Aspects of Pesticide Use in Agriculture

The article by de Gomes et al. (2020) investigates socio-environmental factors connected with pesticide use in agriculture and food production. From one point of view, it is beneficial for food production because it increases the number of crops, but from another point of view, it has a destructive impact on the environment. Pesticides allow agriculture workers to save crops and plants from insects, which is a way to provide people with the necessary amount of food. The critical detail is that different legislation concerning pesticide use in various countries endangers human health and the environment because many states do not control their use.

Hedlund et al. (2020) focus on the global economic development of pesticide use. There is a direct correlation between the high economic level of the country and the low level of pesticide use in agriculture. In other words, pesticides allow agriculture workers to grow more plants, but their quality and safety are biased. In addition, it leads to significant environmental damage because pesticides pollute soil and water when used without sufficient control.

Larsen et al. (2021) provide the readers with an analysis of the consequences of pesticide use on 9,000 fields of organic agriculture. These results allow the authors to show the practical implications of pesticide use on human health and the environment. Though, the investigation proves the assumption that scholars cannot establish the connection between harmful effects on nature and human health and pesticide use. Therefore, there is much uncertainty concerning the adverse consequences of using these chemicals. It allows the researchers to state that there is a need for further analysis of the topic to establish the connection between pesticide use, health impairment, and environmental pollution.


de O. Gomes, Menezes, J. M. C., da Costa, J. G. M., Coutinho, H. D. M., Teixeira, R. N. P., & do Nascimento, R. F. (2020). A socio-environmental perspective on pesticide use and food production. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 197, 110627–110627.

Hedlund, Longo, S. B., & York, R. (2020). Agriculture, pesticide use, and economic development: A global examination (1990–2014). Rural Sociology, 85(2), 519–544.

Larsen, Powers, L. C., & McComb, S. (2021). Identifying and characterizing pesticide use on 9,000 fields of organic agriculture. Nature Communications, 12(1), 5461–5461.

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