Akeelah and the Bee: Multicultural Diversity

Culture assimilation among various social groups worldwide has been a great problem where some social groups seem to discriminate against others in certain ways. In the contemporary society, as it has been occasionally witnessed there exist various alienations among various social groups, despite their interaction across various social activities. The multicultural diversity across the continent has posed a great problem to the interaction of people of these different cultures. As it is shown in the book,’Akeelah and the bee’; cultural assimilation among Africans and Americans seems deteriorated (Freedman, 2000).

As it is revealed in the book ‘Akeelah and the bee’ cultural assimilation among Africans and Americans is very poor. It is also commonly known that no matter how one is potential in different skills and abilities; it’s still very difficult for one to fit in any foreign culture. It should also be noted that individuals are basically judged on their racial background rather than what they do or where they are. This creates a big problem to the foreigners, whereby they don’t feel at ease on foreign grounds. The African-Americans in particular, are much affected by their assimilation into the American cultures. In the book Akeelah and the bee Akeelah and African attended a black school and though very bright; she seemed not to fit in this foreign culture (Freedman, 2000).

There is a lot of conflict in language among the people of the different races. Partly there is a distinctive problem arising from that; the Africans find it uneasy to learn and communicate freely using the American language. Based on this, some of the Africans may manage to learn the language though with limitations, for instance in the book, ‘Akeelah and the bee’ Akeelah though having the potential to reach the national spelling bee, she had a problem in spelling some simple American words (Freedman, 2000).

The assimilation of the cultures of different social groups is also barred by the intense discrimination existing in the society under discussion. The blacks for instance are usually discriminated in many occasions. From the book Akeelah and the bee we see some schools are predominantly for blacks and others for Americans. The mode of testing especially in the academic world is not fair, for instance Akeelah was tested with much difficult words during the spelling bee. This was discrimination of high order since it didn’t apply to all the students. During their coaching; Akeelah was rejected for being rude which was not precisely true, thus posing a barrier to the cultural assimilation expectation (Freedman, 2000).

Assimilation of culture finds barriers where there is no respect among the different social groups. The Africans for instance are looked down upon by the Americans in all perspective. In the book Akeelah and the bee; after the spelling bee Akeelah was invited by his fellow contestant who forced her to kiss a certain man. He further said he kissed her out of impulse, and was confident that she could not sue her for sexual harassment. From the case explained; it can be argued that the issue showed a disrespect of great height; and a potential barrier to the assimilation of the cultures of the different social groups (Freedman, 2000).

Further, the identity of the blacks is usually portrayed as poor, backward and inferior; which reduces their self esteem and confidence in interacting with the Americans. From the book,’Akeelah and the bee’ an American contester was almost defeated by Akeelah the African; where Akeelah is here depicted and referred to as a little black girl. This abusive language will build a bad image of blacks to the Americans, thus limiting their interactions. The assimilation of blacks by the Americans will also be hindered since Africans are seen as worthless creatures; thus the Americans limit their conduct towards them and levels of interaction (Freedman, 2000).

Cohesion among different social groups is very essential; as the members of the different social groups should have understanding among one another. The abilities and potentials of each group should be respected; the presence of differences should also be welcomed and members of the different social groups learn how to co-exist. From the book ,’ Akeelah and the bee ‘ we see

Dr. Larabee, Akeelah ,her mother, the oldest brother, her best friend and principle reuniting and the coach paying for their plane tickets (Freedman, 2000).

From the context, it can also be argued that social activities should be highly encouraged; as this will see people all across the cultural boundaries coming together and learn more from one another. As a result; this will boost the assimilation into new cultures, thus breaking the available cultural barriers. The spelling bee saw the coming together of all the students from the different cultures; and showing their abilities as being a great move towards the assimilation. After this national event, the students, coaches, tutors, and parents reunited, thus bringing about a partial assimilation of the different cultures (Freedman, 2000).

To this far assimilation of the different cultures has been challenged by different factors to improve the social interaction among the people of different cultures. Further, this move has led to the development of a positive attitude and respect enhanced to a given level. Based on the case under question; it is evident that a good socialization will help each member within the social unit feel esteemed; and at ease to practice his abilities and play his role in the society.

Reference list

Freedman, Jonathan. (2000). The Temple Of Culture: Assimilation and Anti-Semitism in Literary Anglo-America. Oxford: Oxford University.

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