African and Haitian Heritage and Health Beliefs

Cultural Group: African American

A Brief History

  • the race initially emerged in Africa.
  • ethnicities and societies developed continuously.
  • African Americans were transported to America.
  • racial discrimination largely shaped the group.
  • African Americans represent a distinctive social group.

Values and Worldview

  • worldview determined by the cultural legacy.
  • the uniqueness of being African American (Brittian Loyd & Williams, 2017).
  • appreciation of African cultural identity.
  • perception of itself as an oppressed group.
  • struggle for equal social and political rights.

Language and Communication Patterns

  • assimilation with the English language.
  • continuous transformation of the language.
  • a significant impact of ethnic languages.
  • development of a unique language.
  • the use of ebonics within the group.

Art and Other Expressive Forms

  • numerous African Americans influenced culture (Hall, 2014).
  • the emergence of jazz and related sub-genres.
  • creation of the soul, blues, and R’n’B.
  • the development of rap culture.
  • impact of the mentioned genres on the music..

Norms and Rules

  • the majority of rules are implicit.
  • relationships based on these rules.
  • the importance of implicit norms.
  • social behavior determined by collective responsibility.
  • the significance of the group’s opinion.

Lifestyle Characteristics

  • historically, slavery largely determined lifestyle.
  • racial prejudice continued to shape lifestyle.
  • low-skilled jobs and poor income.
  • the inability to get an education.
  • nowadays, lifestyle is average.

Relationship Patterns and Common Rituals

  • the importance of familial relationships.
  • women traditionally care for children.
  • common rituals are related to church.
  • attendance of church events and gatherings.
  • community services provided by churches.

The Degree of Assimilation or Marginalization from Mainstream Society

  • historically, the group was marginalized.
  • the movement for equal rights.
  • discrimination and racial prejudice in the 20th century.
  • currently, open discrimination is eliminated.
  • assimilation process is not completed.

Health Behaviors and Practices

  • insufficient access to healthcare services.
  • low levels of health education.
  • prevalence of unhealthy behavior patterns.
  • the impact of traditional medicine.
  • distrust of the official medicine.

Socio-Cultural Group: Haitian Heritage

A Brief History

  • the confluence of indigenous and European cultures.
  • a colonial state for a long time.
  • the impact of slavery persisted.
  • revolution of 1804 as a turning point.
  • the immense influence of indigenous legacy (Christian & Herbert, 2016).

Values and Worldview

  • relative isolation after gaining independence.
  • development of unique cultural beliefs.
  • pride of the first Black-ruled country.
  • African culture’s moderate yet distinct impact.
  • spirituality is highly valued among Haitians.

Language and Communication Patterns

  • the development of language is complicated.
  • the French language was prevalently spoke.
  • the “Kreyol” language was developed.
  • recently, English also gained importance.
  • Haitian group influenced by several languages.

Art and Other Expressive Forms

  • the richest tradition in dance and music (Henry, 2015).
  • dance as the culture’s integral part.
  • graphic arts are largely appreciated.
  • traditional decorations and handicrafts are widespread.
  • literature works written in French.

Norms and Rules

  • social stratification has a large impact.
  • the distinction between classes is evident.
  • skin color as a marker of social stratification.
  • patriarchy as the social basis.
  • etiquette rules are diversified and strict.

Lifestyle Characteristics

  • children are early engaged to work.
  • population’s majority is rural people.
  • any education is valued high.
  • carnivals and festivals are traditional.
  • familial relationships shape the society.

Relationship Patterns and Common Rituals

  • marriage as a cornerstone of the society.
  • family forms a domestic unit.
  • equal inheritance by men and women.
  • festivals and carnivals as social events.
  • the role of religion is values.

The Degree of Assimilation or Marginalization from Mainstream Society

  • historically, Haiti was a colonial state.
  • the indigenous population was marginalized.
  • the situation changes after the 1804 revolution.
  • a period of cultural isolation.
  • currently, society is largely assimilated.

Health Behaviors and Practices

  • numerous serious diseases are widespread.
  • HIV, STDs, malaria, tuberculosis, intestinal parasites.
  • the access to healthcare is significantly low.
  • indigenous medicine is highly developed.
  • population vastly rely on informal medicine.

Two Groups

Comparison and Contrast

  • groups have similar cultural origins.
  • historical development possesses similar traits.
  • groups are marginalized to some extent.
  • African Americans rely more on official medicine.
  • Haitians are less culturally assimilated.

Differential Approaches

  • consider the low health education.
  • respect for culturally determined traditions.
  • educational work in the community.
  • promotion of safe health practices.
  • using the culturally sensitive approach (Streets, Wolford, & Nicolas, 2015).


Brittian Loyd, A., & Williams, B. V. (2017). The potential for youth programs to promote African American youth’s development of ethnic and racial identity. Child Development Perspectives, 11(1), 29-38.

Christian, C., & Herbert, B. (2016). Perceived socio-economic, socio-ecological and socio-cultural impacts of the Caribbean’s tourism sector. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 3(12), 166-182.

Hall, S. (2014). Cultural identity and diaspora. In Diaspora and visual culture (pp. 35-47). Routledge.

Henry, A. R. A. (2015). Cultural heritage and representation in Jamaica: Broaching the Digital Age. Web.

Streets, B. F., Wolford, K., & Nicolas, G. (2015). A Culturally Competent Immersion Protocol: Petit Goâve, Haiti. International Research and Review, 5(1), 1-24.

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