Workplace Drama: Persuasive Speech Outline

Topic: An easy-to-implement strategy for avoiding drama and conflict in the workplace.

General purpose: Persuade the audience.

Specific purpose: Convince listeners that workplace drama is not an inevitable disaster and can be easily avoided in five simple steps.

Central idea: Workplace drama should no longer be seen as an inevitable Doomsday, as there is a practical, widely applicable, and easy-to-implement five-step strategy for avoiding it.


Attention-getting sentence: Do you know such fact about the dramas that happen in work settings that, as Carlson (2020) says, “you do have full control over it and can eliminate it at the roots” (para. 3)?

Thesis statement: Here I am to tell you that every drama between employees can be prevented with a simple strategy of five elements.

Preview of main points: Today, I will brief you on five steps anyone can take to de-escalate an already escalating interpersonal confrontation.


Main topic #1: Listing and description of the first and second steps.

  1. Sub-topic #1: The first step is “not talking about drama with certain people and not allowing it in your life” (Carlson, 2020, para. 4).
  2. Sub-topic #2: The second step is the creation of personal boundaries for interpersonal dramas (Carlson, 2020).

Main topic #2: Listing and description of the third and fourth steps.

  1. Sub-topic #1: You should add peaceful things and thoughts to your daily routine, work, and leisure (Carlson, 2020).
  2. Sub-topic #2: You should leave those relationships and environments that you consider toxic (Carlson, 2020).

Main topic #3: Description of the last fifth step.

  1. Sub-topic #5: The conclusive stage of this strategy is introspection on the topic of drama (Carlson, 2020).


Restated thesis statement: Workplace drama is not that hard to prevent, especially when there are specific methods for doing so, such as the described strategy.

Recap of main points: Five key steps are noninvolvement, personal boundaries, more peace in life, no toxic things and people, and introspection.

Call to action: If you are fed up with conflicts in your work setting and suffer from colleagues who create and maintain them, use the five-step approach.


Carlson, K. (2020). 5 ironclad steps to remove drama from your life for good. YourTango. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Workplace Drama: Persuasive Speech Outline." April 23, 2024.


StudyCorgi. "Workplace Drama: Persuasive Speech Outline." April 23, 2024.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Workplace Drama: Persuasive Speech Outline." April 23, 2024.

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