Advocacy Strategy for Mental Health: Community Awareness

Introduction: Definition and Explanation

The modern healthcare environment has experienced significant changes over the past few years. However, some concerns remain unresolved due to the lack of awareness within the global community, mental health issues being one of the key concerns nowadays (Townsend & Morgan, 2017). The current policy toward mental health management implies the promotion of self-care, yet the lack of emphasis on promoting nurse education concerning mental health promotion is evident (Townsend & Morgan, 2017). By using the Shilton advocacy model, one will be able to address the specified problem as a complex issue affected by socioeconomic factors.

Stage in the Policymaking Process

At present, the described policy is at the stage of agenda building since it has not been introduced to the policymaking process yet. Therefore, building awareness concerning the issue of nurse education and involvement in policymaking is required. As a result, there are numerous opportunities for shaping the project to include all the necessary elements into the future policy. Thus, one will transfer to the next stage of the Shilton Model and prove policy relevance (Posten & Chen, 2015).

Conceptual Framework and Sponsors

To view the policy, one should use the conceptual framework of interdisciplinary collaboration in nursing. Thus, one will be able to pay due attention to the issue of nurse education and the enhancement of nurses’ involvement in policymaking (Wilson et al., 2015). Particularly, the promotion of knowledge sharing between nurses and the increase in their activity levels will lead to the rise in their involvement in policymaking. The introduction of the conceptual framework in question will have to be supported by local sponsors, which may include nursing organizations.

Application of Advocacy Model and the Stance of Other Organizations

The significance of nurse education concerning the management of mental health issues has been noticed and explored by other organizations as well. For instance, the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (2018) has created a program aimed at helping nurses to build the skills and knowledge system for assisting patients with mental health concerns. APNA and other organizations exploring the opportunities of nurse education encourage multiculturalism and knowledge sharing as the platform for improvements (American Nurses Association, 2018). Thus, the support of these organizations will be critical in boosting positive change.

Strategies for Managing the Issue

From the perspective of the Shilton Model, after the key goals are outlined, different strategies for advocating the issue should be mobilized (Shilton, 2016). These strategies include political and media-oriented ones, as well as professional and community mobilization along with the organizational change. Therefore, to encourage nurse education through interdisciplinary collaboration and multiculturalism, one will need to shape the current nursing policies toward knowledge sharing and cross-disciplinary collaboration. As a result, nurses will acquire new competencies and address mental health issues from a patient-oriented perspective.

Financial Aspects: Implementation and Evaluation

In order to implement the proposed improvements, one will have to fund the project extensively. Innovative technology will be required to improve collaboration between nurses. Thus, financial support will be critical to the success of the project. Therefore, the project will also have to be geared toward attracting the attention of potential sponsors, such as pharmaceutical companies. However, one should keep in mind that the specified solution might entail possible ethical concerns.

Conclusion and Recommendations

The problem of managing mental health issues remains unresolved in contemporary nursing care. Therefore, a policy aimed at nurse education, and the introduction of interdisciplinary collaboration needs to be adopted. The proposed change will help to transfer to a new type of care, which will include a patient-centered approach and the use of innovative tools for handling mental health issues. The Shilton model will be utilized to perform the transfer to the described principle of care. It is expected that the identified change will help to improve patient outcomes considerably.


American Nurses Association. (2018). Diversity awareness. Web.

American Psychiatric Nurses Association. (2018). APNA transitions in practice certificate program. Web.

Posten, C., & Chen, S. F. (2015). Microalgae biotechnology. New York, NY: Springer.

Shilton, T. (2016). Advocacy for non-communicable disease prevention – Building capacity in Japan. JJHEP, 24(2), 102-109.

Townsend, M. C., & Morgan, K. I. (2017). Psychiatric mental health nursing: Concepts of care in evidence-based practice (9th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.

Wilson, R., Godfrey, C. M., Sears, K., Medves, J., Ross-White, A., & Lambert, N. (2015). Exploring conceptual and theoretical frameworks for nurse practitioner education: A scoping review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews And Implementation Reports, 13(10), 146-155. Web.

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