A Project Addressing the Shortage of Nurses

Problem Statement

Despite the high academic discussion around the problem of the shortage of nurses, it is evident that governmental interventions do not definitively address the issue. This issue is directly related to the national quality indicator as the adequacy of care is not met due to the simple lack of workforce.


The opportunity for improvement lies in introducing proficiency and developing programs for new entrants to the field. Entry-level nurses commonly lack experience and necessary knowledge compared to the highly professional workforce (Huber & Joseph, 2021). The fundamental stakeholder, in this case, is nurses that require training to fit better the highly work-intensive and competitive environment of the nursing profession. The desired level for improvement would be the swift accommodation of new patients and improving adaptability to high-stress situations. At the same time, each nurse should be fully familiar with the clinical information systems (CIS) to ensure patients’ fast reception and smooth transfer across the necessary health care. My improvement, in this case, would be raising familiarity with the system and undergoing mentor training to better understand the know-how of the profession. The desired level of improvement should be achieved within two weeks of intensive training as they will highly affect the efficiency of the Merakey.

The key stakeholders that will benefit from such programs are nurses, healthcare providers (companies), and patients. Nurses will develop their professional experience; healthcare organizations will improve their effectiveness of operations while patients will receive high-quality care. The improvement will be evident at the workplace, while the program should be done separately from work hours to facilitate learning better. Consequently, introducing the new quality improvement program would facilitate the professional growth of nurses via mentoring and simulation activities outside of work hours. In two weeks of intensive training, nurses will familiarize themselves with the CIS and note core decision-making guidelines to follow under high stress.


This aim was chosen due to the high employee turnover among nurses and may facilitate faster accommodation of entry-level nurses into the work environment by raising their professional value. The beneficial outcomes could be the retention of a sufficient number of qualified-nursing personnel by better-preparing interns and new nurses. Thus, it will address the core of the national quality of care provision as the deficiency of professionals continues to affect the industry.

Identifying the Measures

Outcome Measures

As a result of this project, the core mission would be raising the adaptability of nurses and their professional knowledge while noting the patients’ feedback on the effectiveness of the needs addressed and whether or not their healthcare expectations are met. Thus, it is ultimately desired to affect nurses’ proficiency level, response time toward patients’ needs, and healthcare expectations and outcomes.

Process Measures

The flowchart was designed to practically assess the efficiency of the nurses’ work via the survey method of patients. Leaders are morally responsible to patients and workers for safe and appropriate staffing (Marquis & Houston, 2017). However, it is equally essential to raise capable personnel among entry nurses as a lack of workforce in patient reception is apparent. Namely, some tasks can be delegated to the admission nurse and the LPN in the reception process. The system performance will improve as RNs have more time to provide quality care. In this view, the system’s effectiveness will improve as NPs are notified, Labs will bring correct results, and necessary medication will be prescribed without needing patient hospitalization.

Balancing Measures

It is possible to perceive that such large scales training may impose several problems in the system, such as the necessity of additional funding, over-work from the training regimen, and excessive time spent on data collection. However, these issues branch from the fundamental need to improve the system and are expected due diligence for the process.

Plan to Collect Data

The data collection could be done via two methods: the introduction of a third party that will focus on quality assessment or the designation of a nurse that will take responsibility for the project execution. The surveys could be handed out to patients and nurses on paper or online. The online method would be preferable due to the low funding and fast projections of the results.


Huber, D., & Joseph, L. (2021). Leadership and nursing care management. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Marquis, B. L. & Huston, C. J. (2017). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and Application (9th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, August 31). A Project Addressing the Shortage of Nurses. https://studycorgi.com/a-project-addressing-the-shortage-of-nurses/

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'A Project Addressing the Shortage of Nurses'. 31 August.

1. StudyCorgi. "A Project Addressing the Shortage of Nurses." August 31, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-project-addressing-the-shortage-of-nurses/.


StudyCorgi. "A Project Addressing the Shortage of Nurses." August 31, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-project-addressing-the-shortage-of-nurses/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "A Project Addressing the Shortage of Nurses." August 31, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-project-addressing-the-shortage-of-nurses/.

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