An Approach to Studying Patient Safety by Stichler

An accurate theoretical and practical approach to studying patient safety is necessary to save hundreds of people’s lives. This approach Stichler (2016) uses in her article by examining patient safety and methods to its improvement. The main idea and thesis of Sticher’s article:

“Patient safety: A priority for healthcare and healthcare design” is the application of healthcare design and leadership to improve patient safety.

The author of the article gradually covers the topic of patient safety’s main problems to justify her recommendations for its improvement. First, Stichler (2016) looks at the main safety issues in 2016 and the cases related to the events in 2015. The author finds that many of the safety issues can be addressed by improving the design of healthcare facilities, such as corridors, common lounges, toilets, and drug storage facilities. The author also reviews the initiatives that have been proposed to improve security and concludes that they are not enough. For this reason, Stichler (2016) argues for the benefits of health care design and leadership in addressing problems. For example, leadership promotes better communication between staff and patients and the stress that caregivers face, which eliminates misunderstandings and the potential for error. At the same time, the author adopts the organization’s guidelines following the goals to create a plan for their implementation and discusses the available resources (Stichler, 2016).

Therefore, this article describes general ways to improve safety and leadership through design and leadership approaches in healthcare. The author reviews relevant healthcare issues, their impact on patients and healthcare professionals, as well as current initiatives to guide for solving problems. In addition, the author describes resources for implementing these recommendations based on the approaches of national organizations and consistent with patient safety goals.


Stichler, J. F. (2016). Patient safety: A priority for healthcare and for healthcare design. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 9(4), 10-15.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, March 18). An Approach to Studying Patient Safety by Stichler.

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StudyCorgi. "An Approach to Studying Patient Safety by Stichler." March 18, 2022.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "An Approach to Studying Patient Safety by Stichler." March 18, 2022.

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