Air Cargo Transportation and Its Economic Benefits

Air cargo transportation, along with passenger air transport, are important areas of the global economic industry, providing key aspects of human activity. Air transport operates to serve people on a variety of scales, from individual travel and the transport of small private cargo to multi-ton cargo flights. Given the speed and reliability of cargo flights, this industry does not seem likely to leave the market quickly due to a number of needs. This mode of transportation is not only the fastest, but also extremely reliable, ensuring greater safety of the cargo than in land or sea transport. Moreover, the time of arrival of aircraft due to navigation is more accurate than in the case of mail or other types of cargo transportation.

It is indeed likely that the air cargo market will one day outweigh the passenger air transport market economically. This probability is mostly associated with increased information mobility (Thomsen, 2022). People in this stage of civilization have learned to exchange information and hold discussions entirely at home in a new format using telephones and web communications. The pandemic of the last two years has only reinforced this trend, forcing people to look for the fastest and contactless ways to collaborate and exchange information.

Therefore, in contrast to the convenience of air cargo transportation, which will also remain in demand, the transport market may shrink to such an extent that the air cargo segment will bypass it. That is possible mostly due to economic recessions and private benefit issues (Poonosamy, 2020). Considering the extent to which the pandemic has upended the economic landscape regarding travel and business meetings, to the extent that many airlines have been in crisis, air transport may indeed be depersonalizing and focus more on essential cargo flights.


Poonosamy, V. (2022). These 4 charts show the crisis faced by airlines – and the possible way ahead. World Economic Forum. Web.

Thomsen, M. O. (2022). Economic outlook: Air transport in times of turbulence. Air Lease Corporation. Web.

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