Simulation in Healthcare Operational Decision-Making

Simulation refers to the representation of a system by another system to help organizations arrive at fundamental decisions at a reduced risk. Simulation is often applied to ensure a safe and controlled environment for healthcare staff to practice the required skills, attitude, and competence and gain confidence (Jeffries, 2022). During simulation in healthcare, learners exercise and rehearse tasks and processes related to lifelike scenarios using models or in a virtual environment to get feedback on the best practices. Simulation as a technique is effective in day-to-day healthcare due to the opportunity to develop automatically repeated actions and prompt adoption of good decisions based on the simulation of clinical and other situations.

Simulation helps identify problem areas in healthcare day-to day operations. For example, clinicians and nurses use available data to attain an accurate perspective of emergency departments, inpatient resources, and operating rooms. According to research, the latter improve policymakers and implementers in the healthcare industry to make informed decisions on areas of improvement and to phase out any unhelpful obsolete ideas in the healthcare system (Jeffries, 2022). Decision-makers in the healthcare industry can attain reliable, accurate, and trustworthy results. Simulation helps in real-time predictions and the perfect allocation of resources which is vital in day-to-day care. According to recent research on the Canadian healthcare system, extended wait periods result in lost opportunities in operational decision-making (Zhang, 2018). With new technologies, healthcare systems can attain real-time evaluations of wait times to support resource allocation and improve patient-care processes.

In conclusion, healthcare simulation helps medical practitioners to attain operation effectiveness through reduced risks in decision-making process. Nurses and clinicians use simulation in day-to-day care in order to be more confident in the decisions they should make rapidly (Ng & Shorey, 2021) Modeling in the healthcare system improves healthcare professionals’ competence in improving patient care and more accurate perspectives in running and managing different departments within healthcare facilities. Healthcare simulation remains vital in helping healthcare professionals tap into available opportunities through improved resource allocation and turnaround times.


Jeffries, P. (2022). Clinical simulations in nursing education: Advanced concepts, trends, and opportunities. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Ng, E. & Shorey, S. (2021). The use of virtual reality simulation among nursing students and registered nurses: A systematic review. Nurse Education Today, 98. Web.

Zhang, X. (2018). Application of discrete event simulation in health care: A systematic review. BioMed Central Health Services Research, 18(1), 1-11. Web.

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