepts inherent in healthcare and medical science. Its central assumption is that disease manifests as the result of the underlying pattern of the person, and this pattern as a...

Cervical Cancer: Symptoms and Treatment

Cervical cancer is a condition that affects the cells close to the vagina that can be located in the lower section of the uterus, which is called the cervix. The majority of cases of cervical cancer are caused by the human papillomavirus (Klügel et al., 2017). Overall, cervical cancer develops...

A “Moment of Grace” in the Works of O’Connor

The fiction of Flannery O’Connor is known for its connection to the concept of grace. Its representation is widely discussed and compared to the Christian notions expressed in the Bible (Galloway 13). Nevertheless, there are specific peculiarities in the way the author employs this technique to demonstrate problems. Hence, a...

The U.S. Healthcare System Crisis

The cost of living a healthy life is a sensitive matter to talk about, but we can’t keep turning a blind eye to it. The crisis of the current US healthcare system takes its root in the organizational factors, which formed throughout the 20th century. Unlike consumer-driven health insurance in...

America vs. Europe: Liberty vs. Dignity

According to James Q. Whitman, the vast difference between the concepts of privacy in America and Europe is that in the former, it takes the form of the right to be free from state intrusion, while in the latter, this is manifested in the protection of the right to respect...

Social Workers’ Contribution to Elevating Welfare Programs Stigma

Introduction Once the problem of stigmatization is identified, it is necessary to develop strategies for eliminating it. Unfortunately, the stigma around social welfare programs is strong on the micro (self), meso (family, society, institutions), and macro (cultural) levels (Grand Challenges for Social Work, 2020). The approach to stigma elimination should...

Public Health: The Evidence-Based Policy and Practice

Over the past several years, there has been a growth in evidenced-base (EB) policy and practice in the public health arena. Is there a need for this type of policy making? What are the limitations of EB policy and practice? Be sure to use the readings to support your response....

Importance of Carbado’s Lists

Carbado’s lists help one think intersectionality about privilege since this author illustrates how privilege and oppression co-exist in people’s everyday lives. People’s identities are linked with the system of pressure, and therefore, some people benefit from unearned privilege while others are unjustly discriminate against (Braithwaite and Orr, 2017). Carbado’s lists...