Conic Shapes in the Real World

Circles are made up of a collection of constant points from various places. Both the center and the radius are fixed in place. Since all points on the conic are at the same distance from the center, it is better able to carry out its practical duties. Spots on animals, clocks, eyes, the Earth, and many other objects may all be observed to have a circular form (Kanas & Altinkaya, 2019). Given its circular nature, this conic is often used when the application calls for a spherical form (Kanas & Altinkaya, 2019). Although conics may be difficult to work with, they form the basis of almost everything in the world around us. Because many businesses now accept payments through conics, and those funds are being used to ensure people have a secure place to reside, the demand for conics has increased dramatically. There is too much to say about the meaning and value of conic sections, but thanks to this endeavor, I have seen the full extent of the happiness that conics may provide.

The tire is a common use of conic sections. The spherical nature of tires guarantees that they will always seem like a perfect circle, with all points lying halfway between the tire’s center and the outside edges (Israfilova, Garcia & Kaliske, 2021). As all the points are equally distant from the center and the shape is round, this is an excellent illustration of a conic. Tires and wheels are instantly recognizable symbols of cars and other vehicles in the minds of the general public. In this instance, transportation relies on circles because individuals would be unable to go from one location to another (Israfilova, Garcia & Kaliske, 2021). Without circles, the wheels on cars, bicycles, and wagons would not be able to roll or move in a round motion, making it impossible for these vehicles to go from one place to another (Israfilova, Garcia & Kaliske, 2021).

One must wonder what would occur if tires were not spherical. Tires on an automobile, in our minds, can only be round. There is no chance it could hit high speeds and would not handle like a contemporary car. Tires that were not perfectly round would have caused the automobile to bounce all over the road (Garcia et al., 2022). Without the development of the round tire, common automotive transportation would be far less efficient and widespread. Conics, especially circles, has made it easier for people to get to and from places like schools, workplaces, shopping centers, and houses.

Tire shapes are consistently round. A car’s inability to move would be immediately apparent if its tires were not round. This would prevent the wheels from turning freely in a circle (Garcia et al., 2022). Tires can only be manufactured in the shape of a circle due to the uniformity requirement. In order to demonstrate, let us use a hexagon as an example. An automobile with hexagonal tires would not be able to reach high speeds due to the constant ups and downs it would encounter as it bounced off each of the six sides. To top it all off, nobody is sure if any other tire shape would even work if tried. The loss of this sector would have far-reaching implications because of the widespread reliance on automobiles for getting to and from areas including homes, offices, social gatherings, and restaurants.


Garcia, M. A., Israfilova, A., Liang, G., Zhao, T., Wei, Y., & Kaliske, M. (2022). Isogeometric analysis for accurate modelling of rolling tires. Computers & Structures, 260, 106717.

Israfilova, A., Garcia, M. A., & Kaliske, M. (2021). Local refinement in isogeometric analysis of complex tire models. PAMM, 20(1), e202000147.

Kanas, S., & Altinkaya, Ş. (2019). Functions of bounded variation related to domains bounded by conic sections. Mathematica Slovaca, 69(4), 833-842.

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