Americans for Democratic Action (ADA): History & Key Issues

The particular interest group that I would like to discuss is Americans for Democratic Action, abbreviated as ADA. The leaders and representatives of this interest group created their website where the most important information on the activity of group members is located (“Who we are,” 2016). On their website, there is a lot of information concerning the history of this interest group and the range of political and social issues that they would like to manage. Besides, there are a lot of publications, and people who would like to know more about the movement can familiarize themselves with these materials as well.

There are a few assumptions that are supposed to be important for the discussed interest group. To begin with, representatives of ADA tend to focus on the importance of such values as liberty and justice. Apart from that, people who are a part of this group suppose that one of the most significant tasks that are sometimes underestimated is the development of the proper ecological policy that would help humanity to save natural resources and live better lives. Besides, the key values of this group are presented in the range of projects that its members organize; the latter include ones aimed at empowering American citizens and working families contributing to the success of the country.

As for the particular measures that this group wants to be taken when it comes to political development, it can be said that it supposes that financial inequality and specific living conditions of minorities have a negative influence on society, and people’s right to vote needs to be protected. To do that, it supports a range of measures such as freedom from identification for voters.

The activity of the group is aimed at proclaiming the importance of freedom and other democratic values, and it can be said that it agitates for laborers’ rights and lobbies democratic parties. As for particular congressional representatives, it is hard to define which of them gets more of its attention.

The title of current legislation related to the interests of the group is H.R.607 – Voter Access Protection Act of 2017, its key sponsor is K. Ellison from the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, and it was introduced in House two months ago. As for my opinion on this legislation, I suppose its idea to be important. At the same time, I do not think that it will pass due to certain problems related to control and safety that its implementation may bring to officials.


National action program. (2017). Web.

Who we are. (2016). Web.

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