Dell and Ford Motor Company Virtual Integration

Dell Computers has gradually moved from vertical integration to full adoption of virtual integration as its new way of focusing on quality and reducing costs. Dell’s virtual integration also known as direct business model gave Dell Corporation a substantial cost advantage (Magretta, 1998, par 1). The new business model did...

Marital Success Factors vs. Gottman’s Predictors of Divorce

Relationships between partners are considered by psychologists as a laborious process that requires each of its participants to be able to work on themselves and their relationships. This approach is rational, given that almost every person associates relationships not only with serious obligations to each other but also with romance...

Exercise and Heart Attacks: The Relationship Among Women

In a study of the relationship between exercise and heart attacks among women who do not smoke, gender plays a role as a confounder. This is because men and women engage in different levels and types of exercise (Saracci, 2010). Engaging in exercise lowers the occurrence of heart diseases. Gender...

Stage Theory of Organizational Change in Public Health

The Injury-Related Public Health Problem The injury-related public health problem that will be discussed is the high incidence of injuries among teenager restaurant workers. Because restaurants become first formal place of employment for young workers, the rates of incidences there are also high. Approximately 30% of all workers employed by...

Changes to the Planning Appeals Process

Introduction Community, land use, or physical planning is the main focus of lesson five. The arrangement entails establishing pace and nature of future growth of a place coupled with the regulations of land developments for the enhanced attainment of the preferred set objectives. Society needs to create long-term goals for...

South Africa’s Economic Statistics and Labour Rights

Introduction At the present stage of development of the world economy, along with interest in the analysis of general trends, it is still relevant and important to study the economies of individual countries. Of particular interest in this regard are countries of “regional powers” – centers of economic power and...

Electronic Health Records: Continuous Quality Improvement

Introduction CQI is a philosophical underpinning in healthcare that focuses on a team making a conscious and honest evaluation of their practices and trying to devise new procedures to make it better, fast, more effective, and more efficient. It addresses all the patient safety measures to ensure that the services...

“Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach

I perfectly realize the unique mission our newspaper accomplishes, the role it plays in the formation of peoples mentality, and the impact it has on their minds. For this reason, I am sure that only worthy artworks could be published by it. Thus, considering the unique goal and a specific...

Pressure Ulcers Incidence and the Braden Scale

Why did the author access the PubMed system and then what for? An online literature search based on the PubMed system was used to gather available evidence about the possibility to reduce pressure ulcer incidence with the help of the Braden Scale risk assessment. In this article, it was necessary...

Cultural Group Presentation: Asian-Americans

A Brief History of the Cultural Group (Asian-American) The largest wave of immigration in the 18th century. Immigration was met with prohibition laws. Some arrived as unskilled workers, others – as refugees. Later groups of immigrants were highly educated. The creation of a “model minority” stereotype. The fastest-growing minority group...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ten Commandments in My Life and the World Today

The Ten Commandments hold a very special place in the hearts of all Christians, these commandments are believed to be written by God, and every person is expected to adhere to these Ten Commandments. It can be said that in order to have a good life one must follow all...

Health Promotion Using Healthcare Informatics

Project Project Title Obesity as a Risk Factor of Hypertension Project Objectives Increase awareness about risk factors of elevated blood pressure; Provide education about efficient strategies for controlling weight; Inform about the consequences of obesity and hypertension; Teach self-assessment techniques and provide information about when to seek help; Provide information...

Doha Negotiations: Possible Solutions and Outcomes

Possible Solutions Among issues to be discussed in negotiations, it is crucial to pay attention to the Chinese currency revaluation. In light of the events of 2019, when China devalued its currency, the US is concerned about Chinese currency policy, according to the New York Times.1 Among the consequences of...

The Decline in the Honeybee Population and Its Effects in the U.S.

In nature, all elements are interconnected, and each species plays a specific role, and so do honey bees. A decline in their population or what is even more frightening, the possible complete disappearance may pose a grave threat to the environment and compromise many agricultural practices. Throughout the last century,...

Measuring Quality of Children’s Health Care

Healthcare needs of children and adolescents are different from that of adults, and quality of care for children is inadequately minimal, because tools to measure children’s health care quality are scarce in numerous areas and many of the available measures are not being applied regularly. With the publication of reports...

Juvenile Crimes. Does the Age Matters?

A great concern is growing regarding crimes committed by young people. The matter of that concern might be based on juveniles’ reasons for crimes, as this might be the main reason why juveniles are treated differently. Accordingly different states are putting different limits on when juvenile criminals might be treated...

Obsession With True Crime and the Reasons for Its Growing Popularity

The recent years have been characterized by a surprising increase in the public’s interest in shows about famous crime cases and serial killers. The demand is met with an adequate supply, and every day the number of true crime shows, podcasts, and movies is growing. The Serial Podcast, Netflix’s Making...

Lewin’s and Lippitt’s Change Theories

Introduction With the advancement of technology, the healthcare sector is forced to adopt new practices. Adopting new practices will require healthcare providers to adopt effective change management approaches (Burke, 2013). The importance of learning change theories helps in understanding how a successful change process can encourage and facilitate lasting success....

Cyber and Public Relations in an Organization

Cyber and Public Relations Public relations professionals play a critical role in promoting an organization’s activities to the public. The advancement of technology in the modern era has introduced various digital media that have shifted the dynamics of traditional forms of public relations, thus creating a new form of PR...

Critical Changes in American Society from the 1790s to 1840s

Learning about American society’s life in a certain historical period can significantly improve understanding of the causes of key changes in the nation’s history. Politics, culture, and economics are closely related to each other and, to a large extent, determine the systems of values in society. Thus, exploration of American...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Human Nature as the Central Theme of the Avatar Film

Introduction This essay is a detailed answer to two questions regarding what the student learned during the term as part of the course and the central theme of Avatar – human nature. Accordingly, the student’s primary goal is to explain how and to what extent writing skills have improved and...

Best Buy Core Competencies, Resources, and Capabilities

Best Buy Essay: Introduction Best Buy, originally known as Sound of Music, is a giant retailer of consumer electronics that operates numerous stores in such countries like the USA, Canada, Mexico, Turkey, and China (Hoffman 22-1). The company was founded by Richard Schulz in 1966 and focused on buying audio...

World War II Role for the United States

World War II became a great challenge for the American nation because all the aspects of social, political, and economic life were influenced significantly. Every day of the war was associated with the people’s struggle for peace. Millions of soldiers hoped to come back and forget the horrors observed overseas...

Inequality in Australia: Poverty Rates and Globalism

No matter how hard it is for the XXI century human race to acknowledge the fact of inequality within society, injustice doubtlessly exists (‘Inequality and globalism’ 2013). More to the point, it penetrates every single field, affecting the relationships between people at the most basic level and altering the entire...

Californian Gold Discovery and Migration to West

Abstract People migrate from one end to the other with varied motives. The discovery of gold in California led to massive migration of people to the country. The desire for wealth turned people to monsters who could slaughter and kill one another for gold. Conflict emerged from inadequate resources available...

Eastman Kodak Company’s Business-Level Strategy

Introduction Business level strategies are the specific actions required to ensure an organization meets its objectives and compete equally with the other businesses in the market. Business level strategies help to determine who the customers are, what the customers need and how they expect the product or service to be....

Primary Health Care for the Patient

Presentation A 70-year-old white woman presents with a 2-week history of asymptomatic, intermittent gross hematuria. She has no history of urinary tract problems. Her urinalysis shows 4+ heme, trace leukocyte esterase, and a small number of WBCs. Repeat urinalysis the next day shows persistent hematuria and a negative urine culture....

Jones-Blair Company’s SWOT Analysis

Internal Strengths SWOT Quality and experience Sales and Services Market Internal Strengths Jones-Blair Company is known for providing the best quality products. The Company follows ISO 9001:2000 quality system and has an additional lab which performs quality assurance tests (Jones-Blair, 2010). Jones-Blair company was founded in 1928 and has mastered...

Hispanic and Latino Population Presentation

Cultural Group: Hispanics and Latinos A Brief History of the Cultural Group Migrate to America from neighboring countries; Primarily arrived in the 1980s (Arellano-Morales & Sosa, 2018); Constitute the USA’s largest minority group (Garcia, 2017); Have a history of discrimination; Retain distinguishing characteristics from each other. Values and Worldview Distinguish...

Management Information System: Firm’s Supportive Tool

Executives use many strategies to achieve competitive advantage. Some of the strategies include Cost leadership, Differentiation, Innovation, Growth and alliance strategies. Business managers use investments in Information technology to directly support a firm’s competitive advantage. Information technology can be used to achieve competitive advantage by developing inter enterprise information systems,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Three Lives – Where Does the Power Lie?

Introduction To a person who is reading Gertrude Stein’s Three Lives, for the first time, there is usually a predominant question in the mind: is the book really what it is: (an account of the lives of three people) or is there some deeper meaning hidden between the lines? The...

Pico Iyer’s “In Praise of the Humble Comma”

Pico Iyer in his essay draws the attention of the audience to the importance of punctuation in our life, to the value of commas, in particular. To create the audience’s motivation for the study of the article, the author explains the role of a comma in our life that is...

Leader’s Ability and Skills

Introduction Leadership is the important factor of any leader or manager. The success and failure of an organization depends upon the leader’s ability and skills. Every leader has to manage and direct the people’s working schedule. A leader can motivate and evaluate his subordinates. He can find the major organizational...

Nursing Orientation Program Proposal

Introduction Leadership orientation programs for training new leaders in an organization are vital. This is because it helps create a strong team of accountable individuals. Lack of these programs in the hospital setting results in a decrease in productivity, potential loss of profits, and non-adherence to the culture of the...

Health Issues That Triggered Community Health: Nursing Role

Community health nursing entails a synthesis of conventional nursing practice, public health practice, and primary health care. The practice of community health nursing often expands into critical areas of disease deterrence, health enrichment, community and social development, empowerment, advocacy, and health research. The evolution of community health nursing’s role has...

Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders in a Treatment Facility

Co morbidity refers to the coexistence of a psychiatric disorder with a substance abuse disorder often resulting from self-treatment by the patient for instance using drugs to offset the emotional distress that comes with the psychiatric disorder. It may also occur when in reaction to substance abuse; a patient develops...

Disease in Vaccinated Populations

This academic work is a laboratory report summarizing the results of a practical simulation of the epidemiological dynamics of a simulated population. Thus, the report’s central tasks are to summarize the data obtained, answer the questions posed, and analyze the results critically. Results This lab report’s main results were obtained...

Ancient Mesopotamian Religion and Its Influence in ”The Epic of Gilgamesh”

Introduction All ethnic groups, especially in ancient times, had their heroes and iconized characters. In ancient Mesopotamia, such a hero was Gilgamesh- a warlike and wise king bent on immortality. The found tablets with the story of his life can be identified as the first memorial of literary skill. It...

Insomnia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Introduction Sleep is a function necessary for recovering mentally and physically from the time we have spent awake. Sleep deprivation can harm a person’s mental and physical health, their performance at school or work, and their overall quality of life (Davis, 2020). Insomnia is a prevalent sleep disorder It is...

“Putney Swope” by Robert Downey Sr.

Putney Swope is a 1969 American satirical film directed and written by Robert Downey Sr. The film follows the story of Putney Swope, an African American man who unexpectedly becomes the chairman of an advertising agency following the death of the previous chairman. The agency is run by a group...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Managing People: Discussion of the Rational Decision-Making Model

Discuss the rational decision-making model. Would this be an effective/realistic model to use in your current organization? Describe how you may use it while mitigating its weaknesses. In an organization, decision-making is an important aspect. All the people in an organization at different levels are constantly making decisions. Decision-making is...

Critical Incident Management in Criminal Justice

Introduction Scenario Based Planning is the widely used technique in the sphere of business planning and management. Originally, this tool was invented for military organizations, and now it is also extensively used by Criminal Justice and Security organizations. This technique is of great importance for police officers and criminal justice...

The Morality of Euthanasia

Euthanasia is any action directed on putting an end to the life of a human being, fulfilling his/her own desire, and executed by a disinterested person. Besides Holland, «the good death» (a translation of the Greek word) is legalized and recognized by human rights in such countries as Belgium, Switzerland,...

Balance of Power and Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations Theory

Introduction The principal rationale of this essay is to delve into, discuss and analyze the regional squabbles among the Middle Eastern States. It seeks to critically evaluate how the “Balance of Power theory” and “Huntington’s Clash of Civilization theory” pertain to the economic and political disputes in the Middle East....

John Maynard Keynes’s Argument on Practical Men

Introduction Economists and politicians who consider being quite exempt from intellectual influence are typically slaves of some defunct philosophers (Cahn 73). Such people prefer to back their ideas by philosopher’s Big Idea. However, some philosopher’s assumptions and thoughts are outdated and taken for granted through the social order. In the...

Urban Education for Black and White Children

Thesis Statement Due to the lack of resources for early childhood education, inconsistent financing options, budgeting issues caused by the decisions of the education board, and the presence of institutional discrimination in American education in the urban setting, African American students receive fewer options for advancing in their studies. Problem...

Porter’s Management Strategies Overview

Strategic planning and analysis of various factors are the basis for a successful business. The advantage over competitors is achieved not only by the correct positioning of the company but also by the assessment of the resources available to it. Thus, positioning school and the resource-based view of strategy are...

Interactive Online SQL Training for Beginners

Review of Interactive Online SQL Training for Beginners The tutorial starts by giving an in-depth analysis and explanation of what is SQL and how it works to get information from databases. The tutorial welcomes readers and prepares them for the learning task ahead of them. Interactive Online SQL Training for...

Human Life in “The Open Boat” by Stephen Crane

“The Open Boat” is a story written by Stephen Crane about a crew on a boat that is sailing through a storm towards a lighthouse. The men courageously try to overcome the waves that at any moment can overturn their boat. Evidently, if that happens, all of them will die...

The Effect of an Antimicrobial Drug on Gene Expression

Many drugs with antimicrobial effects do not directly kill microorganisms but block the expression of essential proteins, which affects pathogen dysfunction. The antimicrobial drug that was discovered in this assignment should have a similar effect on Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). However, hypothetical claims require empirical examination, and it is for...

Fundamental Principles of Army Leadership

Introduction Effective management is a major factor in the success of any organization. The Army is not an exception in this matter. Soldiers have to perfectly do their job because national security depends on their performance. Moreover, the lives of soldiers, their units, and their families depend on how they...

Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses

Introduction The Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) is an association of professional nursing specialists who operate in a subfield of medical surgeries. The assessment of the organization reveals that it is a large institution uniquely representing medical surgical nurses across the United States. Its community focuses on a wide range...

Social Media Initiatives and Information Technology

It was the resource that was especially useful to me recently because it provided me with opportunities for work communication and information contacts. Information technology has helped people survive in difficult times like the pandemic and develop and strive. It motivates individuals to continue living, find meaning in their activities,...

Netflix and Blockbuster: Case Study

Netflix and Blockbuster are leaders in the entertainment industry offering video streaming services. However, their histories reveal how different business models shaped customer experiences, determining corporate strategies, and paved the way for technological development. Johnson et al. (2008) note that all successful ventures are founded on developing unique solutions to...

Wallace’s “Good People” vs. Hemingway’s “Hills…” Stories

“Hills Like White Elephants” is a short story about two characters in a railway station in Spain. The story focuses on a couple having an intense conversation obliquely referencing an abortion. Despite an uncertain outcome at the end, it is clear that the couple is facing an important decision affecting...

Trends and Changes in Marketing Management

What is the most important market segment? The importance of a market segment to a business is determined by two variables namely, the attractiveness and the suitability of the segment. The segment is considered to be attractive if it has a high growth rate, low competition, and large size. It...

British Airways: Business Functions

Structure and Culture at British Airways British Airways is governed by six members in the leadership team. These leadership posts include the posts of Commercial Director, Chief Information Officer, Director of Engineering, Director of Investments and Alliances, Director People and Organisational Effectiveness and General Counsel (British Airways). These leaders basically...

The Effect of Maquiladoras on US Economy

Mexico’s Maquiladora program has been a key feature of the US and Mexico economic relations. In 1964 when the US terminated the Bracero Program1, there arose widespread unemployment in the Mexican economy, to curtail, which the Border Industrialization Program, was developed in 1965. The Maquiladora2 program was first established by...

“Vagabond” Film Directed by Agnes Varda

Introduction The film” Vagabond” or its French title is “Sans Toit ni Loi” begins with the discovery of a woman’s body which is found covered in frost. This character is seen as the central character of the film as her journey as a vagabond is traced throughout the film. An...

Management: Core Competencies of the Corporation

Introduction The most recognized definition for the term core competencies is based on the corporation’s intellectual capacity of how to generate merchandise or services conveyance and having the best ability in developing different appointed expertise in the whole process. Core merchandise is dependable to core competencies and is not considered...

Leadership and Role Management in Organization

Introduction Managers are the custodians of every organization and are responsible for the management of the organization’s affairs. This includes the responsibility of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and also controlling the affairs of the organization. The leadership of the organizations, therefore, calls for the recruitment of effective managers who are...

The History of the Criminal Justice System

The British established the original formal criminal integrity structure during the American Revolt. The criminal justice system (CJS) was developed to oversee the rationalization of hanging to the British citizens. In every chosen region a magistrate existed, who in current time is named a judge. These people were at the...

Medical Services Quality & Healthcare Providers

One of the most challenging issues encountered in the healthcare sector is the ability to obtain accurate information about the quality of healthcare services dispensed healthcare providers (McClellan & Staiger, 1999, p.1; Grandison & Bhatti, 2010, p.1). Moreover, the quality of care is affected by the number of care personnel...

Asthma: Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction Asthma is an allergic respiratory disease where the airways to the lungs swell preventing inflow and outflow of oxygen. The disease has various symptoms including but not limited to coughing, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest. Asthma can be caused by allergies such as pollen and dust...

Digital Forensics and Deoxyribonucleic Acid

Introduction The science of forensics encompasses a variety of other sub fields within itself. The field of forensics has a number of disciplines such as computer forensics, forensic DNA, forensic pathology, digital forensics and others. This paper seeks to address the relation between digital forensics and DNA in the prevention...

IgM and IgG Immunoreactivity of SARS-CoV-2 Recombinant M Protein

Introduction It is important to note that a major part of human immunity is reliant on antibody-antigen interactions. Antibodies are produced by a body to detect and eliminate antigens. The main antigens of SARS-CoV-2 are nucleocapsid proteins (N) and spike proteins (S). The study focuses on a more abundant antigen,...

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the International Trading

Globalization and Its change Globalization is an organic element of modern economic growth, one of its most important characteristics. However, this does not mean that its shape and pace are unchanged: there are periods of its sharp acceleration, as well as deceleration. Over the past two years, globalization has slowed...

Trauma Associated With Severe Mental Illness

Introduction Severe mental illnesses are psychological disorders that negatively impact people’s health and may cause trauma and mental harm. Presently, these diseases are widely spread and lead to negative consequences. Furthermore, severe mental illnesses are associated with traumatic events that harm a person’s mental well-being and might lead to mental...