Approaches to Community Health

Reflecting on the course, several concepts and issues were particularly important and are anticipated in further practice and career. Studying and tackling them is essential in order to develop communal healthcare and the healthcare system in general. Health discrepancies, social health determinants, public health, the logic model, and the collaboration between various healthcare levels are among them. Investigating these concepts and issues, as well as possible ways to tackle them, are important regarding my future career and practice.

Bringing community, service providers, financing, and academic resources together to influence the population’s health is a major problem for community-based initiatives to minimize health disparities (Soreide et al., 2019). Hybrid systems, as it was studied, have a lot of potential for long-term sustainability and scalability. Another important issue is the social determinants in a community health context. To address the gap, survey methodologies and community-based field investigations should be enhanced (Soreide et al., 2019). Findings may be utilized to generate more effective, evidence-based solutions for addressing socioeconomic variables in communities’ healthcare.

The purpose of community-based health care in terms of public health is to enhance health services and patient outcomes in specific communities. Community healthcare providers can give services to specific populations and bring wellness to communities that would not otherwise have appropriate access to healthcare by using public health theory at a community level (Soreide et al., 2019). Lastly, the collaboration between the health, social services, and other sectors is frequently promoted as a means of improving population health, which is another key subject presented by the courses. Local cooperation must be understood in the context of bigger policy considerations, as well as other variables that influence population health (Soreide et al., 2019). To fully utilize the system, however, this collaboration must be built by creating a logic model. A logical model depicts how an endeavor or project should function. Effective logic models describe the behaviors that will result in community change.

Overall, these concepts show that community health is closely intertwined with the other sectors of healthcare. The understanding of these issues and the ways of the possible solution to them through studied concepts (the logic model, for instance) will contribute to my future career. The healthcare system and approaches to community health are closely connected with the issues and concepts above. While the solutions do not lie on the surface, community healthcare continues to develop.


Soreide, H., Kyrkjebo, D., & Raholm, M. B. (2019). Challenges in municipality healthcare services—The nurse leaders’ perspective. Nursing Open, 6(3), 889-896.

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