Work Systems Design in Business

Work Systems Design is the practical analysis of work processes with the objective of determining the most effective and efficient utilization of resources and establishing quality requirements for the progress. The idea is influenced by the technological development and it should descry all potential hindrances. Work Systems Design is a combination of approaches that appears to be a beneficial assistant for the performance of the entire organization.

The analysis possesses critical factors that heavily influence its implementation. The three core factors include organizational, behavioral, and environmental points (Chapter 6). Considering the role of technology in the concept, it generates a need for employees with more intensive abilities. A significant number of young workers have inadequate expertise and, in some cases, little or no training beyond basic reading (Chapter 6). In addition, businesses have eliminated lower-level roles occupied by individuals who performed duties that now can be automated due to the deployment of technologies (Chapter 6). Despite the impact of technological development, the importance of the human factor and the environment is not omitted.

Individuals with unlimited vacation policies, often known as unrestricted full pay or open vacation policies, can utilize as many sick, personal, or vacation days as they prefer as long as they complete the tasks. The advantage of such a concept from an employee’s perspective would be increased flexibility of the schedule, whereas the disadvantage is described as prerequisites for procrastination and enervation. The benefit of the unlimited vacation system, considering employers, is reducing the amount of effort and paperwork needed to track employee vacations and diminishing the need for employers to pay for wasted days off (Chapter 6). The priority of the mentioned idea is determined individually in each company since the level of trust between management and subordinates matters. The organizational barriers are the resistance of the internal environment, personal profit of workers, risk and uncertainty, and poor communication (Chapter 6). The ensuing measures should be applied to overcome the drawbacks: provision of individual benefits, participation, and two-way communication.

To sum up, Work Systems Design is an approach that aims to ensure the growth of an organization’s results. The automatization of replaceable positions determines the impact of using technological advancements. The unlimited vacation policy has positive and negative aspects both for the employees and employers, so its priority should be considered separately. Barriers in companies are avoided by paying attention to the internal environment.


Chapter 6: Design and Redesign of Work Systems.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Work Systems Design in Business." February 28, 2023.

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