Adaptation in Modeling and Role-Modeling Theory

The Concept of Adaptation

The modeling and role-modeling (MRM) and the transitions theories have contributed a lot to the development of the nursing profession. These patient-centered models focus on the best approaches that can be used to manage health concerns. One of the outstanding concepts in the modeling and role-modeling theory is adaptation. This concept is defined differently in comparison with other nursing theories. For instance, the definition of adaptation appears to be unique to the MRM theory. The theory defines “adaptation as an ongoing and interactive process of patient coping” (Nouri, Ebadi, Alhani, & Rejeh, 2015, p. 278). This coping usually involves stress and mobilization of resources to promote the best health outcomes.

The concept has similar definitions in the other theories studied in class. For instance, adaptation in the transitions theory is defined as the nurses’ ability to study the healthcare environment’s issues. In Nola Pender’s health promotion model, adaptation focuses on the best approaches towards maintaining and promoting personal health. According to the MRM theory, a person’s adaptive potential dictates his or her ability to mobilize adequate resources to result in positive health outcomes (Nouri et al., 2015). Therefore, these comparable definitions of adaptation focus on the ability of nurses to study the issues associated with the healthcare environment. The ultimate goal of adaptation is to ensure nurses become competent healthcare workers.

Transition in My Life

Human beings experience different transitions throughout their lives. Every transition should be handled professionally. The unforgettable transition in my life occurred when I started my journey as a healthcare worker (Nouri et al., 2015). This can be treated as a unique transition because it transformed with views about life. The new journey empowered me to become a skilled nurse.

The type of transition was an anticipated change (Patterson & Krouse, 2015). An anticipated transition is the one that is usually expected to occur in a person’s life. A unique pattern was followed throughout the transition period. For instance, the first step was to complete high school and join a nursing school. The next stage was to begin a new academic journey that would eventually define my career path. After joining college, it was appropriate to focus on the best ideas and competencies that could make me a professional healthcare worker.

Several perceptions are attached to this kind of transition. The first one is that young people should have unique goals that can be achieved by focusing on their career paths. Successful completion of an educational program can make it easier for an individual to have a better future (Patterson & Krouse, 2015). These perceptions explain why many people anticipate this kind of transition in their lives. When managed carefully, this kind of transition can equip individuals with appropriate competencies that can support their objectives.

These meanings facilitated my progress towards achieving a healthy transition. The notion that I was required to embrace the major concepts associated with my career supported my transition process (Nouri et al., 2015). I decided to prepare myself before embracing the transition. After joining my favorite school, I focused on the best ideas and theories that could support my nursing philosophy (Patterson & Krouse, 2015). In conclusion, the meanings and perceptions attached to this kind of transition facilitated my progress towards achieving the targeted goals. I have managed to acquire appropriate concepts that make me a skilled provider of culturally competent and evidence-based healthcare services.


Nouri, J., Ebadi, A., Alhani, F., & Rejeh, N. (2015). Growing up and role modeling: A theory in Iranian nursing students’ education. Global Journal of Health Science, 7(2), 273-283.

Patterson, B., & Krouse, A. (2015). Competencies for leaders in nursing education. Nursing Education Perspectives, 36(2), 76-82.

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