Agriculture: Personal Field Visit

Agriculture is an essential part of the State’s activities. Thus, like any other industry, it may experience changes over time. Hence, as part of this scientific project, I visited a field in Hong Kong. Prior to the introduction of alterations initiated by the British government, these territories were engaged in the production and distribution of primary products. Over time, farming in many regions was introduced by re-vitalization, which allowed farmers to make their own farm products. Therefore, a visit to the field is valuable, as it can provide knowledge about the development of agriculture in Hong Kong and understand how farmers to cope with innovations in the field.

First of all, it is important to note the aspects that were acquired about Hong Kong agriculture conservation during the field visit. The geographical and natural characteristics of the country significantly limit agriculture in the country. Research stated that “only about 7 square kilometers of land are actively farmed and produce mainly leafy vegetables, pigs or poultry” (“Hong Kong: The facts,” 2022, p. 1). The place of my visit, within the framework of this research work, was Yi Ye Farm. The peculiarity of this area is that it is about 10,000 square feet. In addition, it is divided into several territorial parts, each of which is designed for specific types of crops. I will especially note the experience when visitors were given the opportunity to participate in activities that are performed on the field. Henceforth, I managed to participate in such procedures as pulling out beetroots and cutting weeds. Therefore, I learned how to use various agricultural tools.

In addition, I have newly found how many complex and deliberate processes enter into farming activities during the field visit. Thus, this activity includes many preparatory and supportive procedures that form a continuous process of agriculture. I learned about various ways of cultivating the land, both mechanical and chemical. Moreover, during the visit, the basic rules of harvesting and further storage of products were explained. These elements of Hong Kong farming culture are passed down from generation to generation and affect the quality of products. I consider this critical knowledge, as it can be helpful to in everyday life.

It is also worth noting that during a visit to Yi Ye Farmland, I was struck by the culture and accuracy with which the workers treat their land. Furthermore, they stressed that the success and effectiveness of their activities directly depend on how people relate to the ground under their feet. Re-vitalization plays a special role, as it will “contribute to global public goods, including reducing agricultural plastics pollution and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from farming, and improving biodiversity protection and restoration.” Thus, at the field, this initiative is incorporated with traditional practices to improve performance.

A particularly valuable experience and lesson for me, and what impressed me the most, was the realization of how dependent man and nature are. In other words, I realized the importance of taking care of farm products, such as vegetables and herbs, that are grown in the field that I visited. This is due to the fact that their quality and taste directly depend on how carefully and carefully farmers take care of them. Hence, I learned that there is a direct connection between people and the land they use to cultivate products.


Hong Kong: The facts. (2022). GovHK. Web.

New program promotes green agriculture and rural development in China’s southwest. (2022). The World Bank. Web.

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