Worker-Centered Learning in Organization


Work centered learning is a feature of an adaptive institute or organization, it is usually utilized by organizations that are able to forecast and see the coming changes in their internal and external environment and hence contracts the assistance of specialists in order to help their workers and clients to learn from familiarity and integrate the learning into the entire plan of course of action.

How Work centered learning Works

Work-centered learning programs in many organizations have enabled them to improve or increase their output. Work-centered learning comes in handy due to the ever-changing technology, competition, corporate restructuring, and unstable business conditions, hence in the modern world organizations and institutes have integrated work-centered learning into their management to enable them to improve their performance. Many organizations have adopted this strategy in order to deal with the unstable work environment and also to guarantee survival for their organization. This is done by involving many strategies such as the use of intellectual knowledge of individual as an important resource for solving some of the above-mentioned challenges (Kriegesmann, pg 57).

Management dynamics can make it possible for the movement of information all over the organization and as the members of the organization notices other organizations integrating the best practices into their system they also are compelled to spread this to their work colleagues in their organization. When role learning has been achieved the actions towards an overall organizational change occurs, which then puts the organization in a good position to equally compete and survive in the dynamic world. Some organizations also employ face-to-face interaction learning in order to get rid of the confusion that might be rooted in the organization, this learning is aimed to foster a good relationship and to make the staff embrace and internalize the organization’s goals, vision, and objectives.

Action for performance improvement

When implementing work-centered learning in an organization a non-linear transformation procedure comes in handy. When an individual gets to learn about something, it becomes certainly available to their colleagues for immediate utilization. Hence it is important for the organization to mobilize information prior to its use. This can be made appropriate by employing technological ideas to work hand in hand with the social processes. The learning organization should pass on new information and ideas to a whole lot of its staff through training programs that let the beneficiaries apply whatever they learn into action in order to improve the general performance of the organization. This kind of program should be ongoing in order to embrace and bring onboard new changes.

Implementation of work-centered learning also seeks to transform the newly employed staff into experts. Since the difference between new staff and experts is not technological knowledge but the ability to use what they know into practice through an active work centered learning program employees who seem to be lacking the capability of conforming to the new system can easily be identified and be placed into places where they can be productive (MacKenzie, pg179).

Organizations can motivate their staff or training beneficiaries by putting aside some incentives which can make them develop long-term participation in the training programs. Increased utilization of technology for individualized-oriented study can possibly take the learning to a higher socio-economical rating.


Many organizations have put into action Work centered learning in order to meet their societal and organizational demands. They do this with the expectation of bringing positive changes to their performance and the livelihood of their staff.


Kriegesmann, B., Capturing the workers innovative potential. Journal of Business Strategy, 2006.

MacKenzie, S., Learning programs in the changing work place, Toronto: Culture Concepts Journal, 1997.

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