Advantages of Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) in Teaching English


There are many evidence-based and effective methods of teaching English in educational institutions for several reasons that enhance learning. To achieve effective learning outcomes and develop the necessary skills in students, it is necessary to consider their characteristics as best as possible. Cooperative language learning (CLL) can be a suitable training option, as it provides work in pairs and small groups.

This method assumes that the student will develop their acting skills in cooperation with each other. In the current national educational scenario, a significant role is assigned to collaborative learning (Ma et al., 2019). In this regard, the chosen method is ideal since its basis is a group activity and the mutual exchange of information.

Advantages of Cooperative Language Learning

Thus, CLL has several significant advantages for learning English in the classroom. One of the main ones is increasing the motivation of students to study. This is achieved through the teacher’s and other students’ full involvement and support (Richards & Rodgers, 2001). This allows children to interact better and increase their knowledge through peer communication.

Another advantage of this method is students’ ability to determine the learning process. This works effectively because grouping children will create tasks for themselves and complete them while sharing experiences and correcting their mistakes (Richards & Rodgers, 2001). A certain level of freedom of action can positively affect interest and engagement. Thus, this method of teaching English can achieve more results because there is a constant exchange of information between students. This is a critically important factor in learning to speak and write.


In conclusion, it is essential to say that Cooperative Language Learning is the most suitable national strategy for teaching English. In addition, it provides a high level of motivation and cooperation, affecting knowledge acquisition. Joint conversations between students are an integral part of any lesson, so it is essential to direct them in the right direction to derive academic benefit from this.


Ma, W., Zhang, M., Cao, Y., Jin, W., Wang, C., Liu, Y., Ma, S. & Ren, X. (2019). Jointly learning explainable rules for recommendation with knowledge graph. In The world wide web conference (pp. 1210-1221). Web.

Richards, J. & Rodgers, T. (2001). Approaches and methods in language teaching, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press.

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