Scientific Method in the Scope of Recent Events

The analysis of the technological hazards and health risks in Ukraine conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) can be considered the example of the scientific method appliance. This event was researched in response to the health-related problems related to the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Due to the military actions, the nuclear plants are under threat which can cause significant harm to people’s health (Technological hazards and health risks in Ukraine, n.d.). WHO strives to analyze the possible risks by providing health-related recommendations and accessing the potential dangers of the nuclear emergency.

The researchers, in this case, use the scientific method to estimate the risks and provide the problem solutions. This idea can be supported by the fact that all steps of scientific methods are preserved. Firstly, the researchers observed the natural events, which helped to collect the data related to the event. The second step was the formulation of the hypothesis, which was performed by stating the health-related risks and the need for WHO’s recommendations. After this, the researchers tested and supported the idea based using secondary data collection, analyzing the radiologists’ predictions and nuclear emergencies (Technological hazards and health risks in Ukraine, n.d.). The last step was related to establishing the theoretical issues and theory associated with this problem.

Moreover, the validation of the hypothesis is proved by allocating the existing experience regarding similar situations. The researchers even provide theoretical and practical research regarding radio-nuclear hazards to provide academic support. Therefore, WHO investigates the case before providing solutions or recommendations for dealing with the problem (Technological hazards and health risks in Ukraine, n.d.). Who uses the scientific method of the analysis to establish the correlation of the theory and experience with the current event?


Technological hazards and health risks in Ukraine. (n.d.). World Health Organization.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, June 25). Scientific Method in the Scope of Recent Events.

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