Aerodynamics in the Explanation the Functions of Air

The prior understanding of the forces of flying was based on the assumption that air is what pushes things upwards. Aerodynamics is the primary explanation behind the functions of air and flight. Exploring the topic of aerodynamics can be fun and engaging because it requires an observation of the object. Within the investigation journal, we had undertaken a number of tasks and conducted different experiments in order to gain a better comprehension of the factors and functions of flight. The tasks included a number of demonstrations, such as the observation of the influence of the center of gravity in the Bernoulli demonstrations. Within the second module, the flight paths and specifics of living objectives were observed in two paper airplane designs. Furthermore, the study of other flying objects in the module included dandelion seeds, Keruing seeds, and Ash seeds and compared how things fly in nature. The comparison defined that dandelion seeds can float continuously in the air because of their parachute form, while Keruing and Ash seeds use spinning motion. The summative assessment and the comprehension of how different objects are able to travel due to aerodynamics is important as they inform other practical uses of flight models. They allow for the comparisons that were drawn between the flight functions of living and non-living objects in the latter half of the second module.

The differences in the tables between the teacher and me are mostly in the use of correct terminology and the ability to connect related concepts. The comparisons in the prior tasks allowed for better insight into how flight factors overlap between various objects, as even planes and seeds share a number of aerodynamic principles. However, in contrast to the opinion shared in the table, I believe that further research and understanding is required to better understand different factors and their impact on the specific aerodynamics of items and living things. Similarly, it would be beneficial to identify why variations of flight factors between living and non-living things occur and how each is more advantageous than the other. Overall, the responses shared the same core understandings which are essential for further investigations into the principles of flight.

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