Analysis of Twitter Data for Cronkite News

Analyzing the reader’s activity on Twitter can significantly benefit a news agency as it helps to identify the audience’s interests. The number of comments, impressions, and retweets most clearly reflects the attitude and interest of followers in a specific piece of news. This data helps news channels to form the content plan correctly, attract readers and develop their activities. Therefore, this approach is also appropriate for Cronkite News as analyzing its Top-performing tweets will help determine the interests of the audience and develop a newsroom account.

Top-performing tweets have common characteristics that can be separated into several categories. Firstly, the most popular are tweets that give the weather forecast, as well as events or tips related to them. For example, a tweet about the cool library spaces that save Phoenix residents during hot days had 10,588 impressions (“CN Twitter”, n.d.). Another category is controversial tweets such as political discussions and news or environmental issues and the measures taken to solve them. For example, a top-performing tweet had 12,769 impressions and asked users how they felt about climate changes (“CN Twitter”, n.d.). The popularity of this tweet can also be justified by the fact that it directly engages users in the discussion and inspires them to express their opinion. A similarly controversial tweet is about the appropriateness of breastfeeding in public (“CN Twitter”, n.d.). Another category of top performer tweets is unusual news and concern issues because they are unique and generate interest from readers. For example, tweets about a mass shooting and trafficking victims had almost 1400 impressions (“CN Twitter”, n.d.). Hence, all top-performing tweets have relevant and practical information for readers or encourage them to debate.

Consequently, this analysis demonstrates specific trends that can be useful for Cronkite News to move forward. First, the newsroom must regularly publish information relevant and valuable for the residents of the region or city who read it, such as the weather, upcoming events, or recommendations. Secondly, part of tweets should contain a reason for discussion and debates, even if there is no actual informational reason for its publication. For example, environmental protection issues, immunization, the prohibition of weapons, or immigration laws are always relevant to the discussion. Third, the newsroom must seek and publish unique and unusual news, although this can be difficult, especially at the local level. Finally, the newsroom should also include relevant state and national news, such as changes in policies, or environmental, health and education announcements. These publications can also contain explanations and comments for a local audience to increase their relevance and benefit readers. In this way, Cronkite News account will have different types of content that are useful and interesting for readers’ diverse audience.

Therefore, the analysis of Cronkite News’s tweets demonstrates specific trends and interests of its audience. Followers demand relevant local news that is directly related to their daily activities, such as weather and events. In addition, controversial issues and topical national political news, and unusual events also arouse readers’ interest. Therefore, Cronkite News should publish a given topic most frequently, taking into account the audience’s local characteristics.


CN Twitter Data, 2019. [Excel Spreadsheet]. (n.d)

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