Activating People’s Unconscious Behaviors With Advertisements


When implemented with a proper and profound understanding of the cultural background of the target audience, an advertisement can produce a tremendous difference for a specific company and its product. The advertisement in question, namely, Adidas’ 2021 ads aimed at ending the plastic waste, seeks to engage with English-speaking audiences of any age or cultural background, seeking to encourage them to contribute to plastic waste management (“Adidas originals – End plastic waste,” 2021). By incorporating the cultural signifiers of American citizens, primarily, those that are strongly associated with their childhood, the advertisement managed to establish an immediate and powerful emotional rapport, thus, delivering its message in a convincing and clear manner.


The reason for the advertisement in question to work incredibly well with American audiences of any ages is connected directly to the svi9sual and especially audial components of the ad. Specifically, the advertisement features the voice and a brief yet immediately revealing image of one of the staples of childhood television for American citizens, namely, Kermit the Frog. Although the described choice of the messenger to deliver an incredibly important message about waste management might seem odd, one must also keep in mind that the h=show featuring the character in question tackles rather serious and sometimes even somber topics as well, avoiding a condescending manner of talking to children. As a result, the effect that the commercial produces can be described as appealing to the childhood memories of the adults watching the commercial and the positive experiences of younger viewers who have watched the show comparatively recently. As a result, the message regarding nature conservation and the need to support sensible and sustainable waste management policies gains significance and power.


The advertisement features several impressive and well-functioning techniques for convincing its viewers. First and most obvious, the appeal to the innocence of a child within each adult viewer, as well as addressing children directly, the advertisement using the voice o Kermit the Frog produces the effects of nostalgia in adults and excitement in children. As a result, both audience types develop immediate trust for the messenger and the idea that the commercial has to convey. In other words, the commercial has a highly senti9mental effect on its viewers, which helps them accept the idea of a more sustainable waste management approach. The specified choice is particularly important in the modern setting, where the issue of environmental pollution has been raised and discussed so many ties that most people have become desensitized toward the subject matter. In turn, the inclusion of a childhood icon into the commercial allows both children and adults accept the message unironically.


Though the advertisement in question already works impeccably on a non-conscious level, certain changes could be made to make it all the mor e effective and powerful. For example, the advertisement could be made even more effective by providing a more detailed explanation of why Adidas’ products are especially sustainable and worthy of being viewed as the solution to some of the current issues with taste management and environmental pollution. Thus, Adidas would have delineated its competitive advantage clearly and created an even stronger and more convincing impetus for its audiences to consider buying its product. Nevertheless, the advertisement works on many levels, appealing to the target population straightforwardly.


Adidas originals – End plastic waste. (2021). YouTube. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, February 19). Activating People’s Unconscious Behaviors With Advertisements.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Activating People’s Unconscious Behaviors With Advertisements." February 19, 2023.

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