Analyzing the Evolution of Data Visualization

The evaluation of the data gained through the analysis of two information resources requires a detailed examination of the subject as well as the results gained. Initially we must determine the main supporting research question that is presented in the material. The underlying idea is the evaluation of the Du Bois’ visionary statistical methods of infographics. The first part of the plan will be to determine the historical background of the concept and invention.

As it presented in the article by Mansky (2018), Du Bois explored the possibilities of visualizing the empirical data and invented new methods that provided new possibilities for the visual analysis. Data gathered through the exploration of the second resource emphasized the new strategies, methods and platforms for implementation of the same basic visual concepts provided by Du Bois through APA Style Chart, and Google Forms (L8, 2022). Therefore, the analysis is composed of two elements, first relating to the initial findings of the subject and second expanding the contemporary opportunities of the statistical evaluation.

The analytical plan must focus on the establishment of the historical development based on the gained ideas and data of visual representation of the Du Bois. The benefits and limitation must be considered. Important aspect is the formation of research question such as, what new features and abilities does the visualized charted statistics provide? Only after completing the first part and determining the question the analysis can be measured further through the evaluation of the new platforms through the comparative analysis of data, and how it is better than the initial Du Bois’ method. Thus, the complex analytical method must be implemented using synthases of the data and ideas to complement the research questions and support measured claims.


L8. (2022). Data Visualization. Google docs.

Mansky., J. (2018). W.E.B. Du Bois’ visionary infographics come together for the first time in full color. Smithsonian Magazine. Web.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Analyzing the Evolution of Data Visualization." November 15, 2023.

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