Advancements in Virtual Reality for Education: Benefits and Applications

One of the most popular and modern learning technologies is currently Virtual Reality (VR) technology. The technology is expensive, and its cost depends on the type of equipment and the manufacturer. With the help of VR glasses and special joysticks, students can gain practical skills in various subjects.

This technology is actively used in lessons on life safety, chemistry, biology, and some others (McGovern et al., 2020). The purpose of the introduction of technology in teaching is to improve the quality of learning, as well as the development of skills acquired in the classroom in practice and with the help of situational games.

The audience that can use this technology is diverse, which means that it can be introduced into the education of not only schoolchildren but also colleges and universities. In teaching medical students, for example, doctors and nurses, this technology is promising. It also helps to work out various skills of patient care, surgical treatment, and other types of work with patients (Mäkinen et al., 2022).

At the same time, the presence of real people to whom students can cause damage is excluded since the training is entirely conducted in VR glasses and with the help of joysticks. When training firefighters, it is possible to simulate a real fire and collapse of buildings without harm to the students themselves. The training program is created in accordance with the subject on which VR technology will be applied.

The advantage of VR technology is that it can be used in the classroom, in blended learning, and when taking online courses. In the classrooms, students can undergo training under the supervision of a teacher and receive a final assessment. In mixed learning, the process is similar to classroom teaching, and students will be able to complete the task at home and send the results to the teacher and get recommendations for correcting mistakes (McGovern et al., 2020). Online training may also involve the use of VR glasses and joysticks, but in this case, it will be necessary to have this equipment at the student’s home.


Mäkinen, H., Haavisto, E., Havola, S., & Koivisto, J. M. (2022). User experiences of virtual reality technologies for healthcare in learning: An integrative review. Behaviour & Information Technology, 41(1), 1-17. Web.

McGovern, E., Moreira, G., & Luna-Nevarez, C. (2020). An application of virtual reality in education: Can this technology enhance the quality of students’ learning experience? Journal of Education for Business, 95(7), 490-496. Web.

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