Analysis of Kate Chopin’s Impact on Feminism

Kate Chopin was a prolific figure and a writer of the mid-to-late 19th century, who has contributed significantly to the growth of feminism in the United States. She was a well-read woman who has started writing after the death of her husband, publishing both longer works and short stories. The latter of the two was what brought her recognition, both in her time and in the modern age. Interestingly, she has written more than 100 stories over her life (Encyclopædia Britannica). In them, she largely depicted the experiences and lives of people like her and close to her. Chopin has had a fascination with the native cultures of the American South, writing about Creole and Cajun cultures in her books. Another notable part of her career was the novel written in 1899, called “The Awakening” (Kate Chopin). Themes of female autonomy and liberation were a large part of this work, as it outlined the life of a housewife that is unfulfilled with her role in society. Edna, protagonist of the novel, is a lady that wants to feel independent from others, from both the familial obligations and societal restrictions that were placed on her (Kate Chopin). As such, her actions are largely antithetical to what was expected of a woman at the time of Chopin’s life, leading to many considering the work immoral and distasteful. The dislike for “The Awakening” was so severe that the book was out of print for at least 50 years since its publishing(Encyclopædia Britannica). However, in the more recent times, scholars have found and appraised it for the progressive messaging and feminist ideas. While largely shunned during its release, the book has become one of the staples of early feminist literature today.

Works Cited

“Kate Chopin.” Short Stories and Classic Literature.

Encyclopædia Britannica. “Kate Chopin.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

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