Addressing Anti-Latino Discrimination: Political & Social Perspectives

Introduction to the issue

In the last one or two decades, the United States (US) economy has experienced various shocks that have contributed to job losses and heightened competition for basic resources. Consequently, civil rights activists among other equality stakeholders have observed an increase in overall discrimination towards various ethnic groups. This increase in discrimination has been particularly significant for Hispanics who are residing in America. Statistics indicate that about half of the Latino population living in the United States has experienced some form of discrimination about their heritage. These levels of discrimination are in stark contrast to the country’s commitment to equality and diversity. Consequently, it has become important for civil rights advocates to try to find the causes of discrimination towards Latinos because this would help in the quest for inequality. On the other hand, Latinos need to be treated as deserving citizens of the United States, and for them to enjoy constitutional rights. This essay addresses the discrimination of Latinos within US society as an issue that has to be addressed and eliminated using equality and moral values.

Political and social association

In the quest for both political and social inequality within the US, African Americans are considered the minority group that has suffered the most discrimination. Therefore, the discrimination of Latinos has not been addressed with the same scope or political urgency as that of African Americans. When Barrack Obama became the President of the United States, the discrimination issues of Hispanic communities started gaining prominence. However, the events surrounding the 2017 changeover between Presidents Obama and Trump that has made the moral treatment of Latinos a top priority for both political and societal discrimination stakeholders (Hatzenbuehler et al. 169).

The missed opportunity

It is important to note that there have been several missed opportunities in the process of eliminating discrimination against Latinos. For example, how Latino cultures are handled in America and other Western societies has been a contributing factor for discrimination. Most of the other ethnic groups that reside in the US continue to view the Latino culture as a segregated and foreign culture. For example, some of the other minority cultures have managed to entrench their roots into American society without reference to their origins. Furthermore, the members of the Latino culture are observed to reject their incorporation into American society. Research on the issue of minimal interactions between Latino and other cultures could contribute to a realization of equality.

Immigration issues

The issue of immigration is also close to the subject of discrimination among Latinos. Statistics indicate that the Hispanic demographic is one of the fastest-growing ones in the country, with a population of about 57 million in 2016 (Johnson & Lichter 712). The immense population increase has been attributed to massive entry to the US of immigrants from Latin America beginning in the 1980s. This immigration issue has contributed to a negative image towards Latinos, including legal residents of the US. It is important to note that crime statistics in the country have also linked Latinos to higher rates of crime, about their citizen-status and overall culture.


Discrimination of Latinos within society is an issue that warrants speedy and morally acceptable solutions. This essay has outlined some of the social and political issues that apply to the rising levels of discrimination. Some of these issues include recent political developments, the immigration issue, and crime statistics. In the future, it is important to address the root causes of discrimination instead of generalizing the issue.

Works Cited

Hatzenbuehler, Mark, et al. “Immigration Policies and Mental Health Morbidity Among Latinos: A State-level Analysis.” Social Science & Medicine, vol. 174, no. 1, 2017, pp. 169-178.

Johnson, Kenneth, and Daniel Lichter. “Diverging Demography: Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Contributions to US Population Redistribution and Diversity.” Population Research and Policy Review, vol. 35, no. 5, 2016, pp. 705-725.

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