A Self-Assessment of Leadership


Every leader has distinct characteristics evidenced by the skills portrayed by a leader in dealing with others. Leaders are the principal decision-makers in any organization, crucial for team management, process improvement, and talent management. Democratic leadership is one of the most important types of leadership for leaders to follow in order to achieve organizational success. Democratic leadership, often referred to as participative leadership, is a leadership style in which group members participate more actively in decision-making (Northouse, 2020). It is characterized by open communication and free participation of all parties, contributing to effective decision-making. I identified with the democratic leadership style, which was assessed through communication, decision-making, strategic thinking, and conflict-resolution skills. A self-assessment of these skills and leadership traits reveals that I am a strong communicator with excellent decision-making skills who needs to improve conflict resolution.

Actual Results Obtained

Rater 1:self Rater 2: colleague Average rating
Communication skills 6 5 5.5
Decision-making skills 8 6 7
Strategic thinking 5 7 6
Conflict resolution 5 3.5 4.25

Self-Assessment Based on the Results

I have always felt that I can communicate my ideas clearly and unite people to meet any need through negotiation. However, from the assessment results, I learned that some of the attributes I think I possess are not felt by others. My colleague’s assessment highlighted the need to practically demonstrate leadership traits. I felt that I had excellent decision-making skills, which I rated at 8 out of 10. My colleague’s evaluation of my decision-making skills differed slightly, confirming that I am a good decision-maker. Communication skills and strategic thinking are also closely related, from my assessment and that of my colleague. The largest deviation was found in the conflict resolution skill. I felt that I had average problem-solving abilities, but my colleague thought that I was significantly poor in that area. My overall conflict resolution rating was 4.25, which is below average.


Leadership development is a continuous process, and no person can claim to be perfect. As a democratic leader, one is expected to learn new strategies and implement them as one grow closer to their colleagues and employees to facilitate excellent decision-making. Based on my self-assessment, I am a strong communicator and decision-maker. This strength is enhanced by my willingness to learn, which makes me a good listener. I always seek to understand other people’s views and restrain myself from passing judgment on controversial issues. Whenever I want to pass my point, I am keen on the language to ensure that I am respectful, though confident. I believe that corporate decision-making is better than personal since it combines input from several people helping to minimize errors that would occur if some points were ignored.

Leadership styles, characteristics, and values determine organizational success through diversity and ethical conduct. According to Northouse (2020), a leadership style bestows power upon the leader, which, if used effectively, can translate to success. The ability to communicate effectively and facilitate decision-making has given me the power to unite my colleagues. This attribute will help me exercise authority over my employees in my future career. In addition to power, my strategic thinking skills have enabled me to develop new strategies, thereby facilitating diversity in my work. Northouse (2020) asserts that creating a diverse workforce is a crucial requirement for organizational success. With these strengths, I have exercised democratic leadership in my areas of work and learned some areas of improvement.

Area of Improvement

From the self-assessment results, I need to improve my conflict resolution skills. Northouse (2020) confirms that conflicts arise from various sources within an organization, and solving them enhances cooperation. From my personal assessment, I realize that my desire to be at peace with everyone has blinded me from dealing with conflicts whenever they arise. Avoidance only makes it difficult to resolve differences, leading to bigger problems among colleagues. Most times, when disputes arise, I often excuse myself to allow people to calm down in the hope that after a short while, the problem will be solved. While many challenges have been solved easily, I realized that negotiation and mediation are key steps that one should take in a conflict-resolution plan (Northouse, 2020). I plan to invest in leadership training to learn practical problem-solving skills. I am also planning to seek peer guidance and constructive feedback from my colleagues to determine how best to solve problems when working in teams.


In conclusion, every leader has distinct characteristics and skills that define their leadership style. Through skills assessment, I realized that I am a democratic leader since I often involve others in decision-making and welcome constructive feedback. Although I have excellent decision-making and communication skills, my ability to resolve conflicts is poor. Based on the concepts of diversity, ethical conduct, and power in organizational settings, my strengths have allowed me to organize my colleagues and facilitate collaborative decision-making processes. I will improve my conflict resolution skills through leadership training input from my peers.


Northouse, P. G. (2020). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice. Sage Publications.

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1. StudyCorgi. "A Self-Assessment of Leadership." February 6, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-self-assessment-of-leadership/.


StudyCorgi. "A Self-Assessment of Leadership." February 6, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-self-assessment-of-leadership/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "A Self-Assessment of Leadership." February 6, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-self-assessment-of-leadership/.

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