Akron Children’s Hospital Analysis


Research conducted within an organization provides valuable information about the establishment’s operations. The case of Akron Children’s Hospital (ACH) demonstrates how a study’s findings can help in developing the positioning of the institution (Schindler, 2022). At the time of the research, ACH was experiencing trouble in differentiating itself as a player in a highly competitive healthcare market located in Northeastern Ohio (Schindler, 2022). The examination of ACH revealed the hospital’s problems and determined ways to promote the organization in the healthcare sector.


The management-research question hierarchy (MRQH) for ACH depicts the primary issues in the establishment. The lowest level of ACH’s MRQH is the management dilemma asking how ACH can distinguish itself from its competitors (“Akron,” n.d.; Schindler, 2022). Above the dilemma stands the management question, which queries how parents decide where to take their children needing extensive medical care (“Akron,” n.d.; Schindler, 2022). The next level is represented by research questions that ask what direction the analysis should pursue (Schindler, 2022). For instance, ACH’s examination concentrated on identifying people’s hospital-choice decision process (“Akron,” n.d.). The following stage of MRQH encompasses investigative questions reflecting what the manager needs to know to solve the initial dilemma (Schindler, 2022). For example, ACH’s researchers resolved to consider the involvement of parents, children, and practitioners in the former’s decision-making (“Akron,” n.d.). The highest level in the hierarchy includes measurement questions that illustrate what is being investigated (Schindler, 2022). ACH’s study observed the interactions between the hospital’s consumers and employees (“Akron,” n.d.). Accordingly, MRQH for ACH is based on the organization’s dilemma of differentiating from its rivals and relevant questions on how people choose a medical facility.

Advantages and Disadvantages

An observation study, which was utilized in ACH’s research, has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, observations are associated with extensive analysis of participants’ relations with other people, objects, processes, and environments and are quite insightful for business purposes (Schindler, 2022). On the other hand, participants are likely to be influenced by the observer, who has a dual role during the process (Schindler, 2022). Consequently, the main advantage of an observation study for ACH’s research is that the results and suggestions are based on a thorough examination, whereas the primary disadvantage is the questionable reliability of the findings.

Brand Promise

The brand promise recommendation demonstrates that researchers participated in a variety of ACH’s operations and determined how to encourage people to choose the hospital over other institutions. The proposed brand promise emphasizes that ACH puts all its resources, such as energy, technology, and creativity, into helping children (“Akron,” n.d.). Accordingly, the recommendation reveals that researchers experienced how the hospital functions and interacts with its patients and concluded that the organization prioritizes its consumers’ needs.

Observation Study

If I were developing such an observation study, I would direct researchers similarly to ACH’s analysis but with some modifications. For instance, in addition to monitoring the interactions between the hospital’s clients and employees, I would ask observers to record how parents react to different exchanges between practitioners and children (“Akron,” n.d.). If approved by ACH, I would encourage my colleagues to look for difficulties in the workers’ relations when consumers are not around to determine if there are any conflicts that may hinder the organization’s functioning. Moreover, I would order data collectors to listen to what children say about their interactions with physicians, as youths’ poor feedback is likely to affect parents’ perception of the institution. Notably, if I had sufficient resources, I would invest in training observers to increase the likelihood of the findings being reliable (Schindler, 2022). Overall, if I were to design an observation study, I would probably follow ACH’s example but direct researchers to also address parents’ reactions, employees’ interactions, and children’s commentaries.

Ethical Issues

Studies conducted in hospitals can present considerable ethical issues (EIs). For example, EIs that may surface within healthcare settings concern patients’ wellness as people at medical facilities may be vulnerable, and a poor research design may lead to causing harm or invading privacy (Schindler, 2022). Accordingly, EIs concentrate on matters of deception, access, security, confidentiality, bias, respect, notice, and quality, and both participant and researchers have distinct ethical responsibilities (Schindler, 2022). Furthermore, ACH’s observational study is also associated with EIs since observers are likely to conceal their presence or even the participants’ involvement (Schindler, 2022). Although individuals monitored have to be notified when the analysis ends, they may feel violated even if they are being watched in public places (Schindler, 2022). Therefore, EIs that would surface in hospital studies and ACH’s examination are those focusing on the rights of all concerned parties.


To summarize, the research conducted at Akron Children’s Hospital identified the organization’s problems and suggested how to resolve the situation. The hospital needed to differentiate itself from its competitors by determining how parents decide where to take their children in need of medical assistance. Accordingly, researchers designed an observation study that proposed a solution for ACH. The case demonstrates that although observation-based examinations are associated with significant ethical issues and are not always reliable, they can provide sufficient insights.


Akron Children’s Hospital, Part A. (n.d.). [PDF document]. Web.

Schindler, P. S. (2022). Business research methods. McGraw Hill.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Akron Children’s Hospital Analysis." December 28, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/akron-childrens-hospital-analysis/.


StudyCorgi. "Akron Children’s Hospital Analysis." December 28, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/akron-childrens-hospital-analysis/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Akron Children’s Hospital Analysis." December 28, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/akron-childrens-hospital-analysis/.

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