Self-disease management guarantees that people handle their health-related concerns actively. The majority of studies acknowledge that maintaining people’s capacity for self-management is essential for minimizing the illness burden (Rosli et al., 2021). However, adopting the necessary adjustments toward healthy living requires behavioral changes that might not be easily achieved. This essay discusses the necessary change models applicable for the Akan adult population in West Africa living with hypertension. Lewin’s change model is adopted as a widely accepted three-stage step that improves the chances of behavioral change (Errida & Lotfi, 2021). The project proposal acknowledges the need for a routine change among the Akan people to prevent the occurrence and fatalities from hypertension. The important changes include healthy diets and avoiding drug abuse such as excessive alcohol intake and smoking.
Relevance to the Project
In introducing behavioral changes for such a demographic, Lewin’s change management helps nurses manage transitions and uncovers strengths and reluctance for effective intervention. At the project proposal stage, it was noted that education directly influenced the Akan people’s capacity to change their behavior. In such a setting, without a guiding framework, community health intervention may lead to workarounds that compromise the impact of the mission (Errida & Lotfi, 2021). Three steps are comprehensively applied in introducing self-disease management interventions for the Akan population with hypertension, including unfreeze, change, and refreeze.
Stages in Lewin’s Change Model

The Unfreezing Stage
In Lewin’s theory of change management, unfreezing is the first phase of transition and one of the most crucial phases of the change implementation plan. Unfreezing entails increasing people’s preparedness and desire to change by promoting an awareness of the need to move from their current comfort zone to a changed circumstance (Teguh et al., 2019). The first stage entails making the target population aware of the justifications for change and increasing their desire to embrace the new methods of functioning to achieve better outcomes. During this phase, good communication is crucial to obtaining individuals’ needed support and participation in the change initiative.
The Change implementation Stage
The second stage involves transition, where real-life changes are implemented. The actions phase entails the adoption of new daily routines. Individuals are defrosted in the change phase, and the real change is accomplished. For the nurses, success is dependent on careful planning, excellent interpersonal, and encouraging the participation of people to support the change are required (Errida & Lotfi, 2021). Nurses’ actions need to reflect the recommended patient centered care.
The Refreezing Stage
Finally, in the refreeze stage, individuals adopt the changes and settle on a considerably more stable routine recommended for the set goals. Refreezing is the last step in which individuals internalize the new daily routines, incorporate them into their lives, and form new experiences. At the refreeze stage, the individuals should be rewarded, acknowledged, and supplied with positive reinforcements to enhance the new behavior.
Application in Proposed Implementation
In applying Lewin’s theory of change management model, the care providers must appreciate the need for repetition in introducing new habits to the Akan people. The demographic is used to unbalanced diets, excessive alcohol use, little regular exercise, and excessive smoking. In the unfreezing phase, the Akan people should be introduced to new diets, apart from yams that have been the staple food (Caprara, 2021). There should be a withdrawal of alcohol supplies with proper psychological support for the addicts (Pop et al., 2021). The alcohol and smoking abuse behavior can be managed with proper psychiatric care intervention to reduce drug use gradually.
The interventions during the change phase should emphasize that a healthy diet is one of the most effective interventions in managing hypertension. Nurses use local language to communicate the danger of traditional brewed African alcohols. Physical exercise is emphasized with sensitization on best practices (Caprara, 2021). The refreezing phase is characterized by continued emphasis on healthy diets. The intervention must ensure a continued supply of food variety in the markets (Zaman et al., 2019). Nurses must engage the legislators on policy reforms that would regulate local alcohol production.
Change management is the driving force behind the effective acceptance and use of change in healthcare. Lewin’s change management theory provides easy steps to grasp and execute in the diverse demographical setting. For the Akan people in West Africa, effectively implementing self-disease management strategies requires addressing routine changes in adopting healthy diets and reducing sedentary lifestyles while avoiding drug abuse such as excessive alcohol intake and smoking. In influencing good healthy living, unfreeze, change and refreeze form-critical stages that require proper patient-centered nursing support.
Caprara, G. (2021). Mediterranean-type dietary pattern and physical activity: The winning combination to counteract the rising burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Nutrients, 13(2), 429.
Errida, A., & Lotfi, B. (2021). The determinants of organizational change management success: Literature review and case study. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 13, 1847979021101627.
Pop, L. M., Iorga, M., Muraru, I. D., & Petrariu, F. D. (2021). Assessment of dietary habits, physical activity and lifestyle in medical university students. Sustainability, 13(6), 3572.
Rosli, M. R., Neoh, C. F., Wu, D. B., Hassan, N. W., Mahmud, M., Rahimi, A., & Karuppannan, M. (2021). Evaluation of home medication review for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus by community pharmacists: a randomized controlled trial. Pharmacy Practice, 19(3).
Teguh, A., Hariyati, R. T. S., & Muhaeriwati, T. (2019). Applicability of Lewin’s change management model for an optimization management function in nursing delegation between head nurse and team leader: A mini project in Jakarta military hospital. International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS), 2(2), 66-74.
Zaman, R., Hankir, A., & Jemni, M. (2019). Lifestyle factors and mental health. Psychiatria Danubina, 31(suppl 3), 217-220.