America and Great Britain on American Revolution


American Revolution refers to the war that was fought between Great Britain and its colonies between 1775 and 1783. It led to the loss of many colonies by the Great Britain and eventually the formation of the United States. The national viewpoint of the two nations about the war differs and the teaching in schools also differs. The teaching in schools is biased and favors the country where the teaching is being made. The history on the American Revolution is barely covered in Great Britain schools and those areas that are covered are the ones that show heroism on part of the country in the war. On the other hand, the Americans who are praised for their victory teach about the history in their own schools and cover every aspect that led to their victory. This paper will seek to contrast the different ways America and Great Britain teach and view the history surrounding the American Revolution.

Great Britain

As stated before, the history of American Revolution is not taught extensively in schools in Great Britain (Aldo, 2008, prg.3). This is because the fruits of the war to Great Britain were not very positive. The country doesn’t like to be associated with a loss especially looking at the advancement that United States has achieved after acquiring independence. The teaching in Great Britain schools is biased to show how the soldiers from Great Britain were successful in their operations. Concerning the funding of the war, the teaching in Great Britain concentrates on the way that king George provided the funds for his colonies when fighting in North America. This was in the fights against the Indian and French war. The teaching in Great Britain also has it that tax for the colonies in America were raised in England (Charles, 2007, prg.4). The teaching does not concentrate on the fight between the British and Americans but on how the British army defeated the French and the Indians and how they acquired large pieces of land. They do not talk about their loss in the American Revolution.


In contrast to the teaching in Great Britain schools, the history of the American Revolution is covered in details in America. Here, concentration is on how the American army conquered the war. They teach about the many mistakes that the soldiers from Great Britain made that led to their victory (Keith, 2009, prg.2). The teaching also covers on the debts that Great Britain incurred after they defeated the French and the Indians. They also talk about how King George posed large taxes upon the Americans in order to recover debts incurred and how he demoted them. Teaching also covers how the Americans used their knowledge to come up with tactics that defeated King George. Teaching on how the Americans had been denied freedom and how products from America were imported at low costs by Great Britain is also covered (Lynne, 2008, p.132). The teaching in America tries to show how they had been pulled back by being colonies of Great Britain and showing how they have developed since then.


American Revolution led to the defeat of Great Britain by American colonies and America eventually acquired independence. The teaching about the history of American Revolution in America and in Great Britain differs. In fact, there is very little that is taught about American Revolution. Those areas that are touched do not really cover the American Revolution but other areas such as the defeat of the Indians and the French. In contrast, American schools cover the history of the American Revolution in details and express how they were successful in their operations. They also teach about how the opponents failed in the war.

Reference List

Aldo, B. (2008). Teaching About the American Revolution in British Schools. Web.

Charles, M. (2007). Teaching About the American Revolution in British Schools. Web.

Keith, V. (2009). Teaching About the American Revolution in British Schools. Web.

Lynne, C. (2008). The History of the American Revolution. London: McMillan publishers, 129-135.

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