“And Muhammad Is His Messenger”: Special Features

In the introductory part, the author points out that the purpose of his writing is not to discuss the deformation associated with Muhammad by the western scholars, which has been the significant reason why Islam, unlike Christianity, has a lot of obstacles. However, Muhammad represents a model and exemplar for every believer (Schimmel, 2008). The author shows understanding differences between the old and the new biographies of the prophet. Same time distinguishing the sides held by both the Muslim and non-Muslims on who the prophet was and what he represents. In the first chapter, the author highlights Muhammad’s early life and the confrontations between Muslims and Meccans towards establishing the role played by Muhammad in strategically positioning Islam as a religion (Schimmel, 2008). The second chapter focuses on the beautiful model Muhammad embraced in shaping the religion, Islam. Like God taught Adam names, Muhammad was led by the Koran by God, and because of his obedience to God, Muhammad became the messenger of God (Schimmel, 2008).

To minimize any possibilities of making assumptions, the author constantly quotes the Koran to show the unique role played by Muhammad in the establishment of Islam. By basing his writing on the Koran, the author minimizes assumptions that would be the foundation of bias in his writing. Two valuable concepts stand out in the first and second chapters of this book. In the second chapter, the central concept established is the beautiful model Muhammad embraces in his position. Since Muhammad obeys God, he is singled out to be His messenger that every believer should emulate. On the other hand, the first chapter establishes the prophet’s life and what he had to do towards the establishment of the religion.

Within the first two chapters, two key aspects stand out, giving the reading its strengths. First, the assignment provides a very distinct understanding of the prophet, his life, and his role in establishing Islam. Second, to emphasize the role of Muhammad, in turn, in becoming the model and exemplar for every believer, the reading heavily utilizes what the Koran says in bringing out the prophet served his role in the development of the religion. The major weakness has been the lack of other sources to back what the Koran says concerning the prophet and the foundation of the Islam religion.

Between this reading and the previous readings, the critical relationship is that all lessons focus on religion. The focus is central in helping the reader understand the uniqueness of every faith and what makes it stand on its own. Further, it gives insight into why the various religions resonate with multiple believers throughout the world. Only one question comes to mind upon reading these first two chapters. Given the depth of knowledge presented on Muhammad, why does the western world still find it challenging to accept Islam as it accepts Christianity? The appropriate answer to this question lies in the inability to get all religions based on their tenets. In answering this question, the western world should eliminate bias over Islam and be as open to the faith as it is to Christianity. Peace throughout the world starts by accepting people for who they are, who/what they believe in, without judging them any less. No matter how different Islam is from Christianity, the difference is what makes it unique.


Schimmel, A. (2008). And Muhammad is his messenger. Islamic Book Trust.

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1. StudyCorgi. "“And Muhammad Is His Messenger”: Special Features." January 24, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/and-muhammad-is-his-messenger-special-features/.


StudyCorgi. "“And Muhammad Is His Messenger”: Special Features." January 24, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/and-muhammad-is-his-messenger-special-features/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "“And Muhammad Is His Messenger”: Special Features." January 24, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/and-muhammad-is-his-messenger-special-features/.

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