Operations Management in the American Workplace: Key Concepts and Practices

The emphasis that Gallup placed on the significance of the emotional engagement of the staff members, though represented by the author as the revelation about the current concept of employee performance enhancement, was quite expected as it aligned with the contemporary idea of managing operations in the entrepreneurial environment. Indeed, a closer look at the essential processes in the organizational design will reveal that there is a high propensity to pay close attention to the communication-related issues.

The success of most operations hinges on the efficacy of the communication pattern adopted by the manager and the relationships between the manager and the employees. Misconceptions and misunderstandings emerging in the process and hindering the success of the supply chain procedures often become the stumbling block for a company, yet the introduction of efficient communication strategies, particularly, the appropriate negotiation techniques, is bound to help reduce the threat of misinterpreting messages.

Furthermore, the incorporation of efficient communication technology allows for rapid enhancement of the operations management. By focusing on improving the communication processes, the leaders of the organization contribute to a rise in employee satisfaction rates. Indeed, successful delivery of the essential ideas and messages prevents the emergence of conflicts that cause the staff members to feel frustrated and annoyed. Thus, the overall loyalty level of the people working for the organization rises consistently once the appropriate techniques are applied to the operations management processes. As a result, the people working for the company contribute to its progress and prosperity.

Furthermore, the current approach toward Operation Management also implies that the issue of costs should be addressed sensibly and responsibly. Specifically, the focus on waste reduction and the redesign of the supply chain strategy for a further drop in the number of expenses needs to be mentioned among the key tools that may create premises for employee engagement. At first glance, the two concepts have very few points of contact. A closer look at the subject matter, however, will reveal that, by saving on the processes related to the Supply Chain Management, an organization may use extra resources to create new opportunities and incentives for the employees. As a result, staff engagement rates can be increased.

Finally, the resources saved after the redesign of the supply chain toward a more sustainable practice may be used to provide the staff members with opportunities for their further personal and professional growth. Needless to say, employees need to pursue new opportunities, and the realization that a company enables them to explore new options is priceless for a person trying to be competitive in the context of the global economy.

Although the concepts of operation management and employee engagement might seem unrelated, in the environment of the global supply chain, they are linked closely; more to the point, they are interdependent. By addressing the issue of staff engagement, one is likely to expect a rapid increase in the success of the operation management processes. An OM technique chosen with the importance of interpersonal communication between the staff members and the managers in mind, in its turn, is likely to cause a rise in the employee engagement rates and, therefore, cause the performance rates to rise. Therefore, the links between OM and staff engagement need to be looked into.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, October 28). Operations Management in the American Workplace: Key Concepts and Practices. https://studycorgi.com/american-workplace-and-operations-management/

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StudyCorgi. "Operations Management in the American Workplace: Key Concepts and Practices." October 28, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/american-workplace-and-operations-management/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Operations Management in the American Workplace: Key Concepts and Practices." October 28, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/american-workplace-and-operations-management/.

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