Leadership and Role Management in Organization


Managers are the custodians of every organization and are responsible for the management of the organization’s affairs. This includes the responsibility of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and also controlling the affairs of the organization. The leadership of the organizations, therefore, calls for the recruitment of effective managers who are capable and responsible for purporting optimization in the organization with the core aim of maximizing profits (Griffin & Moorhead, 2009). The managers are endowed with the responsibility of supervising the employees of the organization with a view to ensure that quality provision and execution of duties are carried out by the employees diligently whilst observing the organization’s ethics and the stipulated code of conduct.

To oversee the effective management of the organization, the managers should uphold office ethics at all times whilst embracing the four components of management which include; proper leadership, a positive working environment, opportunities for high performance, and the importance of incentives to the attainment of high performance.

Managers as leaders

As the leaders and the custodians of the organization, the managers should play active leadership roles in the strategic management of the organization. The managers should integrate the mission and vision of the organization to create opportunities and do the right things which are necessary for the positive trend in the growth of the organization (Gorwins, 1999). The core aim of every organization is to maximize profits and minimize expenses. To achieve this, the managers should explore new ideas and methods of achieving the desired goals. The managers should posses’ high innovative skills which will enhance the attainment of the organization’s objectives whilst tackling the new challenges. Managers are the overalls supervisors of the organization and are therefore in charge of the organization’s employees. They should therefore closely monitor the employees whilst giving them maximum necessary support for the execution of various disciplines at hand. They should regularly rate the employee’s performance and challenge them to tremendously improve their performance. The positive growth of the organization and the individuals within the organization at large is to the interest and the advantage of the organization. The managers therefore should promote the capacity building on the employees of the organization to improve their self-organization on spending and priority setting to improve their social status. This will in turn lead to the long success of the organization and its employees. The devolution of the organization’s affairs into departmental levels improves the efficiency of the organization the performance of various disciplines.

Positive work environment

The creation of a good and conducive working environment is necessary for the positive advancement of the organization. This is the responsibility of the managers in organizations. Managers should ensure that the working environment is fit for the workers to effectively discharge their duties. This includes the provision of necessary adequate tools and materials for the execution of respective duties. The managers should ensure that the working environment is free from vices such as backbiting and gossiping amongst the employees (Armstrong, 2006). The employees violating the set norms of the organization therefore should be subjected to disciplinary measures. Managers should give directions and provide the employees with the job specifications to instill confidence in their performance of various duties. Managers should identify the weaknesses and strengths of their employees hence advice and capacity build them accordingly by organizing the capacity building workshops. The causes of failures will therefore be identified and corrected accordingly.

The opportunity of high performance

It is the responsibility of the managers to provide adequate job specifications and responsibilities to the employees of the organization. The organization’s code of conduct, management hierarchy, and the organizations’ code of conduct should be administered to the employees. The managers should ensure that adequate resources are allocated to the employees in various disciplines to boost their job satisfaction and performance.

Incentives to achieve high performance

The factors that motivate the employees in their performance should be identified by the managers. The employees deserve rewards and promotions whenever they earn credit to the organization owing to their outstanding performance. Such promotions will make the employees feel recognized and thus their working morale is boosted greatly. Job safety should also be provided to the employees to instill confidence in job scheduling and performance. The favorable working conditions and environment also motivate the employees and therefore managers should consider this while handling the welfare of their employees. The managers should promote team playing amongst all the members of the organization to foster and create a good working environment (Cieri, 2007). The managers therefore should frequently engage their employees in open forum discussions where the employees can raise their grievances and matters of concern to their managers. This is highly recommended since it averts the negative approach to the solutions of such grievances such as strikes and other unethical methods.


Armstrong, M. (2006). A handbook of human resource management practice. United Kingdom: Kogan Page Publishers.

Cieri, D. (2007). Human resource management in Australia: Strategy, people, performance. Australia: McGraw-Hill.

Gorwins, H. (1999). Management of human resources. Oxford: Thomson/South- Western Press.

Griffin, W.R., & Moorhead, G. (2009). Organizational behavior: Managing people and organizations. USA: Cengage Learning.

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