Analyzing the US Cable TV Industry

The US cable industry is one of the fast-growing industries in the US. As growth occurs, the industry is experiencing impacts from different environmental factors and forces that affect the attractiveness of the industry. The two major general environmental factors that have the most impact on the industry include demographic factors and economic factors. Demographic factors include population size, income distribution, and age structure. All these factors must be considered by any company offering cable services. The industry should target areas with more young people with a better incomes to ensure their distribution is maximized. Economic factors include demand and budgets for the people involved. People are selective, and hence the company should be able to determine their area of demand and people who are willing to spend on the installation of these cables.

Some of the forces that affect the attractiveness of the industry to identify the forces of the competitive advantage include rivalry from the competing firms and threats of new entrants. These factors have a major impact, especially competition. There are upcoming industries that are doing very well and are dominating the market. US cable TV industry has established itself, and they can be able to reach out to many people, including those who are in remote areas. New entrants create a tendency for product differentiation and cost change in the industry. This means that the industry has to either lower or raise its costs depending on the prices of the other industries that are offering the same services. I think US broadcasting and cable industry is profitable. The industry has been able to penetrate different markets and geographical areas, and its costs are almost affordable to everyone.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, March 6). Analyzing the US Cable TV Industry.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Analyzing the US Cable TV Industry." March 6, 2023.

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