Affordable Housing in Charlotte Community

Problem Statement

A problem of affordable housing is a burden of the American population. Although attempts are made to solve it on the federal level, they are still not efficient is some states. For example, Charlotte region of North Carolina faces a shortfall in affordable housing which is supposed to continue within the coming decades (Portillo par. 3). In conditions of rapidly increasing rent fees, the necessity for affordable housing for the low-income population is crucial. Charlottes City Council has planned 5,000 affordable housing units to be built within the following three years (Portillo par. 2). However, the amount of $15 million for two years is not appropriate to the building plan. Thus, a set of actions is needed to meet the growing demand for affordable housing.


Some steps that can be taken were suggested by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Opportunity Task Force. Nevertheless, the issue of affordable housing is disputable in North Carolina. For example, the use of the so-called “mandatory inclusionary zoning” which could contribute to the problem solution is not allowed by North Carolina legislation (Portillo par. 8). Since the state laws cannot be easily changed, the major attention should be focused on the local possibilities of Charlotte community.

First of all, the creation of a community land trust can be efficient in Charlotte. It is hot only aimed at assistance in buying houses for low-income families, but also gain prosperity. The tasks of the trust are to look for the funding opportunities, seek for the areas where the housing projects could be developed, and provide the utilization of the resources which will help to earn additional funds. Apart from providing accommodation, community trust funds can propose additional services such as energy efficiency projects of home repair service at special prices for the trust members.

Another step that can provide resources for affordable housing is the research of available land which can be used for building. The communities often own land lots which do not have a particular purpose. Thus, these public land lots can be developed for affordable housing projects. Since the land is already owned by the community, the cost of the project will be lower.

One more way-out of affordable housing implementation is the employment of the local population on the building grounds. Some members of the low-income families frequently have unemployed members. The community building projects can engage them as the workforce. The advantages of this approach are as follows. First of all, the unemployment rate decreases. Secondly, the citizens that were unemployed get a salary thus increasing the income of the family. Thirdly, the community gets employees whose taxes go to the state budget and who are interested in the fast finishing of the project. The people engaged in the affordable housing building may have personal discount programs for the purchase of the apartments.

Reasoning and Evidence

The experience of community land trusts proved its efficiency throughout the world. For example, London Community Land Trust is a non-profit association. Every London citizen can join it and get access to homes for prices that are lower than the average market prices (Community Land Trust Models and Housing Coops from Around the World par. 8). The similar trusts with slightly different functions successfully operate in Kenya, Switzerland, Uruguay, and Bolivia (Community Land Trust Models and Housing Coops from Around the World). As for the United States, the experience of community trusts proved its efficiency in several states. One of the digest trusts in the US is the Champlain Housing Trust in Vermont.

It takes care of more than 2,000 apartments and about 560 houses (Community Land Trust Models and Housing Coops from Around the World par. 4). It does not only provide accommodation facilities to its members but suggests “home purchase education, financial counseling, affordable energy efficiency services and loans for home repairs” (Community Land Trust Models and Housing Coops from Around the World par. 4). Another implementation of this method can be observed on the experience of Boulder and Longmont, Colorado (Success in Affordable Housing: The Metro Denver Experience). The trust fund in Boulder is concentrated on the creation of housing units that are constantly available. Affordable Housing Fund of Longmont assisted the creation of 334 units of affordable housing as of 2014 (Success in Affordable Housing: The Metro Denver Experience 10).

The use of public land for affordable housing is one of the available ways that can be implemented with the support of the local administration. It does not demand any additional resources. The only thing needed is to discover the available land and get the necessary licenses from the local administration.

The engagement of the local population in affordable housing projects is another solution that should be implemented. The benefits of such initiative are evident. The resource which is labor force is available. It includes the unemployed population of the community. The implementation is also not complicated. The local workers can be employed in positions which do not demand specialized skills, and in case they have the necessary training, they can complete specialized tasks. Thus, the unemployment reduces, the average income increases and the community gets affordable accommodation facilities.

However, the major problem of affordable housing programs is poor budgeting. Consequently, the primary task is the attraction of investors. It can be done through the creation of the community funds or loans from outside investors.

Works Cited

Community Land Trust Models and Housing Coops from Around the World.” Rio On Watch, 2017.

Portillo, Ely. “Here Are 5 Big Moves Charlotte Needs to Make in Affordable Housing, Advocates Say.” The Charlotte Observer, 2017. Web.

Success in Affordable Housing: The Metro Denver Experience.” BPI Chicago, 2014.

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