The Air Cargo Industry Security


It is difficult to achieve 100% compliance with the safety requirements of air cargo transportation, but it is possible. This will require significant investments in inspection equipment and personnel, as well as substantial tracking systems and documentation assets. It will also need a high level of communication and coordination between all parties involved. By following these steps, this goal can be achieved in the future.


The air cargo industry largely depends on the timely and efficient circulation of cargo worldwide. All freight must be checked appropriately before loading into the aircraft to ensure the safety of these cargoes (De Liso & Zamparini, 2022). This process is usually performed by trained security personnel using X-ray machines and other detection devices (Lee, 2019). However, due to the large amount of cargo that passes through the air transport system daily, inspecting each shipment unit is not always possible. This can lead to security breaches and potential threats to the security of the air transportation system.

Achieving 100% compliance with air cargo inspection requirements will require significant investments in inspection equipment and personnel. In addition, monitoring and documentation systems will be necessary to ensure proper assessment of the entire load. A high level of communication and coordination between all parties involved in the air cargo transport system is also needed (De Liso & Zamparini, 2022). The application of the international agreement on air cargo safety standards is also necessary to ensure global compliance.


Thus, the air transport industry can ensure the safety of cargo and the people who depend on it. However, it is worth emphasizing again that implementing this plan in modern realities is complex but it can be brought to the desired level in the future.


De Liso, N., & Zamparini, L. (2022). Innovation, transport security and supply chains: a review. Transport Reviews, 42(6), 725-738. Web.

Lee, S. M. (2019). A study on evaluation of dose rate of shielding facility for air cargo security system using Monte Carlo method. Han Yang Publishing, 51, 16-67.

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