7 Principles for Building Better Cities Speech by Calthorpe

The analysis of speeches is a valuable contribution to understanding how information should be presented and how to express the ideas effectively. The video about the principles for organizing space in cities and designing the streets is one of the speeches that might help the learners to define the main aspects of a successful presentation (Calthorpe, 2017). The video demonstrates that the choice of words plays a significant role in introducing the topic and convincing the audience.

The speaker’s terminology refers to the topic of urban sprawl and a sustainable future. Calthorpe (2017), the urban designer, applies vocabulary that helps him to cover the theme of population growth and its impact on the ecological situation. Mainly, the author of the speech uses such words as “cultural heritage, neighborhoods, and density of road networks” to explain how the cities should be designed (Calthorpe, 2017, 10:15-11:00). This terminology strengthens the points, which help to develop the theme of the lecture.

At the same time, the choices of words demonstrate the desire of the speaker to make the audience with different backgrounds understand the ideas and concepts presented in the video. I like that Calthorpe (2017) manages to combine the phrases and terms with the common words, which can be understood by people having little knowledge of urban design and sustainability. Moreover, I appreciate his skill of applying rhetorical devices to convince the audience. These approaches play a significant role in the quality of the lecture and its persuasiveness.

This experience might help me to apply the methods of presenting the ideas in my speeches. This video plays a considerable role in the formation of understanding of the specific device’s application. In particular, my experience as a speaker reveals that I have to apply more rhetorical devices, including appealing to logic, feelings, and ethics. I will use the orator’s skills in preparing my public speeches attempting to provide specific evidence, stories that are of current interest, and demonstrating my reputation.

However, the speech still requires improvements that concern the presenter’s failure to provide more examples and explain some terms. The evidence plays an essential role in the quality of speech because it contributes to the trustworthiness of the words. Therefore, Calthorpe (2017) could have used examples from other parts of the world to convince the audience of the issue’s importance. Besides, the speech author could have explained such a term as “sprawl” (Calthorpe, 2017, 06:38). This explanation might guarantee the listeners’ understanding of the particularities of this word.

Words are important because they influence how the audience perceives the information and what conclusions it makes. The choice of words is an essential part of the speech because they demonstrate the credibility of data and its relation to the topic. Additionally, it defines whether the audience trusts the speakers relying on their skills to apply specific terminology to demonstrate their reliability. Moreover, the application of words influences the listeners’ opinions and views concerning the topic.

Thus, the speech reveals that the choice of words influences how the audience perceives the information and whether it trusts and shares the speaker’s opinions. This experience plays a significant role in the ability to analyze and interpret the elements of the speeches. It helps to comprehend how they affect the interaction between listeners and an orator. Consequently, the observation of such lectures is a valuable part of the learning process.


Calthorpe, P. (2017). 7 Principles for building better cities [Video].

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StudyCorgi. (2023, March 13). 7 Principles for Building Better Cities Speech by Calthorpe. https://studycorgi.com/7-principles-for-building-better-cities-speech-by-calthorpe/

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StudyCorgi. (2023) '7 Principles for Building Better Cities Speech by Calthorpe'. 13 March.

1. StudyCorgi. "7 Principles for Building Better Cities Speech by Calthorpe." March 13, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/7-principles-for-building-better-cities-speech-by-calthorpe/.


StudyCorgi. "7 Principles for Building Better Cities Speech by Calthorpe." March 13, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/7-principles-for-building-better-cities-speech-by-calthorpe/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "7 Principles for Building Better Cities Speech by Calthorpe." March 13, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/7-principles-for-building-better-cities-speech-by-calthorpe/.

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