American Domestic Terrorism and Its Historical Roots

The roots of terrorism date back to colonial times. The new Americans and British leaders had made an effort to annihilate the indigenous populations. Terrorism started early in America, and it is not a recent phenomenon and the fact that domestic terrorism does not receive much coverage as the current international terrorism of today. Those who perpetrated domestic terrorism back then felt it was all right. They used violence against innocent indigenous populations because they felt that the natives did not deserve to be part of American society.

I disagree with the method of bioterrorism that was employed in the genocide of the indigenous groups. The method is inhuman because innocent people could not protect themselves against smallpox. The violent activities of these groups led to the rise of other groups that wanted to purge America of unfit people. The groups have been perpetrating domestic violence since. The group that is largely known for violence against innocent people is the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) that was established shortly after the civil war. The group’s objective was to bring back white superiority. To do so involved intimidation and unleashing violence upon freed slaves.

The group has been disbanded many times throughout history but always finds a way of coming back. Every time the clan reemerges, it intensifies its operations and adds more groups to its wanted list. Today the group exits even though its membership has gone down unlike, during the civil war era. The group operates in form of many organizations, which are not easy to infiltrate. The KKK today is concerned with issues such as gay marriages, the influx of both legal and illegal immigrants into the country, and the rise of urban crime. The organizations have continued to carry out domestic violence in the name of restoring America to its roots of white supremacy.

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