Human existence in this world has undergone a series of ages. As one of the greatest ages of human, the golden age represents the first period of human existence, when humans flourished in various aspects.
During the golden age, humans lived superb lives because they coexisted peacefully, lived in a clean environment, obtained enough resources from the earth, transformed their cultures, revived their religions, generated massive knowledge, and lived for long periods (Strayer, 2010). Therefore, this essay asserts that during the golden age, people lived better lives than the preceding ages in terms of harmony, peace, stability, and prosperity.
The golden age originated from Europe, specifically in Greece during the 5th and the 3rd centuries BC. Hesiod, a Greek philosopher, coined the term golden age and described the lives of humans as free from grief, sorrow, misery, and pain because they dwelt in a harmonious, peaceful, prosperous, and stable society (Strayer, 2010).
Other Greek philosophers, who contributed to the advancements of gold age and made it be one of the great human eras, are Socrates, Rene Descartes, Plato, and Empedocles amongst others (Denault, 2003). Since human civilization happened across the world, different regions went through the golden age, but they experienced it at different times. Thus, the golden age emanated from Greece and spread across the world to other nations.
Harmony and peace are dominant characteristics of the golden age. The harmonious coexistence of nations, communities, societies, and families is a major characteristic of the golden age (Strayer, 2010). During the golden age period (500 BC – 600 AD), when Roman Empire transformed in terms of science, arts, religion, and politics, what transpired among leaders was the call for harmonious coexistence.
According to Strayer (2010), philosophers and leaders alike fought for the coexistence of people in society because they advocated for value, ethics, norms, and traditions, which focused on harmony. From about the 3rd century BC to the 15th century AD, religious leaders played a significant role in promoting peace in various societies and made them undergo the period of the golden age.
For example, Christians contributed to harmony and peace in Europe in the period of 100 BC to 1500 AD, while Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists contributed to harmony and peace in Asia in the period of 400 AD to 1500 AD (Iftikhar, 2013). Therefore, cultures that lead to the transformation of human lives during the golden age relied on religious doctrines.
Additionally, stability and prosperity are the other two characteristics of the golden age. Stability is characteristic of golden age since nations and people had ample resources that were necessary for their existence (Edu, 2012).
Despite their extensive jurisdictions, the Roman Empire, the Macedonian Empire, the Armenian Empire, and the Mongol Empire, which ruled during the ancient times 600 BC to 600 AD, had very stable forms of governments (Strayer, 2010). During their periods of the golden age, these empires were stable, unlike the preceding empires, which split into smaller jurisdictions owing to lack of resources and poor governance.
Prosperity is an important characteristic, which was evident in the way economies of empires, nations, and communities improved.
Between 1000 AD and 1500 AD, golden age improved the lives and economies of Asian empires and nations as the religious beliefs of Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus dominated the society (Iftikhar, 2013). In essence, the stability and prosperity associated with religious and cultural inclinations of diverse empires and nations across the world.
In conclusion, the golden age is a human era that emerged in about the 3rd century BC and continued to emerge in various nations until the 15th century. Harmony, peace, stability, and prosperity are major characteristics of the golden age, which are evident across the existence of various empires and nations across the world (Iftikhar, 2013).
Humans lived superb lives during the golden age because they enjoyed peace, coexisted in harmony, depended on stable governments, and made significant prosperity. However, the emergence of new philosophies, ideologies, religious doctrines, and cultural norms brought the golden age to an end and ushered in subsequent human eras.
Denault. L. (2003). Philosophy: The Athenian Philosophers: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.
Edu, Iken. (2012). The Golden Age of Ancient Greece.
Iftikhar, R. (2013). Historical fallacies: Shah Jahan’s reign: Period of Golden Age. South Asian Studies, 28(2), 361-367.
Strayer, R. (2010). Ways of the World: A Brief Global History (2nd ed.). Boston: Bedford Publisher.