The application of technology started with the conversion of natural resources into plain tools. The feature refers to the assortment of skills, techniques, and procedures employed in the production of goods and services and the attainment of scientific goals. According to Roper (2011), technology is the application of knowledge in a specific field. The technology can be entrenched in computers and other machines. Before a project is initiated, extensive research must be conducted to determine the appropriate and available technologies to apply. In some cases, the undertaking can be embarked on by using the existing expertise. However, some plans are delayed until a superior technology is developed (Hackett, 2008). The scenarios above reveal that all projects have a technological base.
Sinha (2010) provides a working definition of technology forecasting. According to Sinha (2010), the concept refers to the practice of predicting future attributes of machines and techniques used to carry out activities in different fields. The characteristics are analyzed using specific logic and estimation of duration and degree of transformation in the technological aspect, constraints, and aptitude. Sower and Fair (2012) note that there are various methods that can be used in technology forecasting. The techniques include Delphi and growth curves. Others are analogy and extrapolation. It is important to combine two or more of these methods. The reason for this is to counteract the flaws of one procedure with the strengths of the other. In addition, the application of different forecasts provides users with more information on the future trend of a given technology (Roper, 2011).
In this paper, the author will provide a technological forecast for the Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module. The invention is registered under U.S Patent No. 5,576,491. To this end, the author will demonstrate their understanding of the technology, its characteristics, needs, and disruptive nature. In addition, the commercialization feasibility of the application will be analyzed. Other key factors to be taken into consideration include the benefits of the module, its relevance, and the growth rate of its potential markets. Finally, the author will analyze the application alongside other similar technologies.
Understanding the Acceleration and Playback Module Technology
Significant research has been conducted on the Playback Module. Current literature reveals that the technology focuses on the techniques associated with the accelerometer electrical signal. The device was developed by Dr. Bozeman. The developer was an employee of the U.S government. The technology can be fabricated and used by the U.S regime to carry out various activities (The Record and Playback Module, 2015). According to the stipulations associated with the application, there are no royalty payments required to allow its use.
Silva (2007) is of the opinion that the Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module can be manufactured in various ways. One of the preferred modes of construction is a lightweight configuration. The reason for this is to facilitate ease of moving it from one place to another. Since the device is meant to capture and store data, it is designed with analog memory components. According to Vance and Murphy (2010), the Module is fitted with a signal conditioning circuitry. The feature allows for the direct connection of signals from the accelerometer to the recorder. In addition, the device contains a dry cell slot. Secure Direct Current batteries have one major function. The role involves providing energy for the accelerometer and the playback module. Another important feature of the technology is the timing circuitry. The facet’s primary task is to control the interval taken to record and playback data. The duration analysis capability is important because it prevents the overloading of the analog memory components (Tavner, 2008).
The current technology is used as an apparatus and technique to record machine vibration (The Record and Playback Module, 2015). In today’s modern era, developers focus on creating solid-state analog acceleration recorders and playback modules. The new devices have significant advantages compared to conventional models. For example, battery-powered accelerators have the ability to test the functionality of equipments (Sinha, 2010). To determine malfunctions, the machine analyzes signal vibrations.
The figure below is an illustration of the Accelerator Recorder and Playback Module. The illustration shows all the primary components of the device and how they are linked to each other:

Vibration evaluation has been used for decades as a means of determining different machinery functionalities. If a malfunction is detected early, operational changes can be made. The process prevents the total breakdown of the equipments. According to Silva (2007), such early preventive measures help in reducing the need for expensive repairs. In addition, the assessment averts the catastrophic failure of machines. The condition of equipments is determined through scheduled recording and playback of vibration data over a specific period of time. The process provides vital information about the machine by applying frequency and power spectral density evaluation.
Characteristics of the Technology
The current Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module has various characteristics. The device is designed as a solid condition analog acceleration recorder and playback component. In addition, the invention is lightweight and affordable. The early models were bulky and expensive (The Record and Playback Module, 2015). Due to their size, users were faced with numerous transportation challenges.
The Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module are battery-powered. The primary role of the dry cells is to power the accelerometers. In the current model, the battery pack consists of nine-volt transistor cells (Hackett, 2008). The set is preferred because it makes the device lightweight. As a result, transportation becomes less challenging. However, users have the option of using more batteries with higher energy to power supplementary circuitry. The battery pack is also fitted with a switch. Its purpose is to turn the circuit power on and off. Depending on the design, the energy regulator can be manual, relay, or electronic in nature (Roper, 2011).
The Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module are fitted with a conditioning circuitry. The primary function of this feature is to customize the accelerometer signal. The conditioning is done before the signal is archived. According to Silva (2007), the circuitry comprises amplifiers, voltage dividers, and filters. In addition, the conditioner is fitted with adjustable components. The constituents help to alter the degree of signal sifting.
The Module consists of solid-state analog storage chipsets. The facets are detachable. As a result, they allow the recorder module to be transformed into a different monitoring device. Vance and Murphy (2010) are of the view that the current invention does not require a digitizing tool. The data is not digitalized before storage. Tavner (2008) observes that analog frequencies consume fewer recollection units compared to digitalized signals.
The Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module allows for the accommodation of multiple inputs. The process involves attaching more memory chips. It also entails habituating circuits. According to Sower and Fair (2012), users do not need multiplexing circuitry and software to insert extra chipsets. The feature facilitates easy recording of concurrent manifold analog signals. In addition, no new software is needed to carry out such tasks as compensation for phase shifts and multiplexing. The extra memory chips can be organized in series. The reason for this is to enhance the interval over which signals can be stored. The desired analog memory chips have digital addressing capabilities. The feature makes it possible to break down a recording interval.
According to Hackett (2008), the Module consists of a timing circuit. It is used to regulate the analog memory bits. The timer triggers the memory chip to start amassing or playing back stored data. The launch is often done by the use of manual or automatic controllers. Data signal gathered from this process is noted at precise times when its exact level trip point is observed. Among others, the component facilitates a continuous loop process.
The figure below shows the different components of the Module:

The units shown in the figure above bring out the unique characteristics of the Module.
The Importance of the Technology
An environment full of machines is often hazardous and uncomfortable. In such surroundings, vibration analysis procedures are done away from the machines. To carry out evaluations, measurements are often recorded using appropriate tools and transported into a different setting (Robinson & Stern, 1997). In the new quite and safe locale, the recorded data is analyzed to determine the machine’s functionality. To carry out a detailed analysis, the data collected is transferred into a computer.
Factories around the globe have numerous equipments that require regular monitoring. To ensure a comprehensive evaluation, each machine in operation is inspected after a specified period of time. Each monitoring period necessitates the use of a different accelerometer tool. In addition, a diverse range of parameters must be employed. The reason for using various constraints is to ensure that many recordings are made. According to Silva (2007), machine data collection is done once. The reason behind this is to avoid repeated movement to industrial plants while carrying measurement tools.
The fact that most factories use different machines and the equipments need constant monitoring shows the need for Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module. Over the past few years, the device has gained popularity as one of the best technologies for recording data regarding machine vibration. The Module has the capability of simultaneously recording vibrations on compound channels (The Record and Playback Module, 2015. Due to this, the technology offers users more functional advantages compared to other recording devices.
Over the decades, experts in different fields have studied and predicted the future characteristics and timing of particular technologies. There are various reasons why forecasting technology is important. However, the rationales go beyond the apparent desire to plan for the technological future. According to Roper (2011), scheduling is a continuous function of the management. An analysis of innovation trends reveals that there will be more sophisticated machineries in the future. The reason for this is because experts from different fields, such as sciences, strive to discover and gain in-depth understanding of different phenomena. To achieve their goals, they must work with machines built using the latest technology. Development of more equipments means that there is a need to create extra vibration recording instruments. In addition, the current devices will need constant upgrading. The reason for this is to match the sophistication of the latest equipments.
Technological advancements and creation of complex machineries reveals that the Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module will be of great importance in the future. The appliances developed will need constant monitoring to check for any malfunctions (Sinha, 2010). Most complex machineries built with the latest technology tend to be expensive. As a result, costs of repairs are also high. In addition, only a few well trained experts can revamp highly advanced equipments.
To reduce cases of unexpected engine breakdowns, Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module will have to be used. The tool will help in early detection of malfunctions. Users of different machineries will be in a better position to determine whether or not to shut down the engines to avoid total failure. When used on a regular basis, the recorder will reduce the costs of repairs. According to Vance and Murphy (2010), the Module records vibration data over time. It analyzes quivering to detect normal or abnormal acceleration at every turn or rotation of the machine. As a result, the tool provides a historical mapping of the functionality of the engine.
The Disruptive Nature of the Module
Revolutionary technological advancements are made every day. However, not all inventions are unsettling. Disruptive technology refers to an innovation that creates a new market and value network. Tavner (2008) is of the opinion that the invention disrupts existing network by displacing established leaders and alliances. Technology is a form of social relationship in constant evolution. There is no new contraption that remains in the same state. According to Robinson and Stern (1997), technological appliances have a lifecycle. The sequence comprises of preliminary, development, persistence, mutation, stagnation, and decline stages. When a new advanced technology is developed, it brings competition to the existing models. The new product changes the industry. However, the innovation has high chances of facing performance challenges in the initial stages. The reason behind this is because it is new and attracts a limited customer base. In addition, it lacks a proven practical relevance.
The Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module is a disruptive technology. When the vibration recorder was developed, there were other devices in the market serving similar purposes. However, due to its functionality and numerous advantages, it displaced the initial modules. The current Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module is designed as a solid state analog tester (The Record and Playback Module, 2015). Due to this, it has more benefits compared to the conventional models.
Vibration is a mechanical occurrence characterized by oscillations at symmetry points. The movement can be periodic or random. Industrial plants use a wide range of machines. At times, the appliances exhibit undesirable vibrations. Unintended engine movements result in energy wastage and unwanted noise (Robinson & Stern, 1997). To manage problems triggered by undesired vibrations, engineers in the industrial sector developed devices used to monitor normal and abnormal machine movements. The ability to test quivering is accomplished by applying force on the operational equipment using a shaker.
One of the earliest vibration monitors to be invented was the direct-drive machine. The device operated by varying the distance between the base and the load. According to Hackett (2008), the direct-drive employed the eccentric mechanism. At the time, the module proved to be advantageous. The invention had the capability of producing extensive amplitude disparities. However, it had various limitations. For example, the device could only produce periodic motions. In addition, its frequency range was low. Today, a direct-drive is considered to be of minimal use in vibration testing procedures.
Another invention developed was the electro-hydraulic vibration machine. The device proved to be more advantageous compared to the direct-drive. According to Silva (2007), the technology is still used in different industrial plants today. The benefits of the electro-hydraulic machine include a high displacement and force capacity and large frequency rates. However, the new invention had some limitations. Tavner (2008) notes that the device experienced wave form distortion and hydraulic fluid leakages. The problems resulted in the development of other types of vibration testing tools.
One of the inventions designed was the Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module. The new device proved to be beneficial due to its wide range of capabilities compared to the initial models. The functionality features resulted in a displacement of the old vibration testers. The Acceleration Recorder is made with unique facets, such as removable memory chips and advanced modes of collecting and storing data. In addition, the device is less bulky and lightweight (The Record and Playback Module, 2015).
To avoid the disruption of existing devices, developers are advised to upgrade their inventions to match the current technology. There is stiff competition in the technological market. Manufacturers strive to produce highly complex devices with the aim of solving specific scientific problems. According to Roper (2011), new inventions cause disruptions if they fit in the current market and offer more benefits.
The Commercial Feasibility of the Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module
Feasibility evaluations focus on uncovering the strengths and weaknesses of proposed ventures. They also analyze the prospects and threats to the technology in the market. In addition, the study aims at providing information regarding the resources needed to ensure that a product succeeds in the new market. According to Sower and Fair (2012), there are two primary means of evaluating feasibility. The criteria include cost requisite and desired value. A well planned viability analysis should offer a historical background of the venture, its legal obligations, and related accounting statements. Other information to be provided includes details of the operations, description of the product, and financial records. To acquire the data, the process should be done with a precise goal and without biasness.
Determining the commercialization feasibility of the Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module means that the product is new in the market. Before its development, there were other devices used to record vibrations. Due to this, the engineer must ensure the new technology offers more benefits for it to succeed. The primary purpose of commercial feasibility is to determine whether the current idea should be developed further or not. According to Roper (2011), the process entails taking into consideration the different aspects needed to ensure that the innovation becomes profitable within a specified period of time. If the Accelerator Module fails to succeed in the competitive market, then the idea was not commercially feasible from the start.
Evaluating commercial feasibility should be distinguished from studying technical viability in relation to new product development. The Accelerator Recorder Playback Module is a new innovation in the market. As such, it may be considered suitable for the purposes it is developed for. However, the fact that the device seems to fit the rationale for creation is not a guarantee for commercial success. Tavner (2008) argues that a profitable feasibility study should be conducted before technical viability is determined. In addition, it should be done in the initial stages of the idea’s formulation.
Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module is designed using the latest technology compared to the previous vibration testers. As such, the cost of production may be higher. When analyzing the feasibility of commercialization, the total production expenditure must be calculated. In addition, engineers must ensure the new technology can resolve an existing problem in a cheaper and quicker way compared to the existing devices. According to Sinha (2010), an evaluation must be made to determine if the components of the new machine are entitled to intellectual property protection cover. The Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module is developed with the primary purpose of addressing the numerous problems related to machine vibration. Reports by the invention creator reveal that the production process is cost effective. In addition, it takes about 15 to 20 minutes to develop the device.
After product assessment, the next stage in commercial feasibility is to determine the potential market. The study entails analyzing potential buyers, number of pieces to be sold, and price (Hackett, 2008). Other important factors to take into consideration include probable competitors and distribution channels. The process allows developers to quantify the market and gain confidence about the innovation’s success. The primary function of the Module is to measure machine vibrations and detect malfunctions. Consequently, the probable markets will be industrial plants. The final step in viability of commercialization entails evaluating whether or not the technology will generate adequate returns to justify the investment.
Benefits of the Technology
Most projects have a technological basis. According to Roper (2011), there have been numerous technological advancements over the decades. The new inventions have changed the way companies and individuals carry out their activities. Changes in demands result in new desires for new technology. As such, electronic engines and machines are produced and improved regularly. In industrial settings, the most common cause of machine failure is bearing breakdown (Silva, 2007). To ensure effective functioning, the equipments need constant monitoring. Majority of mechanical problems cannot be detected directly. As such, various devices are used for monitoring purposes. One of the tools is the Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module.
The Module has various benefits to industrial plants. Its primary role is to record and obtain machine vibrations. The tool documents information from an FMC daughter card to a main memory (The Record and Playback Module, 2015). It then retrieves it to the host computer. In their study, Hackett (2008) conceptualizes machine vibration as part of operations of engines. It is simply the motion of contraptions and their components. Hackett (2008) argues that any equipment that oscillates is vibrating. The quivering takes various forms. For example, some appliances vibrate over small or large distances. Some move in a slow or quick manner with or without heat and sound. In most cases, gadgets are designed to vibrate. The movement is often intended and functional. However, in other instances, it may be unintended. In such cases, the movements can cause damages.
The figure below shows the Playback Module recording data from an FCM card to the memory. The recording is carried out so that the data can be retrieved to the primary PC.

The Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module is beneficial due to its capability to measure and record unintended and undesirable machine movements. The device simultaneously makes recordings on multiple channels (Vance & Murphy, 2010). Available literature demonstrates that this feature is often unavailable in most conventional devices. In addition, the module has the capacity to control intervals taken to record or play back signals. The process helps to avoid overloading of memory units.
The Module helps in detecting possible machine and engine malfunctions. The device detects problems without taking operational equipments out of service. Monitoring machine vibrations and using the data as required saves industrial plants a lot of money (Sower and Fair, 2012). Improper machine movement is caused by such factors as repeating forces, looseness, bearing faults, and resonance. If not monitored, these factors result in poor functioning, damage, and failure of machines. Repeating forces in appliances is triggered by imbalanced, worn-out, and misaligned components. The looseness of equipment parts leads to unintended movements. If some components are loose, vibration tends to be unrestrained and excessive. Resonance is linked to the rate of oscillations. The alternation pace should be natural. Sinha (2010) observes that most contraptions are designed with more than one natural oscillation velocity. Excessive vibration results in resonance. The extreme movement leads to rapid and severe damage of machines. To detect unintended movements and prevent engine breakdowns, an Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module is used.
The Module allows for the retrieval and reading of data without removing the recorder from the equipment being monitored. Most vibration detectors have a memory storage capability. However, the Accelerator Recorder is fitted with a removable data storage chip. As a result, the memory size can be enhanced by using chipsets that carry more information. According to Hackett (2008), the invention uses available memory in an efficient manner. The feature makes the device beneficial to industrial plants with many machines.
The Relevance of the Module
The use of machines has become rampant in today’s society. Most human activities are carried out by contraptions. As such, the market for different appliances continues to grow. In most industrial plants and firms, human labor has been replaced by machines (Roper, 2011). Technological forecasts reveal that the use and development of complex appliances will continue.
Due to the extensive use of machinery in different fields, the Module continues to be relevant in the current commercial market. Machines have a lifecycle and experience malfunctions (Robinson & Stern, 1997). Development of more contraptions means that the demand for vibration recorders will increase. In addition, there will be competition among quivering tester manufacturers to develop the most complex devices. The Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module is built using the latest technology. As such, the device is capable of carrying out functions performed by similar and latest vibration monitoring devices. The capabilities and advantages of the tool ensure that it remains relevant in the current commercial market.
Technologies lose relevance when they are displaced by new innovations carrying out similar functions in a better way (Silva, 2007). With constant upgrades, a device can remain pertinent for long periods of time. To acquire great success, the Module disrupted existing market and value networks of earlier vibration monitoring devices. The recorder provided users with more benefits and features.
The Growth Rate of Potential Markets
Technology forecasting of vibration recorders shows that there will be an increased demand for the devices. Currently, machines are used in most aspects of human activities. The different products used at home are manufactured in industrial plants that use a wide range of contraptions. The failure or breakdown of a machine has various consequences (Hackett, 2008). They include financial repercussions and unwanted noise. The failure can also injure the people using the appliances. To avoid the effects associated with malfunctions, early detection and correction of vibration problems is required. To resolve this issue, vibration detectors have to be used. New industrial plants are coming up around the globe to produce more products and meet increasing demands among consumers. As a result, the market for the vibration recording devices continues to grow.
It is a natural occurrence for machines used at homes or in factories to vibrate (Sinha, 2010). The reason for this is because they are designed with various components that run when powered. As a result, each contraption tends to have a vibration rate that is considered normal. However, when the pace fastens and the sound produced becomes excessive, the machine may be experiencing mechanical problems. The reason is that vibrations increase because of mechanical and other phenomena. According to Tavner (2008), some people lack enough experience to determine the condition of a machine when undesired vibrations and sounds are produced. To help in the judgment, various devices must be used. Over time, engineers have come up with different instruments to assess the required degrees of vibration. The phenomena are given numerical tags. One of the tools is the Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module (US Patent No: 5,576,491, 2015). By recording vibrations, the new technology saves lives and provides a solution to major problems.
Due to the extensive use of machines in different environments and fields, more vibration recording instruments are needed (Vance & Murphy, 2010). The demand results in increased growth for potential markets. Due to the development of complex appliances (some of which operate on minimal vibration), it is difficult to detect quivering changes. More people using modern contraptions will opt to purchase devices meant to record vibrations and sounds. The reason behind this is to solve the limitation of human perception and inexperience with regards to the functionality of machines.
Today, vibration recorders are used at homes, schools, hospitals, and in the transport sector. In the past, the primary market for the instruments was industrial plants and firms carrying out scientific research programs. With the current economic fluctuations, people and firms cannot afford to spend a lot of money on repair of machines. If vibration recorders are used, malfunctions can be detected early to avoid excessive damage (Sower & Fair, 2012). Opportune discovery of problems means that minimal resources will be needed to cater for repairs. As such, users strive to equip themselves with vibration measuring instruments.
An Analysis of Similar Technologies
Technological forecast on machine use reveals that their use continues to increase. In addition, highly sophisticated contraptions are being developed. When an appliance is started, it runs for an indefinite period of time. However, after a certain operational duration, the machine may fail and break down. The malfunction results from failure of one or more of the engine’s critical components (Hackett, 2008). In most instances, users tend to touch a machine to figure out if it is running as required. The triggers used to detect any problems include vibrations and changes in sound rates.
To overcome the problem of machine failure, an Accelerator Recording and Playback Module was invented. The device turned out to be a huge success. The reason for this is due to its capability to record vibrations in quick, better, and multiple ways. In addition, the device does not require analog to digital circuits to measure accelerometer signals (Silva, 2007). Over the past few years, more vibration recording tools have been created. Most of the new devices are similar to the Accelerometer Module. Some of them include the Vibration sensor VNB001, Siplus CMS2000, Vibration Control Monitor (VCM), Machine Control MC 1100, and Vibration Meter.
The vibration sensor VNB001 is an innovative monitoring and recording device with the capability of displaying data in an alphanumeric mode. The tool examines the overall quivering intensity of different machines and equipments. Roper (2011) is of the view that the invention is set to use ISO 10816. In addition, the instrument does not require PC software to enable parameter setting. It is also fitted with a timer, just like the Accelerator Recorder and Playback Module. Another similar feature is the capability to make multiple measurements. However, the VNB001 uses a 4.20mA input.
The Siplus CMS2000 is a device developed by the Siemens Industry Automation Department. The tool is designed to monitor and assess the mechanical units of different machines. According to Tavner (2008), the system’s primary purpose is to help firms boost the functionality of their plants and selectively plan repair works. The tool analyzes such components as pumps, fans, generators, and motors. It operates by recording velocity, temperature, and vibrations. The capabilities help firms to detect probable defects on time and plan for appropriate remedies. In addition, the tool provides users with two interfaces to link vibration sensors to two analog inputs and three digital outputs. Other features include one speed input.
The Vibration Control Monitor is a microprocessor-based device used to analyze quivering data. The functionality of the instrument is based on broadband measurement of vibration velocity, displacement, and acceleration using ISO 10816 (Sinha, 2010). It aims at predicting probable failures and preventing extreme machine damage and breakdown. Early detection of malfunctions helps to reduce the cost of repairing such components as bearings, fixtures, spindles, and axis motors. The VCM’s internal expert system monitors vibrations when machines are in operation. It issues warning signals when abnormal quivering is detected.
The Vibration Meter is a portable device used in inspection, production, laboratory, and manufacturing processes. The instrument provides users with such parameters as quivering velocity, acceleration, and displacement. With the help of the constraints, vibration is monitored and recorded with great accuracy. According to Vance and Murphy (2010), the instrument has the capability of storing data for long periods of time. The information can be retrieved at a later date. In addition, it is calibrated using the ISO 9000 standard.
The Machine Control MC 1100 is a device used to measure the velocity of vibrations using DIN ISO 10816-3. The instrument also monitors acceleration and rolling of bearings using shock pulse technique. According to Sinha (2010), MC 1100 uses speed sensor to determine the rotation pace of the machine. The tool is also used in early detection of failures.
Important Issues: Property Infringement
When a new innovation is developed, various issues need to be taken into consideration. An inventor needs to have a copyright for their work. Exclusive rights are granted to the developers for a limited duration of time. Once the rights are offered, the assignee is required to provide a comprehensive public disclosure of the discovery. According to Aghion and Howitt (2013), a new creation is often a solution to current and future technological problems. The Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module is an example of an invention intended to resolve machine breakdown problems.
Laws on patents vary between countries. However, in most nations, individuals and firms have the right to apply for a copyright. According to Hackett (2008), awarding of exclusive rights enhances the liquidity of a product. Once obtained, the inventor can sell patents to third parties. In addition, the owner can use the ownership rights to deter other persons from making, using, and selling the invention. The developer also has the right to prevent importation of the technology without their permission.
In spite of the laws enforcing patents, there have been numerous cases of copyright infringement. The Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module is registered under U.S Patent No. 5,576,491. The registration is an indication of the fact that the engineer was granted ownership rights. In spite of the patent being present, cases of violation are still experienced. Copyright infringement refers to the selling, production, and importation of a patent creation into the United States without the owner’s authorization (Aghion & Howitt, 2013). If the patent for Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module is breached, the owner has the right to sue violators. However, the developer must be able to prove in court that an infringement occurred.
If a person decides to use the Acceleration Recorder and Playback Module without authorization, the party benefits from the revenues generated by the invention. According to Aghion and Howitt (2013), a copyright violation is prosecuted as a civil matter. In addition, the patent rights are not assigned police protection. In case the ownership of the Module’s right is infringed on, the developer will use their own devices during the lawsuit.
Technology forecasting involves creative thinking, expert analysis, and evaluation of alternative scenarios required in strategic planning. Different methods can be used to reach a consensus with regards to the expected trend. In addition, the process must be a continuous activity repeated at the appropriate intervals.
Technological advancement has been taking place since the early origins of man. When humans evolve, the tools used also change. Extensive improvements were experienced between the 20th and 21st centuries. During this period, electronic technology and machines were invented. In addition, constant upgrading was done on the new equipments created. In spite of the machines’ numerous advantages, the devices suffered from failures and total breakdowns. Repairing the equipments turned out to be costly. To manage the problem, various devices were made to monitor machine operations. The devices assessed contraptions by recording vibrations. One of the devices created was the Acceleration Reader and Playback Module. Forecasting of this technology reveals that it has a bright future.
Aghion, P., & Howitt, P. (2013). Patent rights, product market reforms, and innovation. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research.
Hackett, E. (2008). The handbook of science and technology studies (3rd ed.). Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Robinson, A., & Stern, S. (1997). Corporate creativity: How innovation and improvement actually happen. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
Roper, A. (2011). Forecasting and management of technology (2nd ed.). Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons.
Silva, C. (2007). Vibration monitoring, testing, and instrumentation. Boca Raton, FL.: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis.
Sinha, A. (2010). Vibration of mechanical systems. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sower, V., & Fair, F. (2012). Insightful quality beyond continuous improvement. New York: Business Expert Press.
Tavner, P. (2008). Condition monitoring of rotating electrical machines. London, U.K.: Institution of Engineering and Technology.
The Record and Playback Module. (2015). Web.
US Patent No: 5,576,491: Acceleration Recorder and Playback module. (2015). Web.
Vance, J., & Murphy, B. (2010). Machinery vibration and rotordynamics. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.